I'ts The Friends We Meet Along The Way That Help Us Appreciate The Journey...| Featuring Charlie's 20th Birthday Celebrations...

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Happy Friday!!!! 
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I'm pretty sure my dizzy heads will be all over the place by the time I have finished this blog.... Great choice Anya!! 

Well, it's not great on the weather front today is it?... I literally can't wait to head straight into the summer period. It's really exciting me with the summer stock coming into stores! 

Anyhow, today I thought I would merge two blogs into one as there very similar!... 

From the title, I'm pretty sure you guys were aware it would be based around my friends... 

Currently, I have found myself becoming obsessed with finding motivational quotes!... 

When I stumbled across this one on Tumblr it fit perfectly! 

For those of you who have read my blogs and followed my journey throughout the last year and a half... You will know that my friends play a massive strength towards my life! 

When your at your weakest, your friends pull you through!

It's true when people say, friends become the family you choose! 

The friends, I have chosen have been so supportive throughout my life and it was really important for me to reflect on that. But to also make each and every single one of you aware how grateful I am to have you! 

For those of you who occasionally pop in and read the blog or who haven't read it at all... It's an important lesson to discover who your true friends are but to also know that when you need them the most they will be right there!... 

So remember, if you're feeling a little lost in terms of discovering yourself and finding your journey... Remind yourselves they will find you... 

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A slight little topic change.... 

It's never too late to say a massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only CB! 

I truly, can't believe you're twenty! You're getting old, you old timer!... HA! 

Making memories with your loved ones is the most important thing! Live your life and know you'll friends will be right by your side! 

Who could simply turn down a cocktail? No, not us! 

Birthday celebrations, are always important to share with your loved ones as it truly reflects the best memories and moments you've made! 

It's fair to say Lizzie and I may have had a few too many!! 

On a soppy note, I'm truly overwhelmed with how much you've grown Charlie as a person! You've been my best friend for years and watching you grow has truly inspired me! I am so very proud of you!

I'm hoping you had an amazing twentieth!!

Remember, allow yourselves to grow! 

Much Love As Always, 

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