How To Apply Foundation...

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As it's my holiday off work for a week this week, I have definitely got more time on my hands to release helpful blogs for you all! (Well I hope their helpful for you!)

I wanted to share some helpful beauty tips with you as I am definitely one of those girls who love finding out more beauty tips of how to apply make-up! I always think they come in handy! Plus, sometimes I am not always that sure if I am applying my make-up correctly but that's only because we always compare our make-up to other people and think that theirs look better than ours. It's the way we work isn't it?

So I thought I would take the time and tell you how I apply my foundation, I hope this helps you all! 

Everyone can make your skin look like it's the perfect skin it's all down to choosing the right colour to match your skin tone and learning how to apply it. 

So follow a few simple handy tips of mine to achieve flawless skin, everyone needs a bit of help don't they, even models need some guidance? 

Finding the right colour foundation always plays a massive impact on your make-up! So follow my tips! 

1) Make sure you remove any existing foundation, it's always best to judge what works better on bare skin. 

2) Try and select three or four shades that you think are closest to your skin tone and apply them in thick lines from your cheek bone to your jaw. 

3) Make sure you check in day light as day light always has the best lighting. The shade that fades is the right one for you and your skin. 

4) Before you buy, wait for a little while to see how it reacts with your skin. 

5) I always find myself having two or maybe three different shades as I am quite pale skinned and it is always a lot harder to find the exact shade to match. But also, it's due to the seasons changing as well it's always best to have a slightly darker shade so you can mix it with  your paler foundation to give a slight tanned look

Now follow me and take a look at my foundation step - by- step...

Top tip - Before you begin, always pull your hair back and make sure you wash your hands. You don't have to but I would always advise you to cleanse and moisturise your face. 

1) Make sure you dot your foundation onto your forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. You can either use your fingers, a sponge or a brush it's whichever you prefer using. I have actually tired out all three methods but I now stick with using the Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, it's just perfect for full coverage and it applies your foundation more smoothly I find leaving your with a fuller coverage. 

2) Make sure you blend the foundation outwards and across the cheeks, forehead and nose. Ty to fade it out gradually down to the jaw and towards the hairline. Make sure you don't blend it upwards as it will clog in your facial hairs and eyebrows leaving you with not a very nice look! 

3) I always find using your ring finger or a concealer brush again whatever one you prefer using. Your ring finger has a lighter touch than the index finger, to dot concealer around your eyes and gently pat it in. Make sure you don't put it on your eye lids, as it will cause your eye shadows and creams to crease. 

4) You don't have to follow this step but I always think it's always an extra handy tip to make your make-up look even more amazing than before. All you have to do for a better blended and more even result, sweep the clean side of the sponge or use a spare brush if you have one and sweep it over your face, then finally do one last check in natural daylight. If you look good in this light, you should look good in any type of lighting.

I hope this helps you all! Leave me some comments below please as I love to hear your feedback!

Lots of love, Anya x

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