New 100% Vegan Amazonian Acai Energising Radiance Mask Review....

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Good Evening Ladies and Gents... 

A quiet Sunday, I presume?... I thought it would be a great time to review my new favourite product of the month as it's been a while since I have had the time to post my monthly favourites blog for you all!

 This time, I thought I would share a specific blog as it's a Sunday and what better way to spend a Sunday than resting up and pampering yourselves?...
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I love pamper days!... I genuinely, seem to love spending the day lounging about doing nothing though who doesn't? It's okay to do that every now and then, right?

Anyway, with working in the centre of Winchester it enables me to be able to pop and do a little shopping every now and then... 

Of course, I had to head into Body Shop when I discovered they had new face masks in store! It had to be done!... 

By now I am sure you have learned that my eye tends to attract pinky products so of course my head and heart were selecting the pink face masks before I even noticed the other ones! 

Though after kindly being served by a colleague in the Winchester store she selected the pink one for my skin, so let's just say things were clearly meant to be right from the start ha!

Anyhow after discussing my skin type this was clearly the best face mask for my specific skin type. Luckily for me, I tend to have normal skin as it doesn't tend to be oily or dry. 

Though, when discussing with the colleague I explained to her that my skin tends to look very dull and tired halfway through the week this is due to being anaemic as it tends to reflect on parts of your body that you wouldn't think become affected though they do! 

Which is why it's always important to look after your skin, if you look after your skin then your skin will look after you! 

Since, trialling the product I have noticed a massive difference as my skin has a reinforced natural glow alongside my skin feeling incredibly smooth. I never really understood the saying 'As smooth as a babies bottom' before up until this point as I can now understand as babies skin tends to be so smooth.... Now I understand what my Auntie Mo used to mean. 

From a perspective of loving the product I also love the product packaging/design! It's pink and black, what couldn't I love about it?? I love everything!! 

Also it's also a bargain as it's only £16!! 

Without a doubt I am in love with this new product and would one hundred and ten percent recommend this to anybody who is in the search of finding the perfect face mask!

What I love the most about this product is the fact that you don't need to apply lots, a simple pea shaped amount will leave the perfect finish towards your skin! 

Also, doesn't it look like I am wearing strawberry jam on my face?! It's such a unique face mask.

Simply remove with a sponge or flannel after about fifteen to twenty minutes! Sit back and relax! 

After allowing my skin to rest and applying less makeup to show the refreshing look of my skin since using the face mask! How refreshed does my skin look?... 

It has left me feeling totally refreshed, relaxed and confident with my skin! 

To head straight over to The Body Shop to order your face mask then click the link here .... Head To The Body Shop... Go and order!! 

Much Love, 

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