Well I Guess This Is Called Growing Up...

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How's your Friday going so far? 

How adorable is my choice of 'Friday' Tumblr inspirations?... So me, I know! 

I guess, I kind of felt like I had to address the topic of 'growing up' due to the fact that I have moved from the Isle of Wight to Winchester... I'm presuming I should really blog about that! 

I knew, 'growing up' would have been a topic that I would later address in further detail on the blog due to previously receiving emails and what not from you all! 

Well I guess this is called growing up... 

I could right an endless list on what's to be expected about growing up... Though, that's a tad repetitive and surely we all grow up differently and in different stages do you not think?

Sometimes, we take baby steps or sometimes you just randomly jump into moving out from your parents and building your life for yourself and on your own! 

Since moving, I've realised how reliant I was upon family members! 

Simple things that you do for yourselves when you move out from your parents, were things I found myself never doing when I used to live with my mum! The term 'lazy' springs to mind! 

When my mum used to ask me to complete what seemed to be at the time 'boring chores' I remember hating having to do them or trying to pass them off to my step-dad or leave them for my mum to complete! 

Growing up, isn't as glamorous as you wish! 

Not unless, you have fancy pink gloves to wash the dirty dishes with or unless you've employed a cleaner.... (I wouldn't put it passed me to purchase fancy pink rubber gloves, would you?!)

Anyhow, the point is don't expect to be glamorous all the time!! Growing up, isn't something that comes easy! 

Even I'll admit, I underestimated how much my elders do! Now I see how busy my; parents, grandparents and other family members are. Although, my dad's still a big kid as poor Sabrina completes all the housework! Ha! Only kidding dad, I know how busy you tend to be! 

On the other hand, moving away from home and exploring the big wide world is pretty grown up... So I guess you can call that growing up right? Don't panic though, as soon as you do so homesickness won't be far behind you!... 

I never really understood the term 'homesickness' until recently! I used to believe it wasn't real and then suddenly it hits you when you grow up and leave your family home! 

Expect to become every family member as I've had to do mums and dads jobs but now they've become my jobs... Sometimes, it sucks to think growing up is such a chore right?! 

Though, the perks of having your own home comes with responsibility and if that's what you want then that comes with growing up! 

There's the stress of bills left right and centre.... 

The terrible dates you have to remember such as the bin day... Still not really quite there with that thanks to Stephen, Pete and Ed I think they somewhat have that covered! 

Endless amounts of washing, now I kind of understand why my mum and nan used to always get irritated with me if I didn't put my laundry in the laundry basket as there's so many other jobs to complete in the household! Yikes, sorry guys!! 

Not forgetting the food shopping... which totals up to a lot of £££££££'s!!! Crikey, I remember always sneaking things in the trolley when my grandparents or my mum used to look away! Nowadays I find myself, actually thinking out loud in the store to myself as I'm 'umming' and 'arring' to decide whether I actually need to buy an extra bottle of milk... 

See, that's the highlight of adulthood! If I was you, I would stick to hanging around home a little longer ha! It's less expensive and the thing you'll find out is you'll never say no to your mums or grandparents cooking!.... It's a yes from me! - simple things that you used to take for granted become the most appreciated thing in your life! 

You do only live once, so on the other hand it's important to reflect on how vital it is to enjoy living your life! 

To grow up, the most important thing you need to take is responsibility... 

Being responsible and keeping on top of bills, housework and your career is the main focus points you should have. Other than that, enjoy your life! 

Just because your growing up, it doesn't mean you should shut yourself away from the world after work. Go and have a glass of wine with your girlfriends or head to the cinema on a date with your boyfriend! It's all about being responsible for your life! 

Don't over work yourself, adults are allowed to have some fun too! 

On that note though, I shall be getting ready for bed soon after finishing a few homely jobs as I'm super tired and works calling me in the morning! 

Remember to enjoy your life, you only get it once so live it! 

Much Love As Always

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