Discovering Your Perfect Shades...

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Finding your perfect shades are always a massive impact towards your look aren't they girls? We don't like to leave the house with a dark lipstick or a lighter foundation do we? Everything has to match and look right, so follow me with some top tips to discover your perfect tones! 

There are so many different tones to learn about so I will give you some brief tips to work with, which hopefully will help you apply your make-up easier than before. 

Follow me to find out whether your  a light, medium or dark tone!! 

Hmm, like I said there's so many different shades! (It can be confusing at times!)

Cool lights - 


I thought I would show you my skin tone as it would be easier to make some comparisons too! But as your all aware, I actually don't dye my hair and my hair naturally changes from season to season which I'm sure you can tell from just looking at the two photos I have shown above! (strange isn't it!) 

Top tips for being a cool light skin tone - the hair colour is a massive give-away as usually you will tend to have light and pale hair so blondes or ashy blondes! Eye colours are another tip as you will often find cool shades have blue, green or hazel colours! (beautiful colours I think!) Skin colours are of course milky white with a hint of pink tones! People who tend to burn easily are definitely a cool light skin tone! (I always admire people who have a darker skin tone as I always burn and never seem to actually find myself tanning!)

Cool mediums - 

Now a major top tip is to look straight for the colour of your hair as your usually looking for brown or dark blonde hair. Which is where, my skin tone becomes tricky as during the colder seasons I almost become a bronde (my hair becomes darker!!) 

(My hair is actually a lot darker than this, I will share a selfie for you all soon but this was the only one which was slightly darker than the ones above!) 

You will find that your eye colour tends to be either brown or blue, with occasional hints of grey or green too. 

Another hint to look for, is the colour of your skin tone if your skin tone is a milky white and you don't tan easily then this is most likely your perfect shade. 

Perfect shades for light, medium are pink tones, blues and nudes. 

With me having a light and pale skin tone, I am going to keep it quite simple by showing you two skin tones for darker skin tones (as yes I am really jealous!!) 

So of course, I had to share Beth's skin tone with you all as she has the perfect skin tone which is to die for! (Well I really love it anyway, I wish my skin tone was darker like hers, so that I could wear brighter shades! But we all have imperfections, don't we?) 

Beth's skin tone ranges between a cool dark and a warm dark. I would definitely say that this is based around the seasons impact too! 

So let's take a look at the cool dark skin colour first - 

Cool dark's trademarks are the following, you will find that your hair is either a deep brown or a jet black as you can see just like Beth's! You will find that your eye colour will either be: bright blue, cool grey, green or hazel! Whilst, your skin ranges from the palest white to the darkest black! (For everyone, who doesn't know Beth yes she does use fake tan daily! But fake tan definitely makes you feel so much more comfortable within your skin doesn't it?!) 

The best colours which will suit you if your this sort of skin tone just like Beth then definitely -  blacks, cool purple, red or burgundy colours!  I know Beth will be reading this and thinking straight away that is her down to a tee! 

Let's move on and take a look at the warmer dark tones -

The lighting is a lot darker in this photo of Beth which makes it a lot easier to tell if she is wearing fake tan as well as focusing on her make-up! (And yes of course she is wearing fake tan!) 

So how can you recognise a warm dark skin tone? Easy, follow these clues! 

Initially, look straight for your hair colour as this will be a massive help if your hair is chestnut brown, mahogany or black then that's a massive starting point for sure. 

Focus on eye colouring too as that's a massive give-away too, if your eyes are brown, hazel or green then your on the right tracks! 

You will find naturally your skin colouring is a lot darker than blonde's! It's easy to identify between Beth and I as her colouring is a lot darker than mine even without the fake tan (Surprise surprise!) I would say Beth ranges in-between a nice olive skin colouring! 

Dark colours like purple and a bright flaming red lipstick are definitely must haves for this skin tone! Beth would certainly agree with this, as you can all see with her red lipstick! 

Anyway, I hope this helps you all identify how to check what skin tone you're! 

Lots of love, Anya  

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