Girls Would You Give Up Your Makeup For A Day?

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Evening all you fabulous ladies out there, 

So I know  I have posted a similar blog like this for you all before but I am definitely one of those girls who wants to make you all see your beautiful in every single way. I am determined to make you all see that you don't need to wear make-up to be beautiful.

Some of my close friends, always tell me that they don't feel comfortable or don't feel like their beautiful enough compared to other girls. 

Once again, it always leads back to how other people look. Sometimes, I feel like it's almost a competition of who looks better and personally I don't agree with that! What do you girls think? 

I know that it's easy for me to say, but you should be happy and proud of who you are and the way you look. 

Because girls you were born this way! 

I recently, posted a picture on my instagram of a make-up bag which I will share with you below. The make-up bag says 'I Need Make Up' - out of curiosity how many of you girls wake up and know they need their make-up bag straight away? Is that the first thing you do, after your shower do you apply your make-up? 

I know confidence is a major thing for you all, I know that because I am a girl too and I am not one hundred percent comfortable with the way I look when I don't wear make-up but that said, I don't feel the need to wear it every single day. I feel comfortable enough, to sit at home with my boyfriend and my family without feeling the need to apply my make-up. 

But then again, when I am leaving the house I straight away apply my make-up as I won't be seen without it. In a way, that again is a lack in confidence as I personally wouldn't want everyone to see me without my make-up but why? What makes us beautiful woman feel so insecure? 

If I had to ask you what your two essential make-up items were what would they be? My essential make-up items would definitely have to be my foundation and my mascara! That would be my end of the world if I didn't have these in my bag! What would be yours girls? 

It's weird to think that, that is how we think about our make-up because we literally do feel like that when we don't have our make-up on sometimes isn't it girls?

But I definitely do enjoy having days off without having to wear my make-up so I like to have an even balance for my skin. 

Girls, if you had to give up your make-up for a day could you? 

Lots of love, Anya x
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