A Nice Little Trip Away To Hull For The Weekend...

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Good evening everyone, so I haven't been able to blog for a few days as I have been away! I have been really eager to share this with you all as I have had a lovely time with two of my favourite people! Plus it's always nice to have a little break for even just a few days isn't it?

With living on the Isle of Wight, it's always hard to travel away as we have to travel on a boat before setting off to travel. It is a pain but I always love travelling to see my boyfriend so I wouldn't change it for the world! (Cheesy, I know right but I always try to be cute ha-ha?!)

Beth and I set off really early we woke up at about roughly half five-ish it was pretty early but we had an eight or nine hour journey! It was really nice to be able to stay for an hour and a half in London as well as we visited cute little places! We loved being little tourists for that amount of time space!! I loved looking at the beautiful little places in London, there was a bakery which was pretty and pink, it's so so so pretty! I have become obsessed with the building as you can see by the photos I have taken and believe me I have plenty more on my camera roll. 


How beautiful do the shops look in London? As soon as I saw the lovely shops, I couldn't resist snapping some pictures! Visiting London always makes me smile because I love the little vibe around the shopping areas, it's always such a beautiful experience especially during the Christmas season. 

With the Isle of Wight, being a lot smaller than other places in the UK it's always wonderful to see how other places do things. I wish we had a shopping mall it would be amazing to see the pretty decorations! I love London! 

When we arrived in Hull it was quite late, it was quarter to nine... We were shattered but we were really excited to see Scott and then to have a Chinese!  Then of course, we wanted to head on out and enjoy the night life clubbing in Hull which again was amazing! 

But it was freezing!!!! We had to wrap up warm!! :( Poor Scott, for having to live in chilly weather bless him!!

I couldn't contain how excited I was to head off to the shopping mall, I knew it would be really Christmasy and cute I couldn't wait to experience it with two of my favourite people! It was such a beautiful day, it was sad knowing I didn't have long left with my amazing and handsome boyfriend but it was such a special day! I can't wait for Christmas time with Scott and Beth being reunited and of course Christmas time is about sharing it with the people you love, isn't it?



I think I have spent far too much money though and I can't wait for pay-day ha-ha!! I am counting down the days!! Aren't the views so beautiful? I couldn't wait to share my exciting little trip away with you all! 

It was heartbreaking leaving Scott, it gets harder and harder each and every time. The emotions get worse as feelings grow stronger... Also with knowing that I won't see Scott until Christmas it is pretty hard as I have been counting down the days to see him, now I have to wait for roughly four weeks but hey ho time fly's by quickly doesn't it? Plus I can't wait for the Christmas countdown! 

It was such an amazing time though thank you so much Scott and Beth, I love you both dearly! 

As you can see, after leaving Scott I found myself quite emotional as to be expected but I am so grateful to have Beth as she understands and shares many emotions with me as she found herself a little sad leaving Scott too!! I ended up falling asleep on Beth and she took this sneaky photo of us, bless her it's such a loving photo!! 

Lots of love, Anya x

P.S - I forgot to mention on Saturday morning it started to snow! Our trip away couldn't have been any better! It was beautiful seeing the snow, though we did panic a little as Beth and I knew we had to be back into work today ha-ha!
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