Mental Health Awareness...

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With it being Mental Health Awareness Day on Wednesday, I thought it was vital to reinforce how important Mental Health is. 

Mental Health, isn't something that is always visual it often is hidden and there is a lot of uncertainty sometimes around Mental Health. 

In many scenarios, it's unclear to people whether they have Mental Health or not. 

It's often that people feel ashamed or as if it's a let down towards people they care about etc, though it actually takes a massive amount of bravery for somebody to admit that they're suffering. 

Mental Health, comes in all shapes forms and sizes. 

It could be the smallest thing that forms a negative mindset that leads to Mental Health. 

I admit myself, suffering from anxiety takes a lot to actually admit that you're suffering. However, that's the biggest step that you have to make in order for yourself and your mind to feel better again. 

The recovery stage, almost shows your life and your life in many different ways. It allows you to understand that others are suffering in ways that you often don't think about. 

Though slow progress is a starting point.

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From males to females, we all tend to believe that by suffering from Mental Health it's a failure. When actually, it shows a lot of bravery and makes friends and family members proud of you for admitting what's happening during your life. 

It's not something that should be frowned upon or believed that it's wrong. In fact, the message is to speak and to share what's happening! 

Nobody is alone.! 

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Social Media has become such a positive platform for; Bloggers, Brands, Companies and Celebrities. However, social media isn't always a positive impact. 

Instagram, has become a way for people to share the lives they lead. Though from time to time, you will find that the lives they share aren't necessarily the lives that they actually live. 

It's hard to define what lives people live these days, as pictures that are shared online and smiles that are posted aren't always reality. 

We often hide ourselves behind a mirror which sometimes is our phone or social media that becomes our defence mechanism to prevent ourselves from our own pain.   

Not everything is as black and white anymore. Sometimes, we have to look further than just the simplest colours and explore. 

As I have suffered with anxiety myself, I feel like I should express a few feelings of my own and how I acted when I found out that I was suffering.

So here we go: 

1. Never believe that your failing yourself or your loved ones. 

2. Don't feel like you aren't strong to admit that you're not okay. It takes bravery to admit that your suffering.

3. Allow yourselves time to find yourselves once again and heal. 

4. Take time to heal even if that's a very long time. 

5. Change your life a little or a lot. Find time to do simple things such as: read a book or go for walks to look after your mind and body. 

6. Never feel like your alone, your surrounded by people who care. 


I hope this helps a little.

Much Love As Always, 

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