Being Confident In Yourself And Learning To Overcome Your Fears...

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Hey you guys, so I'm back from Winchester and heading straight back into work... It's so good to have a few days away, I always find myself feeling really refreshed after taking a few days away! 

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It's always a good feeling when the weekend arrives, especially when you have that lazy Sunday feeling which will soon be arriving in the air too! 

As you all know, I will be blogging about the last few days where I went to visit my dearest friend Charlie in Winchester and then simply took an unplanned detour towards Northampton to visit my dad and brothers. I always find the unplanned things in life are the best, wouldn't you agree?? 

Anyway, skipping briefly by to the point of this blog... 

'Being Confident In Yourself And Enjoying The Things You Love Is A Must!'

You know, I love sharing little hints on social media before releasing another blog... You will find that there is always a clue lined up for what the next blog will be about! 

I thought it was a massive must to share a post which relates towards being confident in yourself and for also overcoming your fears... 

This time last year, I had my first ever drive on the mainland with my stepdad and my mum... The mainland, is very different towards the little Island roads! So as you can imagine, I was very scared and anxious of the unknown! Up until the point of me actually driving and I then realised I loved it! 

Sometimes, life steps in the way and you get slightly distracted and torn away from what you actually love doing... So let's rewind and focus on what you love... 

A year ago, on the mainland I used to be terrified of the rather big lorries and the very tiny car I have... It used to worry me so much that I would have a little nervous twitch every time a lorry passed by me.

Now I'm not nervous at all and the nervous twitch has long gone!... 

Knowing you can believe and overcome your fear/worries is a New Year's resolution for everyone I think! 

To be confident in something you love to do is a very good objective!... 

Stop being afraid of the potential you have and focus on the fears you have left to overcome! 

Feel the love for every fear you need to overcome! 

Much Love, Anya Marie Ball x
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