Why Be Someone Else When You Could Be You?

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Previously on the blog, I discussed; 'Mental Health Awareness' I thought that this quote tied in quite nicely with the idea of  believing in yourself and loving yourselves. 

Throughout the World today, we surround ourselves with wanting to change ourselves or wishing to look like others which  damages our own perception of how beautiful we all are inside and out. 

We need to stop and take five moments to remember that we are all beautiful. 

As nowadays people tend to spend too long trying to be somebody else and not using any of that time to focus on themselves. 

I will willingly throw my hands up in the air and express how often I  spend my time reading about the new trends or the new Beauty Tips etc... Rather than, doing it my way I wish to follow other people's looks. Why? - I mean, I love following; Fashion and Beauty Trends. But something I recently discovered is that I love being me. I love doing things the way I want to and I love more than ever to wear what I think looks good and what I feel comfortable in as I love being me. I love living in my skin. 

There's the right balance of wishing to change or trying to change yourselves. I personally, know I would feel comfortable in changing my body to become healthier but I physically know the balance of not changing yourselves too much to look like somebody else. 

The key is to admire other peoples; looks, style and lifestyle but that doesn't mean you have to re-create your key as we all have one key that opens the lock to being you! 

Why be someone else when you could be you?

The World, is now seen through a  'Rose Tinted Glass' where everything is perfect and we base our lives through Social Media. We most commonly, wait for the likes and share perfect pictures when actually is everything perfect?

We live in a World of False Pretence, we believe that looking like; The Kardashian's or buying the most expensive items is going to keep us happy. Yet have we all forgotten what happiness is? 

Happiness, is being you and allowing your friends and family to love you the way you're but most importantly loving yourselves for you! 

I mean, I love The Kardashians  and I appreciate everything that they do or have done for themselves but they all have end goals. Rather than trying to be them, be inspired by them and create your own goals that are for you. Not for the Gram or for others, for you! 

Stay Beautiful, by being the best and true you that you can be!... 

Love Yourself, 

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  1. Terima kasih sudah mengizinkan saya untuk berkomentar disini, artikel anda sangat bagus sekali. izinkan kami untuk menshare nya ke web kami di obat aborsi asli
    atas izinnya kami haturkan terima kasi, semoga situs anda dan kami semakin maju dan berada di peringkat pertama google.
