About Me

A Few Words About Me...


I mean where do I start? 

Lol, am I even that interesting? Probably not... but you're here reading this so I guess so. 

As it's now 2019 and I have been blogging since the end of 2015/early 2016 I feel like the 'About Me' page needed a little tweak and refresh to it. 

So here we go, here's a few things about me...  

My name is Anya Marie Ball and I am a twenty two year old shopaholic from the Isle of Wight! Yes, I can actually admit I'm a shopaholic! - I'm not sure whether I should openly be admitting to this but there you go! Side note, I wrote this little piece when I was nineteen and it's fair to say that it hasn't changed so it's remaining. I guess some things never change and it's always best to be honest right?

However, at the age of nineteen I decided to venture out into the big wide world and move away from my safety net which is known as my home on the Island and move to Winchester. Where I was all on my own, discovering myself and learning to be an adult and guess what I am still here...  Winchester is where I met my other half Aaron and we now live in our lovely flat together. 

I am definitely a homely girl! Home is most definitely where my heart is! 

So again, this was wrote just before I moved from my family home on the Isle of Wight. My heart has grown massively as pieces of it remain on the Isle of Wight with my; Mum, Nan, Grandad, Max, Neve, Auntie Claire, Uncle Bry, Jess, Josh, Joe, Heidi and Jeremy... plus any other family that I have forgotten to mention. (Don't hate me!) Oh and of course my friends who are still on the Isle of Wight. Alongside, my lovely home which will always be part of my heart as it's my family home and of course my childhood. 

Though, Winchester has become a massive part of my heart as it's been my home for such a long time now. It's managed to turn me into an adult (I mean I think, it has anyway) and of course it's where I met Aaron and I will forever be grateful.

For as long as I can remember, writing has always been right in the centre of my heart followed by fashion and beauty interests! 

I was sixteen years old when I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work alongside the The County Press (my local Newspaper) which is when I truly discovered my love for writing! I knew from that moment on wards that writing and fashion were most definitely the centre of my career choices...  A few weeks later, that's when a colleague who worked at the County Press introduced me to the world of blogging! Up until that point, I didn't really know a lot about blogging and at the time I didn't want to but now it's all I ever seem to do... 

I always knew that fashion and styling tips were going to be a massive go to for me when it came to career pathways as I've always had an eye for styling and visually creating looks.... I think you always know what your pathways will be it's just about having the patience to find them!  

I have roughly been blogging for four and a bit years I have thoroughly enjoyed every second! I never expected to reach the views or followings that I have! So thank you! 

From time to time, I share; Homely Blogs, Makeup Looks, Beauty Tips, Travel and Lifestyle Blogs with the occasional Fitness Blogs, Advice blogs and of course Fashion related blogs. I think from the minute I started I always wanted to range out and share varied blogs rather than just one specific topic.

I really hope you enjoy reading my blog, seeing your comments and feedback always make me feel delighted and overwhelmed! 

Remember you can always contact me if you have any: suggestions, any requests or any questions. Don't forget I am always open to working with fellow bloggers or companies. 

Much love as always your, 




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