Halloween Is Coming!...

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Okay, its officially count down time as there's five more days to go to Halloween!!

I'm guessing from my social media that you have all seen how excited I am for Halloween by now... If you haven't then you're probably lucky as Halloween is like the first Christmas for me of the year... I find it so exciting!!! 

In all honesty, I think for when Halloween arrives it's also a warm welcome to Autumn and the Wintery months. 

I love spending the time carving Pumpkins, gathering around the fireplace with my friends and family with a hot chocolate on the table side. How could life be any better?!

As you can see it didn't take me long to take a quick little photo of the pumpkin either.... 

Spooky, hey?

Maybe , it's just me but I find carving pumpkins so relaxing and creative!! 

Then again, having my nails done is pretty relaxing too!... 

Autumn, is such a pretty time of year and with; pink, white, grey and black being my favourite colours then what better way to mix them all together! 

Not forgetting the marbled patterns on the nails which almost look like Halloween.! 
Almost two years ago, this was my Halloween look and I can't believe it's been that long!! 

It's crazy how fast time goes by, isn't it?

With Halloween being on the cards, it's going to be  'Halloween Spiced Up Blogs" for the next couple of days!! 

I can't wait for you all to share selfies and endless amounts of 'Halloween' pictures as I love seeing your take on things...

Eeek - it's exciting....

Although, now it's tine for bed as I need to rest up for work the next day!! It's definitely Autumn weather round the corner due to the chesty cough and an endless trickily throat! 

Night World!


Body and Mindsets....

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Wow, how 'Anya inspried' is this?... 

I guess if it's; pink, black and in someway involves food then for sure you have me drawn in! 

Welcome 'Fri-YAY!'... 

Without a shadow of a doubt, there was no way I couldn't post this Boomerang as it sums up my Friday's.... Hectic, as always!! Also, running into the weekends being completely unorganised - I thought there's no other way than to show this Boomerang as it sets the mood brilliantly! 

Skipping straight into the reasoning behind this blog... I wonder if you have any idea, why I am posting/sharing the above photo with you all... If you do, you're a bloody good mind-reader or  you have followed my blog from day one and know how often I talk about the topic... 

One way or another the blog is finally here! 

However, if you haven't had a moment to think or identify what the topic of this blog could be then please use this next opportunity to pause and think!!....






Still Pause ! 



Previously in the blog yesterday, I recall mentioning that it was Mental Health Awareness Day... For those of you who know me on a personal note or know of me then you will know how important this day is for me. 

It's a day that is so subtle and easily forgotten because sometimes people don't understand the true worth the day has. It's a day where I hope people pull together and express the importance of the day. 

In fact, I paused on the day and resisted from posting as I was observing to see how many people posted and to see what was shared!... 

This topic has so many doorways, so many topics that I could find myself lost in through explaining each sector. However, I am going to state two of the main factors which I believe influence a lot towards 'Mental Health'. 

1) Body 

2) Mindest! 

Again, please take a moment to think about the two factors... 

Use the time to comment and express your thoughts too! 




With working alongside this topic for many years, I have come to the conclusion that these two are possibly the main two factors that cause mental health. 

Initially, this would be down to the fact that nowadays there are so many girls and boys suffering from the idea of having to look a certain way or to be a certain size. I often find myself walking through the city hearing how both genders put their selves down due to the fact that they can't fit into the smallest size clothing or because they ate at lunch time.... Literally, the most silliest things have the most impact on our mindsets and our bodies!  

Often, I pause and take a moment to remember what it was like being back in high school and even then the anxiety of knowing the damage I had put my mind and my body through scars me. We have all been there! It took me a while, to admit how much I damaged my body and my mind. I remember being scared to eat as my peers may think differently towards me or to only allow myself to have 1 meal a day. 1 meal a day!!!! I repeat, 1 meal a day! At that specific time, that really meant nothing to me but now looking back how on earth did I survive?.. 

Even now to this day I struggle to eat more than 1 meal because I have shrunk my stomach so much that sometimes I suffer with severe sickness due to changing my body. Is it really worth placing your body through so much strain?


You don't have to be a size 6 to be happy. In fact, I found myself less happier because I mentally and physically put my body and my health through so much distress. Now I am a size 8/10 and I am more than healthy as I am happy through knowing I really don't need to add so much strain towards myself. 

The moment, you face your fears and face reality is the moment you come to terms with understanding that the world isn't as scary as you believe. To do so, you have to be ready to communicate with somebody you trust but most importantly yourselves... 

Until that point, you're left to struggle and trust me things will only proceed to failure and pain! 

Mental Health, is an ongoing battle for a lot more people than we truly believe.

From time to time, someone will stand up and speak out loud but majority of people are left struggling to cope within themselves... 

Often, I hear the same questions repeated; 

'Why didn't she/he tell me she/he was suffering?" 

"Why didn't they talk?" 

"How come they're quiet lately?"

The questions are endless, the answers are short and simple. 

If you notice, someone is struggling help them, guide them and most importantly listen. 

To make someone whole again, it could literally just be a five minute conversation. Time often saves and builds someones confidence again. 

Did you ask, if they were okay? 

Did you truly listen?

Did you seem like you paid enough attention?

One simple action could resolve such a big impact on someone's life.

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Mental health, is truly such a big can of worms that everyone could spend forever in a day speaking about. 

Although, highlighting two of the main issues  is very important! 

'Allow yourselves to help others in order for those to help you.' - This is truly the best advice I could give when it comes to this topic as if you struggle on your own it will become worse day by day.

Without a doubt, I could sit here and list so many things that I see as negatives towards myself and my body but instead I have come to a positive pathway and pushed the doubts away. 

You're who you are!... 

I prefer wearing my hair curly but there will be days you see me with straight hair.

I'm not as skinny as I used to from being 17, I am now 20 years old and I am a happy size 8/10.

I do have big hips that stick out and I have incy wincy tiny legs! 

We can't win! 

But I am happy, I have friends and family who love me and it's time to embrace who we all are, as if you don't nobody else can! 

Look for the positives and that way you will achieve! 

You never have to be scared of being you... 


I feel like I have made my point and it's important that I keep you all focused so I don't want to babble on but please feel free to contact my email at any time... I will respond, nobody is ever alone! 

Let's stand together! 

Much love as always, 


Shakes before bed...

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I had hoped it would be a productive day, in my eyes a productive day would be to ensure I have blogged so much that I fall asleep with the laptop on the bed... I think that is definitely going to happen considering I am in bed and my eyes are fairly tired!!... 

However, I hope you have all enjoyed the blogs so far today!! 

I guess, before bed I couldn't resist making a smoothie.... To be fair, it was actually more like half past eight but it seems bed is calling and I need a rest so bed is definitely calling!! 

Anyway, smoothie making time!.... 

No doubt, from my Snapchat and Instagram stories you will see that initially the beginning of the smoothie making process everything was going magnificently and then I had to have a little blonde moment as always and call for Emma's assistance!! 

I swear, it's just tiredness or again another blonde moment! Let's go with the first one as I can't always blame it on my hair colour, can I? 

So anyway, for whatever reason it seemed to be... I couldn't twist the blender into the slot! Ah, it needed stronger hands than mine I guess... Ha!


So initially the first step is to prep! Decide what you wish to have inside your smoothie and remember to add liquid... I genuinely forget that bit haha! 

As you can see, I blinking love my fruit! So when I tend to make a smoothie I make sure it's full to the brim with different layers of fruit as afterwards I always feel extremely full-up but very healthy! I do add milk to the smoothie though!! 

It's taken me a while to get to my happy place and I couldn't wait to express that with you all as it's important to share with those who support you and who care to let them know your okay. Especially, as it's been 'Mental Health Awareness Day' a week ago... I have seen and shared so much support online as you all know how much this day and topic means to me. 

The idea of knowing your all reading my blogs makes me feel satisfied because I have you and your eyes with me for those few moments and within those moments I want you all to know how important it is to speak but to not only speak to be listened too! 

You're all special, you all have a voice that should be heard and somebody is always out there for you! Never think otherwise! 

I would spend forever in a day replying to every single comment and email you all send me because to know you have someone makes my day...

I want you all to feel empowered and confident within your body and within yourself as everybody is beautiful! 

This is why, when I feel confident I share my feelings with you all as I know it will encourage others to share their confidence and so on! 

Be You! 

Much Love As Always 


An Adventure With Sky...

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Look who's back again...  That's correct, it's me!! 
From my Instagram posts yesterday, you will see that I had a vintage farm inspired look... It's been a while since I have worn my Timberlands so of course they had to make an appearance!!

As you most likely saw from my social media yesterday,I was dead excited to share my little adventure with Sky! How beautiful, is she? Not forgetting, to introduce my sassy neighbour Sarah!!

Of course, we had to take a quick pit stop off to Chocomilk for a little milkshake!! 

Sky, Sarah and I found ourselves walking for at least three hours... We definitely needed a day touring Winchester and chasing Sky! Sometimes, taking yourselves out for the day walking is all you need to take yourselves away from social media and focus on the world right in front of you all! 

I am so glad, I have found that comfort within being with Sky and my friends... It's the best feeling in the world!! 

I couldn't wait to share my Autumn vintage inspired style with you all either... 

So let's dive right into Friday shall we?... 

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Don't you just wish you could hug Friday and never let it go?... That will be me every week!

Lots of Love, 

Autumn Vibes 2017...

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So it's set in stone, Autumn for sure has arrived! Has anyone left the house without a scarf yet? If so, what do you think you're doing? Head back inside and grab that scarf! Embrace, Autumn!!... 

It's been ten days since I posted the last blog!! I'm extremely sorry for the late reply, I have been working nights recently and for those of you out there who know what it's like to work nights you simply know that means your days become your nights and you zzzzz until your alarm... Unless, you're like me and you sleep through your alarm! 

Occasionally, this has happened to me!! I won't lie!... 

Anyway, from recent emails that I have received I have noticed that you've been missing my Autumn Fashion pieces! Trust me, that won't be far away!! 

I have a lot up my sleeve for you and rest assured I have been working extremely hard to make sure they come up pretty soon... 

However, let's get back to basics... It's my first day off in what seems like forever!! So I thought, I would dedicate the day too blogging!! 

Unfortunately, it will be blog after blog after blog!! 

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It's laptop, blog and bed day!... 

Leather jackets, ripped jeans, scarves, body-cons, faux fur and sliders are definitely my most essential go to during this period... 

It feels like it's been a long time since, I have shared my inspired outfits which is why I couldn't resist sharing one of the inspired looks with you all... 

For those of you who are wondering where the items are from: 

Leather Jacket - Matalan
Sliders - MissPap!
Scarf - H&M
Body-con - Boohoo  

It's definitely become one of those days where you find yourself spending hours on Netflix and shopping online... OH BOY!! 

Let's roll onto the next blog... 




Autumn Is Coming....

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I'm back, did you miss me?... 

It's certainly a warm welcome to October!! I'm finally super excited as I know Autumn is right around the corner which means its time to cuddle up on the sofa with Christmas movies and a warm cup of coco in your hands!! 


It's exciting! 

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Image result for autumn tumblr

I find it so difficult to make up my mind whether I prefer Summer or Autumn... It's definitely one of the hardest decisions, right?... 

They both have a massive impact on me! 

When the autumn leaves begin to fall, that immediate feeling to grab your scarf and platform boots send sparks running in motions!! Anybody else agree with me? Mmmm-hmmm! 

Not forgetting, that Halloween is right around the corner too! Oh, how exciting! 


It's been a while since, I have posted online. I am sure you're all aware it's typically the busiest months upcoming! I have a lot to share with you and to explore with you all. 

Meetings with incredible people are also being featured on here soon! <3 

My best advice to you all is to... 

'Not get lost in you, allow yourselves to find you before you find others!'

I find myself often trying to help others rather than focusing on myself. I often get caught up with other people's emotions because I'm right there rather than thinking of what I need. 

It's not a bad thing to help others, in fact its admirable and it shows you're a good person but sometimes you need to be good for you and you only. 

You would have noticed, I have been heading to the gym and not as frequent with posting uploads online recently... 

Sometimes, it's good to hide. 

Take time for you and allow yourselves to be listened to, too!  


Now let's start focusing on the winter weather as it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas period already....!! 

How fancy, is this little mug?... 

One thing, I always find myself excited for is buying Christmas gifts for others. How exciting!... 

If you saw my, Instagram story the other morning I'm sure you would have noticed that Christmas may have possibly already have started here in my house! 

You can't go wrong with a hot water bottle, hot coco with marshmallows and pretending your younger than you actually are. HA! Yep, that's me still pretending I'm eighteen - maybe I just love the cup.. Thanks

Let's head into Autumn with happy and positive vibes!! 

Lots of love as always, 

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