A Quick Catch Up With Me...

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Good evening to my blogging world... 

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We're slowly creeping towards day 3 of 2017 already... Mad times, hey?? 

I feel like, I had to take the time to express how busy I have been the last few months. I feel like I haven't dedicated enough time towards the blog and that makes me really sad as I genuinely love you all and appreciate all the support I have had through starting the blog! 

It's that time of year already where I can't thank you all enough as I am two hundred views away from reaching 40,000 views! That's massive for a small time Island blogger like myself! 

So thank you!! 

In terms of keeping you guys up to date with me, it's been typically manic as always! Though, I wouldn't have it any other way! I love keeping busy! 

During the last few months of 2016, I have been really focused on some little projects which are coming up some time in 2017 for you all to see and hopefully there will be many opportunities for you to get involved as well.! 

Life is all about focusing on opportunities and dreams.

Be you and make things happen!

With it being the start of the new year, it's always vital to take the time to ask yourself what you actually want from this year... Make a check list, tick off every single accomplishment and goal. Inspire yourselves, but also look for inspiration too! 

Now it's my time to reflect on those who have inspired me during the last year and during my life; 

First of all, my mum - a huge dedication has to go towards my mum. Not a lot of you know the experiences my mum has been faced with but those of you who do will know she has faced a lot at such a young age. My mum, had me when she was nineteen years old which is my current age - my mum graduated and become a primary school teacher. Not once, has my mum shown a sign of weakness and she inspires me so much! So thank you mum! 

My nan, as most of you all know she plays a massive role in my life. Sadly, my nan's mum passed away when my nan was still only a teenager so my nan grew up rather quickly for her age.. We won't touch into too much detail as you all know it's a privacy thing! My nan has always encouraged me to keep strong and go for what you want! So thank you nan! 

My best friend; Lizzie, the inspiration literally bounces off you! A massive thank you towards how confident you have made me must be thanked. I am so grateful for the encouragement to take risks and to embrace opportunities! 

My best friend; Charlie - seeing Charlie grow as a person has inspired me so much! I am so grateful for you. I know certain things are personal but Charlie and I are very similar with suffering from anxiety and how she has overcome her fears, what with moving to Winchester and studying at university has shown me how remarkable she is!

My grandad - a massive shout out towards my grandad. Knowing how strong you're inspires me to be the best me I can be. There have been some difficulties thrown towards you during 2016 and current but you have battled through them.

My stepdad Paul - knowing every achievement you have made this year is inspirational and I am thankful for every achievement I have made which has been supported and pushed by you.  

My dad - meeting you has been very inspirational for myself. It's opened a new chapter for the both of us, I know for certain it's one of the best decisions I have made during my life. Knowing your career pathway's and hearing your stories have amazed me! 

Ewan and Lewis - you two both inspire me to be the best sister I can be! With knowing, your accomplishments already it's filled me with nothing but joy to know I will be apart of the next things you do! 

Not forgetting to mention a fellow blogger, Anna Swabey who sadly passed away with an on-going battle to Cancer last year as well! It's times like these, where we should all pull together and remember those who have given so much to others. So much love and commiseration towards Anna's family members. It's times like these where people should be remembered and we should say thank you for all the hard work and effort that's been made. 

Before, I forget I must always be thankful for the team at The County Press! Especially, Thomas Seal as even to this day I am so grateful for having the chance to work with all of you! As writer's you all have inspired me! So thank you! I will never forget the constant support you have always shown me! 

Adrian Sucking - what with becoming camera shy after a while off from modelling you have totally encouraged me to get back into the game! Being confident with your body and yourself is a massive achievement for everyone! The work that you produce is outstanding! So thank you for providing me with the confidence within myself! 

I have met some amazing people during 2016 and I know this year is going to be the year of achievements for me! Being humble and proud is a gift, you must all embrace that! Life is all about being positive and knowing you've made the right decisions for yourself and others around you! 

I can't wait for the new opportunities, new beginnings, new me! 

Much Love As Always, 

AB xx
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