A Few Surprises Here And There...

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Sometimes, there's just no words other than Sunday... I think to some degree, we all know what Sunday's are for... Lounging! 

I find Sunday's are perfect for scheduling in lots of blogs, working and spending time with my dearests! 

Anyway, so as your aware there have certainly been a lot of surprises here and there based around the blog and my life right now! It's interesting! It's most definitely become a lot more hectic than normal! But we all love being busy right? 

Again, right now I'm not in the position to disclose too much... I know it sucks, if I was reading this right now I would be dying to know!... As hard as it might be I'm afraid you will have to wait and find out in due time! 

I'm sure you're all aware that Lizzie and I have collaborated... On what? That's the question you should all be asking?... However, right now our lips are sealed! 

For finding out the gossip, I would head over to our joint Instagram account! There is so much to share with you all, so please do follow us on our journey! 

First of all, I must say a massive thank you to you all for following us already! We have only had the account for roughly for or five days and the followers we have received have been incredible amounts.! So thank you! 

It's really hard keeping everything a secret as I love to share so much with you but I feel like when we're both ready to release a few little surprises then you will love them as much as we do! 

All I am saying is... keep an eye out on the account especially around Valentine's Day and other events as we have so much to come! 

Be sure to check out both of our Instagram pages too as we drop a few hints here and there!

But wow, thank you! 

I couldn't resist sharing mine and Lizzie's logo for LA's Way! 

What do you all think? - Having your opinions are really important for Lizzie and I! 

We both can't wait to share so much more with you all! Go ahead and find out the gossip by following LA's Way on Instagram... 

Oh and before I forget to mention, also find us on Facebook too! 

New gossip will always be shared on our social media and blogs so keep your eyes peeled! 

Much Love As Always... 

Your , 


A Special Surprise From Superdrug....

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well good evening everyone, what's your weekend been like? Interesting I hope.! 


Where do I start? 

So I am literally going to head straight into the subject of this blog instead of waffling away... Haha! 

Just before Christmas, in fact two days before... I received this beautiful box in the post! At first, I was confused as I knew I hadn't ordered anything which to be fair was shocking to believe as Superdrug is my go to website! We all have that one website that we tend to spend forever on though don't we? - I tend to have about for or five of those though! 

However, how beautiful is the design on the Bubble T box? It's simply stunning! It's definitely me down to a tea that's for sure! - With the mixes of; pink, red, white and black!

I then discovered that Superdrug had sent me a little surprise which most definitely influenced towards one of my favourite Christmas's! - We all have those few Christmas's which end up becoming our favourites, don't we?! 

Inside the box, I found this beautiful jar which contains cute little bath bombs but what I also love is the fact that I can reuse the pretty pink plastic jar! It's so beautiful! 

Of course, my nails had to be matching! - A typical Anya Marie moment!... 

Followed by this beautiful 'pick n mix pot'! I am lost for words, it's such a gorgeous design! How cute does it look?... Do you ever feel like you can't take something out of the packaging because of how pretty it looks? I'm most definitely feeling like that right now! 

I can't wait to use all the beautiful products! 

Currently, I have used two or three of the bath bombs and they're simply heavenly! 

Superdrug, clearly know me very well as they know my love for Strawberries and Raspberries! 

So wow..! Once again, thank you Superdrug and Bubble T for the beautiful gifts! 

I love them! 

Lots of love!.... 


Stopping And Believing In Yourself..

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Hello Blogging World... 

After, a long snooze! It's time for me to hit back with another blog! There's nothing I love more than being able to post more than one blog a week! It makes me so happy to be able to share so much with you all! 

I knew this had to make a little feature on this specific blog as it fits the theme quite well! 

Before I get to the point of the blog, credit must be shown towards my cheeky little photographer Lizzie Narey who's also as you know my best friend too! Ha-ha!

Remember to take a little look at her new blog! Click Here For Lizzie's Blog!

Now let's head straight back to the point of the blog... 

You must always take the time to stop and believe in yourselves!...

 If you don't believe in yourself first, then who else will?  

Without realising, Lizzie captured this photograph when I felt at my lowest... It certainly doesn't seem to reflect those emotions though does it? It reflects power and strength! 

Sometimes, being at your lowest makes you reach your highest! 

Today, I have reached over 45,000 views on the blog! Get in there Anya! 

I've never really reflected negative views on the blog, as sometimes I feel they don't need to be mentioned. However, I feel this is the perfect opportunity to do so! 

When I first started out with blogging I knew there were a few negative people who pointed the finger; 

'Will she even make one view?'
'She's boring, how can she become a blogger?' 
'She won't get anywhere!'

Now is the time to say, yes I definitely have reached more than one view! 

Sometimes, it's not about reaching anywhere other than reaching yourself! 

Ignoring the negatives is always best, but without the negative views being there in the first place you wouldn't be determined to push yourself further! So thank you!
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Stop allowing others to push your day-dreams out the window... Keep the views in a little box with the lid on it and make your dreams happen! 

I never thought, I would even reach near to 100 views let alone 45,000! 

I know I thank you all often, but it's ever so important for me to continue thanking you all! 

I'm truly speechless, I really am! 

I'm going to end the blog on a positive by reinforcing to you how you should all reach for your dreams.!

Lots of love always, 


Here We Come Amsterdam!!

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Well well well... It looks like I have some exciting news for you all!
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I'm heading off to Amsterdam in May!! 

When I found out, I couldn't wait to share the exciting news with you all! 

How beautiful is Amsterdam? Its so pretty! 

I remember heading to Amsterdam when I was roughly eight or nine for my grandad's sixtieth birthday! 

I'm even more excited to find out Lizzie and I are heading out to celebrate my twentieth and her twenty second! Super exciting!! 

I know I will end up becoming a proper tourist as who doesn't love exploring the world?

This for sure means I will be posting many fashion blogs based around what I will be taking with me! 

Now you probably know why I have purchased the above bag, which I know I have shared with you in a previous blog... This bag has become my go to travel bag! Its very stylish and easy to travel with! What else does a girl need really? 

I am dead excited for May the 8th!.... I know I will be keeping you all posted with how our travels end up!! I know there will be so many exciting things to share as we have so many places we all fancy visiting! It's dead exciting!! 

Although, Liz and I are praying both Tom's aren't drunk before we make it to Amsterdam! Ha-ha! 

I can't wait to keep you updated with plans! 

Now I'm thinking it's time to hit the pillow and zzzzzz! 

Lots of love as always... 



New Me, New Year & New Surprises...

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Well it's a massive happy hello from me today guys! Doesn't it always feel good when it's a positive and happy response towards the start of the week?

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Its all about embracing positive vibes and grabbing the new opportunities instead of watching them fly right out of your hands... 

I couldn't wait to share this blog with you all! It's really important to me to thank you all for watching me grow alongside watching the blog grow! 

At no point did I think I would be sat here a year and a half down the line with a solid 45,000! Mad! It leaves me speechless every single time! 

For a few days, I have been teasing you all with little hints around there being a surprise for the blog! Have you all discovered what the surprise is? Hopefully!! 

The blog has been updated, with many new features and hopefully you can tell I've gone for a more sophisticated look. As well, my style has adapted since first having the blog so it's almost to reinforce the change from starting the  blog at eighteen and now heading into 2017 where I am turning twenty!! Yes twenty!! What a shocker!! 

It's a big step growing adult and growing from being a teenager into being an adult... It's fair to say, growing up can really be a struggle at times but growing into you is what makes everything fun!

The best way to enjoy your life is to enjoy being yourself and allowing yourself to develop and grow! 

I'm really impressed with the new design on the blog! I hope it's surprised you all! I know, I've been super eager to share the new look with you all! 

Let me know what you all think of the new look! 

Check out the new pages too as they have had some slight changes too! 



Facing Your Reality...

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Good evening to my lovely readers... 

This post has been a long time coming but sometimes it's about finding the right time to post a certain blog... I've found my timing!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, selfie and close-up

I'm going to say this once and then I will leave you guys wondering if you have reached your happy place too and I really hope you have!... 

'Finding Your Happy Place Is All Well And Good. But Actually Reaching Your Happy Place And Settling There, That's Where You've Got To Be!''

What I must say is this, it's a good thing to have emotions. Don't allow anybody else to tell you otherwise! It's natural, we all get hurt every now and then but the most important thing is knowing how you rise from your hurt and believe me it's the best feeling ever! 

Life throws many different challenges at you it's all about how you catch them! 

Breaking yourself once every now and then is part of the jigsaw. Finding time to reinvent yourself and build your new chapters are definitely ones to be read! 

Be ready to face fear and pain, growing afterwards is the strongest achievement you will ever make! 

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Amen to that! Are there any words really that need to follow that up? No! None at all!


A little mention had to be added in this blog towards watching Lauren Googer in her therapy session on Channel 5 last night! As always, there are certain pieces of my life that I like to keep hidden but I am overwhelmed with how much I can relate to towards Lauren's story! 

For those of you ladies or gents out there who have recently just come out of a relationship or faced a tough corner in your life then I hugely recommend watching Lauren's story... 

It's fair to say, we all have a story... We all have new chapters arising and one long journey to live! So let's start living, not wasting time looking back to your past!  

You never know how strong you all are until it's your only option! 

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Again, thank you Lauren for being brave enough to share your story! It's allowed others to become stronger and truly inspired people! 

The saying; "Nobody knows your story until you've lived it!" - certainly springs to mind!

Face Your Reality!.... 

Lots of love, 

Rocking The Pink & A Relaxing Night In...

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Well my oh my it's that time of night where I hit you all up with another blog again! Your excited, right? Ha-ha! 

I can't stress how important it is to find the time to relax. I also know how important it is to work your hardest to achieve your biggest dreams!! 

The thing is we all need that in-between balance, don't we? 

So here's a little insight into how I wind down! 

Step 1) 

No matter where I am or what I am doing, I always find the time for my music... As they all say, in goes the earphones and we all shut off from the world. However, in this case I press a button and place my speaker on the wall! 

Luckily for me, I always find that music is my happy place! I love how music can de-stress you and free your mind... 

On that note, I have been dying to share this speaker with you all on the blog! It's a shower speaker... yeah that's right! A SHOWER SPEAKER! The speaker really excites me! Plus it's pink! How could life get any better that that?  

Step 2) 

A massive thank you to my second mum Ang, (Lizzie's muum), for my beautiful PJ's which are from Matalan! How beautiful are they?! 

So of course my second tip is to find a pair of pj's or clothing which you feel relaxed in! 

I've got to admit that when I am feeling like the need to de-stress I will always go and buy myself a new pair of pj's as it always makes me feel more relaxed! It's strange how our minds work at times, isn't it? 

A side note, how adorable are the love heart prints? 

Step 3) 

Run yourselves a nice hot bath or run the shower! Relax! 

Step 4) 

If you're anything like me then you will know you have more shower gel and bubble bath than Superdrug or Boots.. But always having a selection is good, so make sure you pick wisely and allow your skin to indulge in a beautiful shower gel or bubble bath!! (I can hear myself sounding Northern when I say 'bath' thanks for the accent there Nan!) Ha! 

Step 5)

Then plump yourself down on the sofa and enjoy spending time amongst your family and friends! Grab yourself a cup of tea, turn the TV on and zone out from the world. Or if you're feeling like relaxing and freeing your mind from social media's and the soap world... Turn the TV off alongside putting your phone on silent and grab a book! Read away! 

For those of you who have kept up to date with my social media pages, you would have noticed that I've been wearing a lot of pink recently! Let's just say, my inner Barbie is making an appearance! We all know how to rock the pink though! 

Just so you all know here's a little summary of where my clothes are from; 

Coat - Primark - I think it was only £20!
Bag - Peacocks - £14! 
Ripped Leggings - Matalan - £10! 
Cold shoulder Top - £10! 

I love rocking the pink  look!! 

To follow up with how I have styled the pink look... It's always important to me to find at least a day during the week where I can have a no make-up day! Jokes aside, I know we all love our make-up girls but its very important to look after your skin and have a little breather. 

Have you all had a little think about what the surprise could be?? 

It's now time for some sleep!... 

Lots of love, 

Anya Marie Ball x

Have I got News For You?...

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Hey my lovelies, how are you all? 

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The most important thing to remember is to smile...!! 

Life is full of many opportunities, grab them!! 

Who's ready for the weekend already??

So, I am sorry for the shortness of this blog but it's pretty simple! I have a little surprise coming for you all!  

I thought, it would be rather sweet to share the pre-announcement before it happens... 

I guess it's also to keep you all wondering what could be around the corner... 

On that note, I will leave you thinking! But I honestly can't wait to share the new things with you!! I'm dead excited!!! 

Thank you all for keeping up with me and joining me on the many exciting adventures!.. 

P.S - don't forget to share your thoughts etc on what could be coming in the next few days... Let's see who's close to finding out! 

Lots of love, 

Anya Marie Ball x


Are You Guys Fancying A Q & A?...

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Hey! It seems, I just can't get away from blogging today!!

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My nan always used to say to me when I was little, by Wednesday it's that time of week where you know if you have accomplished something or wasted a week! So it's important to me to make the most of every moment! I think it's also very important to reiterate that too! 

So let's make Wednesday a positive day for all of us, hey?

Make the most of every moment!

I'm not entirely sure if you guys will be able to read this after it's been posted! So I will basically explain in case you can't! 

It's that time of year.... for a..... Questions & Answers blog!! 

As you can see, I got a little carried away with drawing the flower... I couldn't resist writing you all a little note ha-ha! 

So instead of hinting to you all... I thought I would announce the fact I will be writing a Questions and Answers blog in the next few weeks. So you all know the score by now! 

If you have any questions for me that you would love to know!  Hit me up on all my social media's!

I can't wait to receive all your questions! 

Love As Always, Anya Marie x


Taking A Little Trip Down To Winchester & Northampshire...

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Hello Blogging World... How are we all doing today?... 

What better way is there to kick start off a 'Wednesday' blog with lots of selfies? None, yeah that's what I though too! 

Okay, wow so I have had a few busy days recently which I physically haven't had time to fit in space for a blog! 

I've been so eager lately to pick up the laptop; head to my bedroom, grab my headphones and type away!... Now, there's no stopping me! 

As I am back!... 

During the last few months of my life, it's been pretty full on! 

What with; attending modelling shoots, working around Christmas and the New year period, meeting my father for the very first time which was shortly followed by meeting my brothers too, designing and most importantly working on new projects for the blog! 

It's been super exhausting but I have loved every single minute of it!

Sometimes, it's good to take a little detox from social media or other things.... It's super important for us all to take a little break! 

I reinforced that taking a break was something I needed!.... 

Before I knew it, I was on the boat heading towards Winchester for the day... Well technically Southampton, then I drove to Winchester.... But that didn't sound as good as the bit beforehand so I'll go with that nonetheless! 


Chubby and I headed over to see Charlie for a few days... (In case, you're all wonderring... yes I have a name for my car!) 

After, settling in at Charlie's beautiful home we headed towards the shops of course!! 

Little did we know at this point we would be heading to Northamptonshire!... 

It wouldn't be right to not try out a few mirror selfies right?... Charlie's mirror definitely passed! Ha-ha! 

It's really important for me to reiterate how you should appreciate your loved ones and take the time for yourself! 

How could I not post Charlie's candy floss machine on the blog?! It was definitely delicious! Thanks again Charlie!! 

I've got to say I was definitely embracing the pink! We love a bit of pink though, right?

Life is all about making the journey's worth while and taking chances you never thought you would have! 

I had a lovely time visiting my dearest best friend Charlie! Followed by, taking a trip to see my father and brothers! 

Life is all about being happy! 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie! xx

Reaching 40,000 views...

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Good evening ladies and gents, how are we all? Hopefully we're all still enjoying the late Sunday vibes... 

My Sunday has become amazing and ever so surprising!! I am quite aware that the blog title has probably already given away why I am surprised and feeling truly overwhelmed... 

However, I will elaborate further.... Today, I have reached over 40,000 views on the blog!

I'm literally overwhelmed, I'm so lost for words! 

I know when I read this blog post back later on tonight I will wish I have added more to it, rather than adding lots of waffle! Though, I promise you I am actually so lost for words... Where do I begin?

So I have decided, to take a little blast back to the past... A year and a half ago when I first started blogging! I never ever once believed it would reach this far! 

Let's take a stroll back to my past... I remember the first blog being based around my eighteenth birthday party! I'm trying to remind myself, how I must have felt when writing that very long blog post... At no point did I ever believe I would still be here writing and it's now a year and a half on-wards... A lot has happened, I'm so proud to say I don't regret anything or sharing anything with you all... In fact, I thank you all for continuously reading and sharing the blogs! 

I'm amazed with all of the support! 

It's about time I sat down and thanked you all, instead of individually thanking friends and family members. I thank you all! I thank every reader who takes the time to read my blogs! My American and London audience, thank you! Other world wide audiences too, thank you! It's amazing!! 

Life is all about leaning... Making a chance of something small, being able to grow as a person and making the best of every opportunity there is! I repeat and can't stress enough how important it is to take the chances, don't sit around... go for gold! 

When I started the blog a year and a half ago, I remember sitting in my lounge believing I would get so little views and I actually believed it wouldn't come too much... I believed wrong. I didn't believe in myself, I didn't believe I could do this! The difference is, you can... We can! You can do it! 

All it takes is to believe in yourself, to set standards and accomplish them! 

Be daring, be brave but be you!!

I chose this photo wisely... So many thank you's go towards my beautiful best friend Lizzie Narey for capturing it!

If you see an adventure and a future ahead, set sail towards it... Don't wait behind, thinking there will be another chance! Go, go, go! 

Before, closing this blog post... I have met so many beautiful people since starting the blog, alongside being honoured to work with some incredible people! I wouldn't have been able to do this without all of your support... 

So thank you! 

Here's to another 40,000 views to come hey? Ha-ha! 

Your, Anya Marie Ball x
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