A Level Results On Thursday!

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So this Thursday, Thursday the thirteenth is results day for A Levels! Yeah that's right results day!

I thought that this would be a great opportunity to not just blog about something that is just involving my life or something that I am interested in. It involves you all:  the teachers, the hard-working students and of course your family members!

I know that a lot of people are worrying about the results day through speaking to family and friends.

It is a massive worry, you wouldn't think that some writing on a bit of paper could have such a massive impact towards the rest of your life would you?

But it does and you can only either go two ways with your results, you could be really impressed and look forward to the future or you could be back at square one again trying harder to get where you want to be.

You need to remember though that you're only human and you can only try your best! Sometimes, things pay off but sometimes they don't!

I always tend to have the attitude that life is a lesson and if you don't get the answer that you wanted it's because you were meant to learn something else before passing!

I know that you all will be worried regardless of what I say but don't be so disheartened if you don't reach the place you wanted to be as there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

I guess what I wanted to say is good luck. I am worried too so we are all in this together.. (I feel like I have just broken into a High School Musical song!)

Good luck with your results everyone, at the end of the day we can't do anything until we receive that bit of paper! But I hope you all get the results you were wishing for.

Lots of love,
Anya x
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