Because Of You...

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Because of You, 

You always learned the hard way and you faced so much misery during your youth. 
Yet you never turned to failure, you never allowed it.


You heard me cry during the night in my sleep. You knew why. You knew I was too scared to admit the truth to you as I thought it would hurt you. So I went on pretending that my pain was fine and I had hoped one day it would go away.

Because of You... 

The pain you faced, never made you fade away.
"Annie", I heard you say when you saw the tears stream and the sound of me sobbing.
And you said; 
"My heart never broke because it wasn't whole. Then I had you and it's all for you."

Your so strong, you never fall. 
You always stand tall. 

Sometimes, I see you cry and it's very rare. You'll say to me; 
"Every Warrior deserves to shed a few tears." 

You taught me to be brave. 
To stand tall when I feel incredibly small. 
To hold my head up high! 

You were nineteen years old, I thought it would have broken you to be alone. 
It was tough for you, but you made it seem easy.

It wasn't the life you had planned.

Every time you put me first before anything else and you stayed by my side. Even when you felt forced to smile or laugh, you shone in the light until you knew you'd let me lean on you until it was dawn.

You were never afraid. 

It's because of You...

My first footsteps were there with you, I saw you out of the corner of my eye. As you stood, watching in case I got hurt. 

I tumbled and I cried... 
There you were to catch me for every fall.

Though, you knew I felt like something was missing. 
I guess, that's why I hated jig-saw puzzles as I could never locate the missing piece. 

Our picture frames stay sat on the side as they always have.  I know, you never planned on this life and especially not for me. 

You comb my long blonde locks and time has flown by. 

Your Little Island Girl is now Miss City Sunshine and she's okay. 
She gets scared but she carries on because of You.

She stands tall and remembers that the lights not far from you. If the skies are grey, she'll be there. 

And that's when she told you;

"Sometimes, you need to lean on others and let them be strong for you for once and that's exactly what I'll do for you.
I'll be strong even when I feel incredibly weak. 
I'll take the risk and call you for advice at quarter to three in the morning not knowing what to do.
I'll cry when another stupid boy breaks my heart. 
I'll hideaway, when I try to forget everything until you make me remember and face the pain until it no longer remains. 
Your strength has built me so high, that I no longer fear heights. 
Your confidence and hope got me through the years of the unknown. 
It's because of You! 
When the skies are grey you'll see me appear and I'll never let you be afraid! 
Even when it's not okay, you'll know it be because I'll never leave you.
I'm no longer afraid! 
I want you to live your life, to find adventure and to lean on me." 

Follow the footprints that are waiting for you in the sand and you'll always find me not far behind you... 

Because of You... 

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