Picture Perfect!...

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Picture Perfect, 

She stands there as the light flickers on and off, every so quickly. Does the light ever fade? The light remains shinning, even in the shadows....
Picture Perfect!

At least that's what they call her and she certainly knows. 
Though, she pretends. 
Do they know who she is behind the camera? 
Did they ask?
He never asked.

At times, they focus in on the imperfections. They often belittle her! They show her fears! She remains naked, but to the World. 

She's on show to the World. 
'Miss Picture Perfect' but yet she feels isolated. 
So alone, memories of every love she had for you. 
She did this for you, you made her become 'Picture Perfect!'

And that most certainly is what she is! 
Little did she know!
She never knew, yet the World knew!

He altered her, he become the fear and the insecurities that niggle away at her. 

She was so young. So naive! 

He blinded her! 

The mask remains wrapped, ever so tightly. 

Did she know he was intending on manipulating her till she become nothing but an empty picture frame? He forgot her name was 'Perfect' and that she certainly was. 

Her imperfections are her flaws and little did he know she remained standing tall with the picture frames standing on the walls. 

Never did he expect her to fight, to remain strong. The adaptions he made were kept in order ro be her downfall. Little did he know, it would make her become the young lady she was always destined to be. Did she know she was 'Picture Perfect?'

The light flickers and she remained the same. 
Standing alone, but not so! 

Though, she still loves him and she expects him to return.

Did she love him? Or was he blinded by the love she believed she could see?

She feared that the light would alter her. Is this the light he once created? 

The light flickers! 
The camera zooms in. 
The adaptions she makes are for her and she's shinning bright she just can't find the light. 

She needs to know and understand her beauty, her power and to live. 

She believed he was her 'Picture Perfect', when in fact he was everything but that. He was everything she never wanted. 

Not everything you see is how it appears. 

What she believed wasn't true but that was before she found the truth....

Picture Perfect... 

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