Bohemian Bank Holiday Vibes....

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How was everyone's Bank Holiday Weekend?... Mine was very eventful as I returned back to the Isle of Wight for a few days! 

Let's just say it simply was last minute . com! 

However, it has been a beautiful few days with my family!! Though, it shocked them to see my return as again, it was very last minute!! 

With the weather being simply gorgeous yesterday, I thought it was about time to head back into Vlogging. As I had previously stated yesterday, it's been precisely a year since I have last Vlogged properly! 

During, a few videos that I shared with you all yesterday I elaborated on a few different topics of which I briefly released a few hints as I always do... I wonder, if any of you managed to pick up on the hints?... Or were they subtle enough, to  be missed?

On the other hand, I spent a lot of the time obsessing over my 'Bohemian' inspired fashion look which I of course turned to Twitter and Instagram to share the look of the day with you all! 

What did you think of it?

Unless, you weren't aware.... I loved the style I wore yesterday! 

As soon as the sun comes out it's definitely time for cute little playsuits and sandals, I swear that's every girls essential two items for Summer. 

With recently, receiving a lot of your questions through social media a lot of the questions have been based around 'the comeback to Vlogging...'

At first, I hadn't really thought about my return to vlogging being a return as to myself I never really stopped. I simply guess I pressed the pause button and waited for the right time to hit the play button again! 

Sometimes, it's all about having the right confidence level to be able to film and to make sure your feeling alright within yourself. At the time, I simply wasn't. There was a lot that I hadn't discovered within myself and I lot I needed to do before accepting that filming simply comes naturally. 

No matter, what you do in the world your going to be judged for it. It's all about allowing those to judge you with such little power as that little power has zero effects on my life! 

My return to filming, has been based around confidence and empowerment but most of all happiness. 

I am so eager to film and share as much as I can with you all now. 

Though of course, I am still going to blog as much as I do vlog! 

My top tips for a Bohemian inspired style would be; cute playsuits or jumpsuits, paired with a fedora hat or a neckerchief, a sweet choker, white or black nail varnish and a pair of sandals or platform heeled boots. Wa-la - there's your inspired Bohemian look! 

Much Love as Always, 


Denim Days & Boohoo Buys...

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Happy Wednesday!!! 

It was certainly a Happy Wednesday for me last week when I received these beautiful packages at my door.... EEEK!! 

I don't think anything makes me feel as happy as I do when I see Boohoo packages at my door.. Sad, I know! Truthful though! Ha! 

It's pretty darn simple when it comes to finding shoes for me... I'm very repetitive and I often find myself purchasing duplicates of the same shoes... That's often because my mum used to pinch mine... Now I am lacking the excuse, as I have moved to Winchester... Damn it! 

I guess for me, I end up falling with the shoes and finding them super conformable and stylish!

Platforms and Platform Ankle Boots are my most essential items in my closest!! And that's saying something, as I often find myself lost in my wardrobes but it's clear to say they tend to be the most common items that I find in there! 

With platform heels, I find them so comfy and easy to pair with a stylish outfit out or a simple laid back look for work... It's a win win situation, if you fancy adding a little heel for work or if you find yourself adding a subtle sassy inspired look for a night out then stick with the white or black platforms... I've probably show cased about fifty of them since beginning my blog which was nearly two and a half years ago! Shocking, I know... 

However, when I found myself searching through the sale items on Boohoo I found my eyes stumbling across the grey pair of platforms.... Aren't they insanely cute? Oh yes they're! 

So it seems the white and the grey pair landed right into my shopping basket!

I must say, since my love for platform heels was established back when I was eighteen and starting out this blog I have always stuck with the Truffle shoe collection from Boohoo! They never fail to let down and I have always found myself obsessing with the boxes too! 

Then that brings me onto my trustworthy black platform heeled boots! I wear them all the time during Autumn and Winter periods! Again, they seem to be my must have essentials for those season periods.! 

It's always the sassy little pieces that add the most detail!... 

Anyway, a little move a long from my little buys from Boohoo!... 

It's time to share the Denim Days inspired look of mine! 

Ever since, I visited Paris when I was eight or nine years old with my mum I have been a massive fan of Denim wear. 

I remembering strutting around touring Paris with my mum wearing matching denim blue jackets. If my memory is correct, I actually think my auntie Claire joined in with us too! It seemed we always used to have similar tastes. 

Then the styles changed and pairing denim with denim was just a no-no! 

Now, I am so happy to see the return recently of double denim! It's made me so happy! 

I wasn't sure at first if it looked right or if I could still work the looks... Let's just say it's all about having the confidence to pull the look of rather than doubting simply rock it! 

I think, it's all about finding the right jeans and the right jacket to style the look...

Once you have achieved that look, then all is well! 

For your information guys, I have taken a few days off from posting and publishing as I have been super busy with working and socialising with my friends etc... Everyone needs a little break! 

Though, there's so many projects which are coming in the upcoming months!

I have also received many comments from you all, regarding my new hairstyles etc... I must say a massive thank you to those of you who take the time to comment on what I think are simple details... It means the world to me! 

I remember back in November two years ago, I shared a personal blog with you all which showed my lack of confidence in wearing my hair up. It's crazy how things change, when your confidence increases and you learn to let go of the simple things right?! 

Since, focusing on my fitness and my health I have established that I enjoy wearing my hair up and being confident in many different ways! 

Instead of worrying... 

I simply... 


Lots of Love, 


My Recent Purchases From 'In The Style'....

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It seems I've purchased a few little trendy pieces from 'In The Style'... 

Let's take a moment to appreciate how beautiful the packaging is from 'In The Style!' 

It's gorgeous! 

Followed by this beautiful invoice which comes in a gorgeous envelope! I'm in love! 

Without a doubt, it's been a blooming successful shopping purchase. 

I couldn't resist adding Sarah Ashcrofts white 'Boss Babe' cropped hoodie as that's just so trendy right now! It's currently my favourite hoodie!! 

Then of course, my beautiful Mom High Waisted Ripped Jeans in the colours black and blue!! I normally stick with my trustworthy Topshop jeans but I fancied a little change and I'm so glad I took the risk as the fit is perfect! 

Keep an eye out girlies and boys for the new blogs as there coming soon!! 

Much Love, 



Beginning My Journey...

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It seems it's been a fun packed day full of blogs!! 

I can't believe how busy I have been recently, it's literally been so hectic in the life of Anya... 

I have got to say today has been one of those days where I have enjoyed staying in and shutting door on the world as I have been so manic with admin and publishing blogs that are so overdue!.... 

I'm so lucky to have every single one of you who reads and follows my work. Without a doubt, I thank you all of you because if it wasn't for all of you then I wouldn't be able to attend the events I have and to share every opportunity with you all! 

It's always important to reflect on how grateful you're! 

When I was a little girl, I remember telling my Mumma that I wanted to work in a beauty and fashion industry but I loved to write.. My mum used to always tell me to believe that I could achieve anything I set my heart too and hear I am now working in an environment which achieves all three of those things! 

It's so true when they say your mum becomes your biggest fan! 

So thank you for always believeing in me. Especially, when I didn't even believe in myself! 

At the age of nineteen years old, I truly had the world in my hands. 

Though there was a split part of me for a moment that thought my world was crashing down. Due to a failed relationship, the anxieties of feeling like I hadn't achieved anything and not knowing parts of my life.... 

In fact, my world was expanding and day by day it kept on growing. 

I moved to Winchester, where I found myself so settled as my focus had turned to my career again rather than how my ex was feeling etc... I learned to put myself first. 

I also established a relationship with my father alongside my step-mum and brothers.! 

That's something I never thought I was going to achieve as I was too scared to take the risk! 

I now reflect on knowing it's the best decision I have ever made following moving to Winchester and establishing myself rather than being a shadow that's hidden by somebody else's light!

I took control of my life! 

I become me! 

I begun my journey and for that I am so proud. 

Chasing your dreams, may seem difficult but it's even harder to watch them pass you by! 

Open the door to your journeys today and enjoy them! 

With Love, 


Partnered With NU Skin....

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For the last few weeks, I've been trying to find the words to share this blog post with you all! 

I'm so excited to release this post! 

Since last Wednesday, I have shared a few vlog posts online for you all on my social media!! 

If you can remember rightly, I teased you all with hints that I would drop some exciting news!! 


I couldn't wait to share the new news with you all and the development I've made through my blog. 

I'm so honoured and proud to say that I work alongside NU Skin! 

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Since, working with NU Skin and meeting fellow members I have been introduced to so many beautiful people and products! 

At first, I found myself very weary as I wasn't sure if I believed in the products... But now there's nothing more that I simply believe in! 

With being a beauty influencer online, I have been in search for the perfect company that supports and encourages me to take opportunities and to follow my dreams... I discovered the company through a dear friend and former colleague of mine - Jade! 

From now on ladies and gents, you will see products appearing left right and centre on my blog as I will review and share the results with you all. 

I'm also very excited to let you know that you can buy the products through privately messaging me but I am also introducing 'Pamper Evenings' if your in the search of a host... Simply look no further as I have very exciting events planned but hopefully more to come!!

Before I forget, I am also very excited to let you know that Jade and I are heading off to Belfast together for a quick little getaway in September. I can't wait!! Yay!!

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For any enquires about the products or how you can get involved with NU Skin then be sure to head to my Facebook page (Facebook page!

Or drop me a message via Email! 

I will be sure to get back to you all! 

I look forward to sharing my new journey with you all and I hope you will enjoy joining me! 

Much Love 


Mental Health Awareness Blog...

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As today is the day I have scheduled in my diary planner to work against the time and release a few blogs for you all, how could I resist posting this one?

When I was given the opportunity, to work with a few lovely people targeting 'Mental Health Awareness' - it was a definite yes for me! There was absolutely no way in this world that I didn't wish to take the time to tackle this and to make: young people, children and adults aware that mental health does exist.

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Since, March I have experienced how many people disregard the topic of 'Mental Health'. 

At first, I was so angry with how the world captures the idea of mental health and how people who are suffering are disregarded. It physically appalled me! 

However, from working closely with professionals and experiencing people's own stories it makes you realise how the world fears the idea of mental health... 

It's the FEAR... 

The idea of knowing you suffer with mental health or you know somebody who does, is represented as such a fear towards all of us.

And actually, if anything it's shown me how to be brave and to encourage those who are suffering or who's family members are suffering that your very strong. 

Hearing the stories and meeting the people, which I must say has been such a privilege, who have suffered or are on-going battling with mental health has truly opened my mind to knowing that we should make a stand to those who are disregarding mental illnesses! 

Why should we put people down due to a mental illness? 

An illness, is an illness and you can get better! 

Instead of mocking those who are suffering, let's pull together and make people better! 

Stop the world from becoming bitter and make it a happy and healthy place for everybody.

To even spare a few minutes of your time to ask those who are surrounding you if their okay will make the world of difference to them! 

Show your friends and family love but most importantly take the time to love yourself too. 

Let's help to make Mental Illnesses aware to the world! 

Join me with the hashtags and share this to your loved ones! 



Good Luck! 



A Snippet Of What's To Come....

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It's a typical Wednesday afternoon as I can hear the rain pour against my bay window!

I thought I would post this little sneak preview today, for those of you who follow me on Instagram and my Facebook then you would have already seen this little surprise!! Though, I thought it was about time to explain a little about the video....  

As you all know, I have been working away on so many projects that occasionally I have dropped little hints towards. Did any of you see this one coming?! 

Technically, I haven't really released anything as nobody knows what this is going to be yet! All I can say is, I am SO EXCITED!! 

When I work on projects I devote every part of me into it as I wish to share how passionate I am through every task I work on so that it reflects towards you guys! 

Sometimes, I find myself enjoying a project more than another one I have begun and that's simply down to how much I put into every single one! I always believe in pushing yourselves so hard that you enjoy the little moments the most.

As it is kind of a release date, I will drop one hint and that's the fact that I have collaborated with not only my best friend but the one and only Charlie Barton.

It's the time for me to reflect and thank her for not only motivating me but also having the courage to begin her journey too! 

The key to success is to go and grab it! Do what you want to do and believe! 

Go ahead and follow Charlie on her social media! 

Much Love As Always, 


Friday Motivation....

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No way is it August already?... For those of you who are enjoying the typical British weather during Cowes week on the Isle of Wight - I am slightly jealous as it's the first Cowes week I have missed in a while! 

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Anyhow, I think it might very well be time for our Autumn inspired fashion to make an appearance soon. What do you think? Late at night, I hear the rain pour against my Victorian Bay styled window and I simply know Autumn is coming! Which means its time for the multiple of scarves we own and the bright but beautiful red lipstick to make an appearance but we must not forget the dainty boots we own too! 

With that in mind, I couldn't resist sharing a few motivational quotes for us all! 

Grab your umbrella and believe you can achieve anything! No matter the weather! 

Or maybe, grab a cup of coffee as that may get you through the week just as well! 

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This quote is probably one of the quotes that has stayed with me since I was little. The quote inspires me so much as it pushes me to throw myself in at the deep end and find challenging situations so that I can learn from the difficult circumstances. 

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Which of course leads me onto this next quote as I find that situations where you struggle in always leads you to a positive outcome and the strength you have built from experiencing a tough situation. 

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I truly believe in facing the hard times as it establishes the good times and you enjoy each and every experience more... 

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Allow yourselves to dream about the beautiful times as it always pushes me to work harder to reach the beautiful destination that I have dreamed of. 

Most of all, be who you wish to be! 

Much Love As Always, 

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