Just Some New-bies Of Mine...

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It's a typical new-bee day, so what better way than to open up an 'Anya Marie Ball' blog with a statement 'A' purse and a pink glittery clutch bag! 

It's definitely, a bit of me... A typical, 'Anya' saying for those of you who know me personally. HA! 

I mean, as it's Autumn I think it's kind of the rules to wear a darker shade lipstick... So out comes the Red Lipstick! For those of you looking for lipsticks, my must go to websites are the following: Mac, Rimmel London or JYY X Amber Turner lipsticks! 

Mine and Aaron's obsessions right now are the Charcoal Whitening Toothpaste from Superdrug... We go through random phases, however this is super trendy for those of you who can't afford to have them professionally Whitened. So this is an affordable option. 

As you all know, I'm a massive fan on changing products for my hair and ensuring it's treated correctly. So Hair Masks are a massive item on my list, changing up the treatment I use for my hair is a must have, so my current Hair Mask is the Loreal Elvive Hair Mask which is on offer at the moment at Superdrug for only £3.99! 

For those of you who are Blonde or dyed Blonde, to keep your hair coloured then you're in dire need of using these products as they're bloody good.! 

I swear I always purchase a Detangled Brush and always have to upload it! However, I just become so excited! Eco-Tools are honestly superb, spotting this little new-bee for sure ended up coming home with me! 

As it's Autumn, there's always a need for running the bath right?

So that means, there's always an excuse for heading into Lush for endless amounts of bath bombs! 

How pretty are the bath bombs though?! 

My latest obsessions with Autumn Fashion, is floral and more floral. You can't go wrong with a simple floral print! 

Not forgetting, how gorgeous the Marble Print washing basket is from Primark! 

Much Love, 

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    atas izinnya kami haturkan terima kasi, semoga situs anda dan kami semakin maju dan berada di peringkat pertama google.
