Find Beauty In Yourselves...

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I'm back with another blog for you all, as I thought we could all do with a motivational blog for Monday! Monday's in the office can tend to be a little tricky at times, right?

Image result for monday tumblr

I know we all tend to grab the coffee's but at least we can cuddle up watching the soaps this evening or if your still working grab another coffee! 

Recently, I've discovered by receiving so many private messages and emails from many young ladies and gentleman who pile so much pressure on themselves it made me realise that it's time to take a little step back from allowing ourselves to feel pressured. 

Why do we focus on what others look like and desire to look like them? 

Why do we change our looks to please others?

Why do we try to fit in with others?

Why do we try so hard to be a certain weight?

Why do we feel the need to be a certain dress size?

There is no need to be anything but yourself! 

Find your inner beauty! 

Why would you fancy being someone else when you could fancy being yourself?

Being different is what makes you yourself. It's what makes you experience your life not to live in somebody else's shadows. 

I encourage all of you to enjoy being you. 

Be who you wish to be and embrace being you! 

Lots of Love, 

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