Do You Feel Comfortable In Your Own Skin?

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A lot of people have left comments on social media's regarding make-up and I have noticed a lot of people wondering if I wear it every day? 

So I thought it would be nice to write a blog based around feeling comfortable in your own skin and letting you know what my favourite make-up products are and why. 

Honestly, I love make-up I really do and I love to express to you how much I love make-up. 

But I also love to have days off, I love my make-up don't get me wrong!

Every girl loves her make-up, it's like a girls best friend! 

But I don't wear make-up every day, I love to have a break! I like to let my skin have a day off. 

I think make-up is one of many ways in which make women feel beautiful and comfortable. Make-up is definitely a way to make women feel comfortable in their skin. 

Even  though, I don't wear make-up every day I like to be able to wear make-up for special occasions, which manage to mark the transition between day and night right? 

As you all know my make-up routine, if it's just a casual day at home I don't always tend to apply make-up but if I know I am going out during the day or I have plans for in the evening then I will make sure I apply my make-up. 

Anyway, my must have essentials is definitely my mascara as I am blonde and I have really fair eyelashes so I feel really naked and lost without my mascara as just adding that little coat of mascara can change so much! 

My second must have essential, is my foundation. I mean it's not a must have as I am quite lucky and I have a normal skin complexion however, I guess I have become so used to applying my foundation and seeing the end result that I have become kind of reliant towards using my foundation! You understand girls right?

If I were to ask you girls do you feel comfortable in your skin, what would you say? 

As if you were to ask me I think I wouldn't be able to give you a definite answer as I would be stuck between a right answer. 

So I would initially say, yes I feel comfortable in my own skin. I like to take care of my skin, as I believe if you take care of your skin then your skin will take care of you. I always make sure, I buy and try new products that will take care of my skin and I feel comfortable enough to not wear make-up in front of my family, boyfriend and close friends. 

On the other hand, if you were to ask me to go out to work or out shopping or if I had plans then I wouldn't feel comfortable in leaving the house without my make-up and my make-up bag!

What would you say?  Would you be able to leave the house without your make-up and your make-up bag?

I guess, make-up plays a huge influence on most of our lives now as it definitely plays a huge influence on me! 

Remember, be good to your skin and your skin will be good to you! 

Lots of love, Anya x
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