Maybe It's Time To Make Your Story...

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I'm back again guys, you know what I'm like when I tend to write a blog... it never normally ends up staying as just one blog! 

I tend to get carried away with writing the blogs as I always have so much to share with you all! I find myself becoming too excited and end up releasing another blog!... 

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I always find myself obsessing over night time blogs! 

Night time, always becomes my favourite time to blog! I think that's because I struggle with sleeping but I also know it's the easiest time to blog! 

Another obsession of mine recently, has been discovering night time photography! 

In fact, if you're looking to discover great photography shots then I would head over to my Facebook to find some of my Grandad's photography - Douglas Cox - as he truly inspires me with his photography! I know, he will be very happy with being mentioned on the blog too! Keep up the hard work Grandad! 

Anyhow, another reason as to why night time blogs become my favourite is purely down to the fact I think they become more motivational! 

I feel listened too more when I post a blog at night time as I think it makes more of a impact on people! Please correct me if I am wrong! 

I discovered, this quote at a difficult time in my life... 

Instead of believing my story had finished, I acted upon knowing it had only just begun! 

We all face; heart aches and low moments but do we give up? I like to think when we hit these parts of our lives and we spring back up! 

Why should we focus on settling when you can focus on editing? 

Happy endings have always been a safe option, looking back to a couple of months ago I would have been happy to take the safe route... 

It's the unknown that we all become worried about! 

It's the chapters that are left to unfold that we panic about, instead of worrying we should be thrilled to watch the chapters unfold. 

From previous experience, I now know happy endings aren't what I'm looking for. I'm looking to find me, not an ending that's convenient for others. 

We shouldn't be afraid to fail or take risks. Sometimes, living the hard way is the best way to live. 

Why waste time looking for your happy ending when maybe it's about living your story?  

I'm now ready to live for my story, not to sit worrying about the happy ending I've always dreamed of as a little girl... Life happens the way it should do! 

Enjoy your story!... 

Be brave enough to live your story! 

It's a goodnight from me now! 

Love As Always... 

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  1. تواصلوا معنا من خلال توكيل صيانة سامسونج حتي تحصلوا علي افضل العروض المقدمة من خلال فروعنا علي اعلي مستوي تصليحات وتركيبات للاجهزة الكهربائية من خلالنا في صيانة سامسونج تعرف علي اقرب فرع اليك من خلال خدمة عملاء سامسونج فقط.
