My New Wintery Inspired Hair...

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I feel like, it's been a very long week this week. Is anybody else feeling like this? Maybe, it's just me. 

Anyhow, a little side note but as it's Thursday today I thought it was kind of daunting that we only have four more Thursday's until Christmas Day... I know, kinda crazy right?

I swear that, the build up to Christmas Day feels like we're all constantly closing our eyes and then suddenly we have like two days before it's Christmas Day and everybody is panicking and last minute buying!! Am I right?

Christmas Day always comes round super quick and you seriously question where that time has gone, don't you?


Swiftly moving on, it's been quite a while since my last post and I thought as I had a little time this evening I would post a little blog. 

Around this time of year, I always tend to be rather busy due to the fact that I have; Events or a lot going on in my personal or work life... As we all are, right?

On that note, as always it wouldn't be an "Anya Marie Ball" blog without a few Tumblr quotes right?... Nah, I didn't think so... 

I'm sure that you all have gathered from the blog title that it's going to have something to do with my hair. Well, you guessed correctly! 

But first, can we just pause for a second and appreciate the quotes?

I mean, sassy right?

For anybody that knows me personally or for those of you who read my blogs, I think you will have gathered that I quite love my hair and enjoy going to the Hairdressers like all the time! I joke with my family and friends and say how, when I become a Nan one day I will always be that Nan with the very long hair... I guess we will have to see one day! 

I thought, I would share these quotes though as I feel like both of them are confidence boosters and definitely sassy enough to be shared! 

With my work life being very chaotic over the last few months, I haven't managed to fit a day to pop down to Toni & Guy in Winchester and sort out my roots so as soon as the opportunity came up... I rung and booked my appointment with Jade! Let's just say, I wasn't left disappointed.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in terms of the colouring, whether to stay my warmer blonde tones or go a little lighter... I left Jade with a fairly big and wild case on her hands and 5 1/2 hours later....

This happened.... 

Jade and I decided to lighten the tone of my hair up and blend the tones in to create a Wintery inspired look for the season. 

What better way, than to enter the Christmas period?

I mean, I was truly blown away with Jade's work as I was so overwhelmed with the colour change and am loving my new look. 

However, that said I am never failed when going to Toni & Guy in Winchester the girls always know what's best and have magnificent results. 

If you're ever in need of a trip to the Hairdresser's and happen to be in Winchester then be sure to head to Toni & Guy as you won't be disappointed! 

For any enquiries here is there number:  01962 840422

I feel ready for the Christmas season now! 

Look out over the next few days for more upcoming blogs Ladies & Gents! 

Lots of love as always, 


Autumnal Vibes & Pretty Walks In Winchester...

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Can we all just take a few moments to appreciate how beautiful the Autumn season is?

It's so pretty and eye catching, right?

With recently moving into a new flat, it's been rather sweet developing an interest towards the surroundings of where I live. 

Our pretty bridge that leads to our flat, is super cute! It also reminds me of the scene from Dirty Dancing 

Just outside of our drive, we have such a gorgeous detailed cobbled walls alongside the lovely shades of trees too! 

Without a shadow of a doubt, this looks super adventurous and cosy. 

Since, I was little taking pictures of Nature and beautiful flowers/trees seemed like a regular thing as during this time of year my Nan and Grandad would always show me their garden where there would always be pretty plants etc.   

It might be just be me, but I always obsess over pretty shades and pretty houses! I'm so lucky to live five minutes away from this stunning house.

With the Autumn shades being so prominent bright and bolder shades are super trendy.  

I felt like this was pretty bold of a statement when I initially took the photograph. As it suggested to me that, there's more than one direction that you can take. Which direction is best for you is the question that you have to discover in the end...

At the side of our, flat we have a beautiful hidden pathway which looks super magical. How secretive but memorising do the steps look like? 

I couldn't wait to share a few little Autumnal pictures with you all as well as sharing my Photography with you!

What with the Snapchat filters always being on point, with the different Seasonal ones I always find there is such cute ones during this season! 

There's a lot more to come guys, keep an eye out! 

With Love As Always,  



My 6 Top Tips Straight From My Autumn Wardrobe Right Now...

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With it being a typical Sunday, I feel like everyone will appreciate my quote of the day as well as it being my Instagram post for today. 

I feel like everyone appreciates a relaxing Sunday wearing PJ'S all day with a Cup of Tea at the ready and of course Netflix...

Sunday's are also a great day for focusing on House Work and catching up with Blog schedules etc. 

I guess, as an all rounder Sunday's are just a great day! 

With that in mind, I felt like this was the perfect time to post this selfie on the blog as it fits with the idea of having a lounge Sunday... As well as it, being an Autumn inspired selfie. 

Autumn days, are meant for; lounging, wrapping up warm in big hoodies and cuddling up on the sofa or cuddling into the the cosiest blanket. 

On that note, as it's Autumn I couldn't wait to share this on the blog as it's such an Autumn inspired photograph that I took. It's so pretty an definitely portrays Autumn vibes. 

For more updates on; Photography, Fashion or Beauty Inspired Pictures. Not forgetting, the millions of selfies then remember to head of to my Instagram for more updates... Click The Link To Head To My Insta...

With it being the Autumn season, I thought it would be great to share with you all what my current Top Six Autumn Looks are! 

I personally always, enjoy reading what the new inspirations are etc. But I want everyone to be able to feel comfortable in their own skin and their own choices of style.

Look 1) 

Right now, Snakeskin Prints and Pastel shades are hot! You all know, my love for; Jumpsuits, Platform heels and Leather Jackets. 

Look 2) 

High Neck Jumpers are always trendy during this season period. But this year, we love to add a little detail. Fake Pearls right now, are in and they look really trendy on an outfit!

Pairing this look, with Checked Trousers or a simple pair of jeans with a nice pair of Chelsea Boots would look smashing!

Look 3) 


I mean, yes H&M did have the jumper in two of my favourite colours; Pink and Black. They also do it in; Grey and I am really considering to purchase. Though, I stuck with the pink and black shades for now. 

Pastel shades and pearls are super trendy right now. 

Look 4) 

From my recent updates on Instagram  I am presuming that you must have realised how obsessed I am with the current Gingham and Dog-tooth patterns right now. These trousers are so amazing! Pairing these trousers with a black body suit and a pair of black loafers look incredible.

Look 5) 

Polka Dot Jumpsuits are super on-trend right now! Neutral tones paired with a bolder colour always look trendy. But as a jumpsuit with the polka dot print it looks so good. I won't lie, this jumpsuit of mine has to be one of my top favourites right now.

Look 6) 

Printed shirts I absolutely adore. I've always loved printed shirts and find them very stylish but professional enough to wear at work. 

Though, this one I am in love with. I know, it has the 101 Dalmatians kind of vibe. Whereas, it also has the Autumnal Vibes that you can pair with a Nude coloured coat, a pair of black jeans and Chelsea or Platform boots! Mmm tasty, right?


I hope you've enjoyed having a tour into a small section of my wardrobe this evening as Aaron is always saying, I have far too many clothes but I am a girl and that's all that needs to be said! Ha! 

Much Love, 


Why Be Someone Else When You Could Be You?

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Previously on the blog, I discussed; 'Mental Health Awareness' I thought that this quote tied in quite nicely with the idea of  believing in yourself and loving yourselves. 

Throughout the World today, we surround ourselves with wanting to change ourselves or wishing to look like others which  damages our own perception of how beautiful we all are inside and out. 

We need to stop and take five moments to remember that we are all beautiful. 

As nowadays people tend to spend too long trying to be somebody else and not using any of that time to focus on themselves. 

I will willingly throw my hands up in the air and express how often I  spend my time reading about the new trends or the new Beauty Tips etc... Rather than, doing it my way I wish to follow other people's looks. Why? - I mean, I love following; Fashion and Beauty Trends. But something I recently discovered is that I love being me. I love doing things the way I want to and I love more than ever to wear what I think looks good and what I feel comfortable in as I love being me. I love living in my skin. 

There's the right balance of wishing to change or trying to change yourselves. I personally, know I would feel comfortable in changing my body to become healthier but I physically know the balance of not changing yourselves too much to look like somebody else. 

The key is to admire other peoples; looks, style and lifestyle but that doesn't mean you have to re-create your key as we all have one key that opens the lock to being you! 

Why be someone else when you could be you?

The World, is now seen through a  'Rose Tinted Glass' where everything is perfect and we base our lives through Social Media. We most commonly, wait for the likes and share perfect pictures when actually is everything perfect?

We live in a World of False Pretence, we believe that looking like; The Kardashian's or buying the most expensive items is going to keep us happy. Yet have we all forgotten what happiness is? 

Happiness, is being you and allowing your friends and family to love you the way you're but most importantly loving yourselves for you! 

I mean, I love The Kardashians  and I appreciate everything that they do or have done for themselves but they all have end goals. Rather than trying to be them, be inspired by them and create your own goals that are for you. Not for the Gram or for others, for you! 

Stay Beautiful, by being the best and true you that you can be!... 

Love Yourself, 

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