Bank Holiday Motivational Thoughts...

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Well... It seems its a late one tonight then everyone! Ha! 

Although, that's probably due to the fact I can't sleep due to the excitement of seeing my mum tomorrow. Even though, it was my choice to move away and establish my new life here in Winchester. I still miss my mum and miss my home! We never truly grow up! Sorry mum, I'm still just the little annoying Missy I was before I left home. HA! 

With it being Bank Holiday, I thought it was the perfect time to focus on inspiring people to believe they can be themselves and to express how important it is to believe in there being better things!... 

It's one hundred and ten percent mind over body! 

You have to believe! 

I hear so many people wishing their lives to be something else other than what theirs are.!

There's no finger pointing or name dropping here as it's very black and white every single one of us are guilty for wishing to achieve someone else's dreams or body goals. It's simple things, like wishing to be skinny like a celebrity etc! 

Why do we do it? It needs to stop! We need to embrace being ourselves as then we can have the confidence to love each and every part of ourselves and only then we will achieve!!


With recently, moving away and beginning a new chapter of my life. It's been a massive step for myself to make, only six months ago I was tied into a relationship which I believed was for the rest of my life. Followed by working in retail which I loved though not really grabbing nor focusing on what I really wanted. My carer. To make my family proud and to establish my life. 

Sometimes, to be hurt is the massive kick up the bottom that you needed to believe you can achieve! 

I now believe. 

Though, I know there will be many obstacles and downfalls as it's life and believe me you shouldn't believe it's all rosey as it's not and it never will be but you can make it your own.

That's exactly what I have done and I am proud! 

Being proud isn't being full of yourself, it takes confidence and courage to show others that you can achieve and believe in yourself. 

Why not allow yourself to believe?

As it's motivational night, I thought I would post this quote twice on the blog post as I had hoped it had caught your eyes and inspired you all. 

It's important to remind you all that it's about being you and being proud to be you. 

There are so many people out there who pretend to be your friend or pretend to care about your little flaws. They don't they encourage them to intend on being your downfall. 

Life is about focusing on finding those people in your life who have always been there since day one and always hoped for the best for you. 

They influence you far more than those who have tried to create more scars.

Allow your scars to be seen, that way your pain and your hurt is real but allow them to heal and then move on.

Allowing your hurt to heal establishes who you truly are but it also shows your modesty and honesty.

The message I send to you all is to know it's okay and it always will be. 

Looking back over the blog, I shared a few things with you all on here which truly pained me the last year of my life and looking back now I can truly and freely say I survived and I'm stronger. 

I'm more than happy, though I never thought I would find happiness or be free from pain again. Well I have, I did and I am okay! 

I thank You for making me stronger! 

Now I can see life, for what it is and I am able to believe. 

I believed in my dream and allowed myself to be hurt and then to learn from the pain. 

I learned how life isn't always what it seems, but it can truly change you and your journey. How you deal with the journeys and the change is completely up to you!

Now it's time to hand everything back over to you and believe that you can believe in yourselves like I have. 

I wish you every happiness as that's what we all deserve!

Love Yours, 

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