Embracing Feeling Healthy & Keeping Up With Fitness...


Hello again Blogging World...

There's been a slight lack of blogs recently as you all know I have busy moving into my new place in Winchester. 

Although there has also been a slight delay with the blogs due to the fact that my WIFI at my new house hasn't been working. Now thank goodness my Wifi well underway! It's been driving me pretty mad as the first thing I wanted to do was type away on the blog for you all! 

With now having an insight into what I would call 'proper adult-hood' I can certainly see how little things in the house tend to become massive problems! It's important to make sure the little things in the house are sorted before allowing them to escalate into bigger problems! 

Anyhow, I shall write a blog based around growing up etc and learning to live on your own in the near future as from briefly 

Since, posting a few posts on the blog and Instagram photos I have noticed there have been a few questions as to what has motivated me to keep up with my fitness and to lead a healthier lifestyle. 

So I thought I would share a few photos and reasons as to why I am so motivated on focusing on becoming healthier. 

I think we can all agree when the weather starts to change from rain to sunny spells, we all fancy becoming healthier don't we? It's like a natural instinct we all have, as soon as I see the sun lately I have the urge to run! 


My main reason for sticking to exercise at the moment is due to the fact that when you exercise you release happy endorphin's, becoming healthy and happier is one hundred and ten percent all you need. To feel good within yourself and your health wise, is a massive essential! 


With moving to Winchester, I have been really focused on watching my health and making sure I can keep up with my fitness. Sometimes, embracing fitness is what you need to do. Not every sport is for you, so the important thing to do is find something you feel comfortable with! 

Starting something at your pace is what you need to do. Don't push yourself pace yourself! 

Clearly another motivation for me right now is the pretty views in Winchester. After work, I find myself getting ready for a run as I am so motivated to run to the surroundings of my new home! Finding new places to run to is a great way to start embracing exercise as pretty scenic views have a massive influence on motivating you to get ready and head down to the gym or for a run. 

Finding time to fit exercise in during the day is important, it doesn't matter whether it's day or night time as long as you find the time. I often, head straight out for a run after work but it's been great to head down to Winchester cathedral for a quick run at night time. The views are beautiful aren't they?

With now saving and learning to cook lots of different meals for yourself, it's been easy to stick to knowing what I am eating each day as usually I would snack during the day before my mum or nan cooked my main meal! Sticking to a set list has helped me stick to watching what I eat for sure. 

Before, I draw this blog to a close I would like to share the link with you all to my brother Ewan's story for the half marathon in Milton Keynes as Ewan has been a massive inspiration for wanting to improve my fitness too. If you could, show your support and potentially donate towards Ewan's choice of charity which is for the  
Click the link to head straight over to Ewan's page.... Ewan's Story...

Remember that only you can make a difference on your own health...! 

Much Love As Always, 

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