My Isle of Wight Homely Favourites...

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Let's just take a moment to pause and appreciate the beauty the Isle of Wight has!! 

It's so beautiful!... 

With spending time back home, you truly do appreciate the amount of beauty that remains in your home-bound area... For some reason there, I feel like I am about to burst out into a song as moving to the City sprung to my mind! Can you guess the song in particular which I'm currently singing out loud in my mind ha-ha?.... 

Yes! You got it!! 

'I moved to the City, in a broke down car!' - Closer by the Chainsmokers...

Anyway, once again typical Anya got distracted and it seems I should head back on track...

I'll forever know where my home is as it remains in my heart! 
With being home and all it certainly opens your eyes and reminds you of homely pieces that you used to daily use and love.!

Of course, I had to throwback and use this photograph to show my love for my dressing table and my pink lave lamp!!

Now, this is something you'll all remember me for... Of course, it's my love for my name! Ha I'm only kidding, it's my love for beautiful candles!!

No matter how much I love this pillow, I always leave it at home as it's known to be one of the features in my bedroom which waits for my return as clearly I bring the 'Good Vibes!' Ha!

Without, a shadow of a doubt I ABSOLUTELY love my stunning lampshade and I wish I could take it home but I always love returning home to see the pretty decor. Does anybody else feel like that, when they return?

My family always purchase pretty and weird products ha-ha! However, they always make me laugh!! 

Nan, this one is for you as you'll know why I love this... Of course, our trip to London and the boutique inspired jewellery stand is just gorgeous! ~ Simply gorgeous and of course pretty and pink!! ~ 

No matter what, this chic inspired chandelier certainly gives off incredible lighting and it always excites me to keep clicking the switch on and off as the light twinkles... Yep, I'm weird right?

Homely decor, truly inspires me and since moving into the new flat with Emma I have been working on a few pieces which I am certain you may have seen hints on my social media pages! 

However, I always find your true inspiration comes from your home!! So always, take a trip down memory lane and remember your roots! 

I'm wishing you an amazing New Year and once again a massive thank you to everyone who has followed the blog and my journey! I can't believe I am twenty one this year, it's crazy to think this is heading my way!! However, I want to take the time to wish every single one of you an incredible 2018 as you all deserve it! 

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Adventure is just beginning!...

Much Love As Always, 


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