Sporty Chic A 2016 Trend -


Happy Monday to you all! I hope it's been a great start to the week for you all!! - Though, Monday's do kind of tend to be slightly boring for us as we have to say goodbye to the weekend! Fear not, the weekend will be springing back to bite us before we know it!!

I couldn't say no too this little Tumblr inspiration!! It's so cute and pink, isn't it just so adorable? Not forgetting, the fact that it manages to capture exactly how we feel in just two simple words.! 

There's nothing better than finding an inner sporty side to you, is there? 

From catwalks to high-streets the inner sporty look has been absolutely everywhere! I can't say I am overly enthusiastic towards sports but the fashion looks have certainly taken over by storm. 

If you were to give me a choice of heading to the Sloop for a carvery or drinking a strawberry milkshake it would definitely be one of those than heading to the gym! 

In saying that, I have been attempting to keep up with my fitness routine at the moment!!

It seems to me that some of our hottest celebs have been keeping their fitness looks on their radar... 

So join me and take a peep at how celebs have interpreted their very own fitness looks: 

Gigi Hadid - steps out in an all black look paired with a sporty tight pair of trousers and a simple black v neck top, along with a red pair of trainers.! 

Ashley Tisdale - drops the pink preppy princess image and heads for a head to toe fitness look! 

Kendall Jenner - sporting a very simple fashion look with a pair of 3/4 length black pair of leggings, a fitness head band, pair of trainers and a baggy tee! 

Kylie Jenner - wears a simple white crop and a grey pair of track suit bottoms paired with a light grey pair of trainers and cap!

Rita Ora - last but not least, the lovely Rita Ora who manages to pull off wearing two prints at the same time to looking amazing in sportswear! I envy so many of these girls! But Rita styles, a pink simple sports bra to sports leggings and trainers.! 

With the sporty look hitting our stores faster than we can buy, I thought it would be an ideal opportunity for me to piece together a sporty inspiration! 

Sports Wear ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ

As you can see the main focus on sporty look is pretty much based around the shoes you wear. You wouldn't turn up to the gym in a pair of heels, would you? So clearly we know the focus is based around trainers or plimps. 

If you're anything like me, you don't actually own a pair of trainers... The closest I have to trainers, is a pair of plmps from Primark! Way to go Anya!! 

Side note, what on earth just happened with the weather? I was casually sat here writing this blog for you all when I noticed we had a heavy shower of rain! Of I went to go and get the washing in!! I'm now soaked! 

Moving on, if you're looking to achieve a sporty kind of look then backpacks are massive for this look as it takes a casual outfit and transforms it too a sporty outfit!! 

Again, the looks are very dependant on the weather as I would probably change my look up from a hoodie to a sports bra and tee or even from leggings to shorts! I guess it depends how sporty you want to look! 

Don't forget your bottle of water, that always adds a touch of sporty-ness to your look! 

If you want to add a little sass to your sporty wear then why not add a pair of sunglasses to your outfit?

If the celebs can rock it then we can too, right??!! 

I hope you've enjoyed this blog,  let me know if you would like a look to be featured!! 

Shoot your comments below, if you have any!! 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie!! <3 

Liebster Award Nomination 2016....

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Hello again everyone, how are you all doing this evening? I hope you're all enjoying the Friday evening! A little, side note before I start writing about the topic of this blog... 

Did any of you watch EastEnders tonight? If you did, what do you think about the incident with Bobby and Jane? I personally, didn't enjoy watching it tonight, well the ending part anyway... I think they've taken it a little too far now and it doesn't really give a good image for kids nowadays does it? Poor Lucy and now poor Jane! 

This opportunity came about this morning when I checked my Instagram account, before heading out to work, and I discovered I had been tagged in a photo by the lovely Steph from Steph's World

The lovely Steph nominated me for the Liebster Award.... I absolutely adore Steph's blog, when I get the time to chill out and read other blogger's pages she is one of the first I head too! Isn't her blog so inspiring and pretty?! If you haven't already looked at her blog, then why don't you go ahead and click the link above?! 

From the look of things I can already see that, Steph and I are pretty similar as I can tell she is down with her beauty products and she clearly loves to go to the theatre. Not forgetting, the fact she likes Harry Potter too! It seems we have a lot in common!! 

By now you're probably wondering what the Liebster Award actually is!.. If you're anything like me, that's exactly what your thinking! I have never heard of the Liebster award before! So of course, I had to head to Google to find out a few facts as well as reading what Steph had to say about it! 

So here's a few little facts for you; the Liebster Award originally started in Germany and many Bloggers have received it over time... It kind of works on the same principal as chain letters or a tag on YouTube... I know sometimes, when people hear the word chain letters they panic and tend to keep away from them! 

But from my research, it genuinely seems like such a good idea as it pulls us blogger's together! I shall get onto that though! 

Anyway, a blogger gets nominated then has to answer 10 questions which has been set and then you create 10 new questions for the next people to answer. It's pretty simple right? It definitely, creates more awareness for: bloggers, their blogs and maybe you could even make a few new friends along the way. 

So Let's Crack On With The Liebster Awards... 

1) What is your favourite drink to order at a cafe? 

This is a tricky one as I think it depends on my mood or what I am fancying! I usually always tend to have a strawberry milkshake, but if that fails then I would choose either water or a cup of tea! 

2) What is your favourite song and is there a reason why? 

I frequently listen to music and that always influences what songs I listen to more often than others. Also with my boyfriend being a DJ, I guess he introduces me to new music all the time so I often change what my favourite music is! 

However, I'm a massive fan of Years and Years I absolutely love their album! It's a hard one, as I have an obsession with every song on their album! I'm going to have to say, that Eyes  Shut is one of those songs that immediately cheers me up when it comes on my playlist! It's one of those songs, which draws so much emotion and reminds me to be strong even when it's hard too! I literally love it! 

3) What do you love to do in your spare time? 

In my spare time, I usually love blogging as much as I can as it's something I love to do! Other than that, it would be: to spend time with family or friends, trying out new beauty products, shopping or heading to the gym! 

4) If you could be called another name, what would it be? 

It would one hundred percent be Daisy as I absolutely adore that name! 

5) What book would you say to be your all time favourite and why? 

Without a doubt, Girl Online by Zoella is my favourite book! I literally, fell in love with the book from the first page!! It's just so inspiring and interesting! Thanks Zoella! 

6) What would be your tip for a new blogger? 

I have so many tips for a new blogger but the first step would be too focus on building your social media depending on if you want your blog to be a little bigger than just having a few people reading your blog! So definitely grow your social media! Or my other top tip would be to just be you! That's what people enjoy reading honesty! 

7) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Ever since, I was little I have always wanted to visit America! I think there are so many spectacular places to visit and I guess I would love to experience the different vibes there! Along with, all the pretty views! 

8) You are going to a desert island, what 3 items would you take with you? 

If I had too choose three items then it would definitely be: a foundation, hairbrush and a bottle of perfume! 

9) If you could only see one theatre show (or film) for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

In all honesty, this has to be my favourite question as it's such an easy decision for me to make! It would of course be 'Dirty Dancing'! I know, Scott will be reading this and thinking typical! It's my favourite film of all time!

10) What is your best joke? 

I'm so not good at jokes!! I'm blonde, as you all know so I guess sometimes I'm the kind of person who doesn't get the joke and has to be told it several times! But there is one joke which sticks in my mind, as my little cousin Max taught me it a few years ago!! - Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? Because he had nobody to go with!! It gets me every time! 

So now it's my time to ask the questions... Now it's all over to you :)! 

1) How did your blogging journey start? 

2) If you could do anything right now, what would that be? 

3) What's your favourite social media account and why? 

4) In your quiet time what do you enjoy doing the most? 

5) When you first started your blog, where did you hope it would get you? 

6) What's your most used blogging prop? 

7) Can you list five places where you are dying to visit? 

8) What's your favourite restaurant? 

9) If you had the chance to meet a celebrity, who would it be and why? 

10) If you had the chance to help out another blogger, what would be your top tip? 

My nominations are - 

Amber Anderson from Cups Of Thoughts And A Bag Of Tea

Sophie Louise Gordron from Sophie Louise Gordon

Patise Gorman from Patsie's Thought Kitchen

Aubrie and Meg from Lovely & Luxe

Lewis Duncan Weedon from L D W Blonde At Heart

Sun Shine Day Dream  ... 

Let me know when you guys have uploaded your Liebster Award Nomination blog! I can't wait to read your answers!... 

Thank you once again, Steph! I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in this blog and I can't wait to read your other nominees blog posts! 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie xx

Questions and Answer Blog... #AskAnya ...

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Hello everybody.... 

I hope you've all had a lovely Thursday and are enjoying what's left of the evening. 

Before, I start my q and a blog... As you all know, yes I have recently had a hair cut! It's not a massive change, it's only a trim but I had at least an inch cut off! I'm kind of loving it but hating it at the same time! You know when you have mixed feelings about something, yeah well I am certainly having that! 

I have considered ordering some extensions as I'm one hundred percent missing my length not that it's overly short! But at the same time, it's healthy to have a change! Plus, with the summer coming it's easier for me to just pin it up and head out to the beach! 

I've had mixed opinions, some of you prefer my hair curly and some of you prefer it straight... I thought, I would leave it up to you guys to have your say... What do you prefer, curly or straight? 

So before I get too distracted, I shall get back to the point of this blog. I've had quite a busy week so fat what with; prepping new blogs, keeping up with questions, working or even workingout at the gym which I will get onto later. From which, you can keep up with on my social media's. That's if you can't wait for a new blog post from me!! 

What brings me to blogging another q and a post? Well, would you look at that I am already answering questions for you all. I guess I kind of haven't blogged many q and a's and it seemed like you all liked it last time. What's that saying again, it went down like a treat? (I'm pretty sure it's that. Hmm, I have my thinking cap on!) 

So yeah, I guess I really fancied posting a q and a for you all. I was in the mood for it! Not only that, I think it really encourages me to reveal a lot more about my life which normally won't tend to appear on a beauty or fashion blog! 

Okay, so as I have said beforehand the questions are picked at random through my social media's! 

1) Why and when was the loudest you have laughed? 

This was a pretty hard question to answer as I tend to laugh a lot. Pretty much, in every situation! I most definitely, tend to laugh well giggle in awkward situations. I guess it kind of puts me at ease. 

Even though, I hate my laugh it's horrible... I dread it! It's certainly not cute! 

There's so many situations where I have laughed a lot but on the spot I guess I only have a few seconds to think this one through... I'm going to stick with the day where I met a friend and we were preparing for a party later on that week it was fancy dress I think... 

Charlie and I, have never really been keen on fancy dress parties.. again I find it socially awkward as not everybody dresses up so it's always a hard one to dress for. Well anyway, after a long day off shopping we decided to head for lunch. I had it all planned, as I fancied a Subway that's all I kept going on about so eventually we made our way there to then find out it was shut! By this point, I was ready to eat my arms! So we made a quick decision to walk over to Morrison's and grab a sandwich. I was so thankful to have something by this point, as I grabbed the sandwich out of the box the other one fell straight to the floor.... By this point, you can imagine my face - I actually considered picking it up as I was so hungry but of course I didn't! I was so devastated. The laughter from both Charlie and I in the end were enough to make everybody leave the shop! 

From a recent memory, well I should say moment as it's just happened. I can hear what my friends, family, Scott and work colleagues are thinking right now! (Typical Anya!) After, doing some shopping on Monday I attempted to sunbathe for an hour. By the time, I came back inside my right arm was bright PINK! Embarrassing right? 

Yes Scott. I look like a drumstick!

2) Do you sometimes pee with the door open?

Right so I have completely turned this blog post into a #EmbarrassAnya instead of #AskAnya! If I'm going to be completely honest yes I do but not in public toilets! 

If I am in my house on my own or if I know everyone's downstairs then why not? But for girl's we always tend to go too the loo together don't we? So if I'm close friends with you I will let you share the cubicle with me or I will pee with the door open but only if it's not in a public place. (Gross Anya!) But you guys wanted to know! 

3) Who was the last person you text? 

The last person I text was my friend Jack Print regarding his birthday! Happy birthday once again Jack. I hope you had a lovely day! 

4) Do you have a happy place? 

I have so many happy places, I'm struggling to think of just one so I will share a few with you! 

 I really like my bed, my bed is definitely one of my happy places. My bed with; blankets, Netflix and occasionally a few snacks.! 

My other happy place is certainly having a nice relaxed bubble bath. Isn't that feeling amazing after getting out of the bath?

But overall, my happy place is to be at home with my family and Scott. Of course, Scott's family too their kind of mine as well as his now! I love to see everyone smile in a homely environment. It's the best feeling in the world! 

 5) What is my favourite thing about Spring?

Ooh - a tricky question! I love so much about Spring it's the warm up to my favourite month. It's hard as I could answer this based around beauty or fashion related answers or as an overall. I would have to say the lighter sky at night, it makes me really excited for the summer to come. 

In general, I would say for the fashion and beauty side it has to be the pretty pastels and brightly pallets which you can't seem to get away from! 

6) Are you excited for the summer?

Yes, one hundred percent yes!! I'm dying for the summer!! Literally, as my arm is already bright pink! Ha-ha! (Good one Anya!) 

You all know, how excited I get for the summer months as it makes people much more happier. Not forgetting, the bright colours and the summer fashion trends. 

Followed by, the fact Scott and I are heading off to Majorca in July!! E-E-E-K! It makes me even more excited to share new blogs or even vlog posts! You will have to wait and see! 

7) What's my favourite type of blog to write? 

Again, this is such a tricky question! You guys know how to make me really think! My favourite blog would have to be my monthly favourites as I have to really test out the products before I share them with you thoroughly! But I also love the preparations the monthly blogs take! 

8) Who inspired me to start writing? 

Without a doubt, my mum! My mum has inspired my writing passions from day one! She has influenced my love for English Literature and Language too! 

9) Have you got any collaborations coming up soon? 

I love to keep you waiting I never really like to spill any news until it's set in stone or been posted on the blog. Let's just say, you never know.! 

I'm always up for working with new people and  in terms of my previous collaborations with Amber Anderson we're in regular contact and she's become a dear friend of mine.... So you will have to wait and see! 

10) What's your favourite cocktail? 

Well it's tricky as I'm not much of a drinker nowadays. I've seen on one of Zoella's blog's there's a Mocktail book which looks incredible! It may have to be a new purchase of mine! But basing this around previous tines I would stray away from anything based around rum as Lizzie and I didn't enjoy that! For me, it's a tie up between Sex On The Beach or Strawberry Daiquiri. 

11) What's it like living on the Isle of Wight

These questions have totally made me think before waffling on! As a child, I loved the Island. I still do but in very different ways! It always felt so much bigger than what it truly is! It's really so tiny! 

Don't get me wrong, I love living near the sea as we have such pretty views. But in terms of: jobs, education or entertainment we hardly have anything... It sucks as well as it's quite an expense for us to leave the Island. For example, when Scott leaves for university he has to add on the hour on the boat plus the cost of the boat! 

It's a beautiful place to live with such wonderful scenery but unfortunately there isn't much for the younger generation. 

12) Do you have any summer tips or recommendations? 

Summer is my favourite month which means it's also my favourite season for fashion trends too. At the moment, I would recommend: platforms, plenty of crop tops, A-line skirts and culottes. 

13) Are you excited for your birthday? 

I love celebrating birthday's. I always have, I love to celebrate other's birthday's. So yes I am super excited. The one thing which really excites me is the fact Scott's coming home!

14) Where are you hoping your blog will take you? 

In the beginning, I had no idea that so many people would read my blog. So for me to have reached over 20,000 views in under a year is a dream come true to me. My intentions, were to only write and share my interests every now and then. I guess to almost treat my blog like a diary not just for me but for my family, friends and now all of you. 

I've been so very lucky to have managed to have been offered so many great opportunities already. Everyday is a blessing for me when I see you've read my blog! So thank you! 

15) Have you got any surprises coming soon? 

As I said earlier on, I'm always planning something! 

16) What is your favourite store? 

In all honesty, I love to shop as you all know so it's difficult to say. In terms of fashion I would say Primark only because it's fashionable and cheap as chips! With beauty products, it's without a doubt Superdrug! 

That brings me to an end for this q and a blog! I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who shared their questions with me and I hope you've enjoyed reading the answers!! 

If you have any thoughts or comments to leave please leave them in the comment box or contact me!! 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie xx

How To Style The Culottes Look ๐Ÿ˜˜

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How To Style The Culottes Look ๐Ÿ˜˜

Hey everyone, how are you all doing? What's actually going on with the weather these days? It's so hard to plan an outfit around don't you find? That's why these culottes are absolutely perfect as they're mid length! 

What I love about culottes is the fact that you could create so many different looks with them! 

For example, I have gone for the dressy evening wear which of course is one of my favourite looks! 

It's a pretty simple look to pull off all you need is a few colours to make the look stand out! 

What better colours than; red, black and white?

How To Style The Culottes Look ๐Ÿ˜˜

It's a look you could wear for an evening at the beach whilst your on holiday or even on a night out it would look incredible. But it would look so beautiful, for a date wear! It's completely up to you! 

Spice up the look with your accessories, I would personally go for a red lipstick! A classy watch, would show off your sense of style! Though, it's completely up to you what handbag you pair I would go for a black or white handbag! 

I hope the weather gets better but either way I think the culottes are one hundred percent here to stay!

I hope you've enjoyed the look! 

Much Love, Anya xx

Miss Selfridge summer top
£17 -

Valentino palazzo pants
£290 -

Christian Louboutin white shoes
£490 -

Rebecca Minkoff fringe purse
£135 -

Sole Society white purse
£41 -

Asha by ADM 14 karat gold earrings
£270 -

Mirror sunglasses
£6.12 -


My Eight Summery Beauty Essentials At The Moment...

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Hey you guys, how are you all doing? I hope your doing exactly what my tumblr inspirational favourite pic says to do on a Sunday!! It's pretty and pink, it had to make a feature plus Sundays are made for lazying about right?

Before, moving on and sharing my eight summery beauty essentials with you all! 

I've been wondering what sort of blog you would fancy reading next... Would you fancy a lifestyle based blog or maybe even  a question and answer blog... Or are you fancying another May Look Book style? It's completely, up to you all! I may create a survey where you can choose which one you'd like to see featured next!...


I will have to have my thinking face on... I've never made a survey on the blog before so it may take me a while to figure that one out ha-ha! (Blonde Moments!)

With the sun out and shinning, I definitely thought it would be the ideal time to share a few of my favourite products at the moment - yes I have literally just posted a monthly favourite blog... However, these products are based around summery essentials of mine at the moment! I emphasise, ATM - as it genuinely might change!... 

You all know me well enough by now to know that I like to mix things up. I don't always stick to the same product as I love jumping to other products which I like. Though, if I do like something then it means I truly do recommend buying them! 

I have solidly, used this product for the last few weeks and I have found myself obsessed with them. I'm sure you can see from the photograph that they're looking pretty empty! 

I have a thing for pinks and raspberries so they're both very high in my books! Plus they were only £1 from Boots! What a bargain!! 

I swear finding a mascara that is perfect for your eyelashes is such a hard find right?

Well, stop looking right now ladies as I've found the mascara for you! If you head onto Superdrug, you will most certainly find it! Unfortunately, I can't remember how much it was but it won't break the bank! 

The brush is big and curved which is exactly what I wanted! You don't necessarily, need to apply a thick coat for your eyelashes to stand out. My eyelashes are so blonde and I always felt like I needed to apply two or three coats of mascara before leaving the house but with this one  all I need to do is apply one coat and they look incredible! This is why it's my favourite mascara as it's perfect for a natural summery look!  

Don't get me wrong, I love using my Mac and Nars foundation but recently I have been obsessing over this new Body Shop foundation! It's very light weight which is exactly what I need for the summer! You don't need to apply more than one coating of the foundation! It's just amazing for the summer!! It's so natural and it leaves my skin feeling so soft and silky! 

Thank you again to my cousin Heidi for treating me to this beautiful buy!

From the amount of times I have blogged about this purchase! I think you all know by now on that I am obsessing over it! I love the colour of this lip balm, Zoella certainly one my heart over when she brought this amazing lip balm out! It's perfect for a summery inspired look, I don't normally go for a lip balm but this one is my one and only exception! Plus, the smell is just super incredible! 

As I always tend to go for a nudey or pinky coloured lipstick you can see why this another favourite lipstick of mine, can't you?? So, I popped over to Primark and couldn't resist buying this newbee! It has a nudey and pinky kind of colour too it which really excited me and it smells so gorgeous! I think it's Shea Butter which I bloody love!!  

If you're fancying a change when it comes to your perfume selection! I would head over to Superdrug as they always have incredible offers on. I love buying and finding new beautiful products! When I was simply browsing the internet to have a little look for a summery inspired perfume I found this beautiful one!! Vera Wang - Lovestruck is just so dreamy... I mean it's out of this world! 

Woweee - let's just head straight to the beach BED HEAD! From my social media recently, you probably noticed I popped into the hair salon to have a trim! Of course, I couldn't resist buying myself a new little treat as I love trying new hair products out! 

With how thick my hair is, it always seems to become quite tangled! So when I spotted this I knew it was coming home with me! The smell is gorgeous, it's an orangey smell which initially reminded me of freshly squeezed orange juice! 

All you simply do with this product is spray it on either wet or damp hair and brush it through then pop out too the beach! 

Finally my last product to share with you all. I think this body spray may have already made a feature on the blog!! But it's still one of my favourite body sprays, so here it is again! As you know, I'm the kind of girl who loves the smell of strawberries and fruity type smells! So of course, I tend to obsess over this!! It just has that kind of summery scent which I love!

Before, ending this blog I would like to dedicate a few Happy Birthday messages!! 

First of all, I would love to say a massive Happy Birthday to my boyfriend Scott ;)! I'm gutted I couldn't have celebrated it with you but good luck with your exam on Monday and I will see you when you come home for the summer!! I hope you have enjoyed yourself though!

Secondly, my other favourite twin is of course Aaron! I hope you've had a great birthday touring the world on your cruise ship! I can't wait for you to come home and tell me about your experiences away! Enjoy your birthday Aaron! There's a little throw back to one of our drunk selfies for you ;)! 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie xx

My First Impressions On Body Shop's New Fresh Nude Foundation...

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Hey everyone, how are you all doing?? I bet you're all catching up on some late TV or maybe your just having a nice little relaxed evening in.... That's definitely what I'm doing! It's gone of the days where I used to be a party animal ;) haha! I would rather sit in with family or friends watching a movie with a takeaway ha-ha! (So exciting Anya!) 
So as you can see when I first started writing this blog for you all it was Friday evening... But sadly, due to staring at the screen for a while I developed a bad headache... Headaches are hateful aren't they?? It will probably be Saturday by the time I finish writing this blog but oh well... 

The Friday feeling is there with us in spirit right? Well with it being Friday the thirteenth and all.... Who believes in the spiritual kind of stuff? I've got to say I kind of have mixed feelings but due to watching Charmed when I was younger of course I believe something! Tell me, you remember Charmed right? If not, then I guess it's certainly showing my age! 

After, becoming extremely sidetracked I shall return to expressing my love for Body Shop's new range of foundations... 

By now you should now, my first impression always starts off with the designing of the product! I have an obsession, with bold lids and innocent pretty bottles at the moment... I think the transparent bottle looks incredible with the bold black writing on the front of the bottle! 

Not forgetting to mention, the name and the shade number of the foundation.. I went for the Chelsea Porcelain in the shade - o10. If you're quite fair skinned, then I would definitely recommend this one for you... It's the second lightest shade, as you know I am very pale but I like to add a little colour to my face! 

I also had a test match in the shop to see if I had guessed the shade right and bingo! The lady was very lovely and shared the same name as my cousin Heidi. I would always advise you to ask for a test match if you aren't one hundred percent sure... 

Try before you buy, I swear it's my motto for everything!

Then I applied a little bit of foundation against my skin in order to show you all at home how good the match is to my skin tone. 

When I was learning all the beauty tricks when I was younger, my mum always used to buy me make-up from Body shop and I absolutely adore the beauty products from there! I always, recommend the foundations from Body shop hence the reason why I was super excited to try out this newbee.! 

About two hours ago now (around 10) I removed my make-up I kept it on from about 8am this morning till 10am so it's had roughly over fourteen hours to show a fair test.... I'm extremely happy with the product. If you're looking for a foundation which will stand out by showing off your wearing make-up then I would look else where as this foundation is based around natural looks.... 

This shows why I have settled for a natural look above in one of the selfie's I took early this morning!! 

I absolutely love it though and would definitely add it to your must have's for beauty products ha-ha!! 

I hope you all have an incredible weekend!! 

Night my lovelies, Anya Marie xx 
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