Denim Days & Boohoo Buys...

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Happy Wednesday!!! 

It was certainly a Happy Wednesday for me last week when I received these beautiful packages at my door.... EEEK!! 

I don't think anything makes me feel as happy as I do when I see Boohoo packages at my door.. Sad, I know! Truthful though! Ha! 

It's pretty darn simple when it comes to finding shoes for me... I'm very repetitive and I often find myself purchasing duplicates of the same shoes... That's often because my mum used to pinch mine... Now I am lacking the excuse, as I have moved to Winchester... Damn it! 

I guess for me, I end up falling with the shoes and finding them super conformable and stylish!

Platforms and Platform Ankle Boots are my most essential items in my closest!! And that's saying something, as I often find myself lost in my wardrobes but it's clear to say they tend to be the most common items that I find in there! 

With platform heels, I find them so comfy and easy to pair with a stylish outfit out or a simple laid back look for work... It's a win win situation, if you fancy adding a little heel for work or if you find yourself adding a subtle sassy inspired look for a night out then stick with the white or black platforms... I've probably show cased about fifty of them since beginning my blog which was nearly two and a half years ago! Shocking, I know... 

However, when I found myself searching through the sale items on Boohoo I found my eyes stumbling across the grey pair of platforms.... Aren't they insanely cute? Oh yes they're! 

So it seems the white and the grey pair landed right into my shopping basket!

I must say, since my love for platform heels was established back when I was eighteen and starting out this blog I have always stuck with the Truffle shoe collection from Boohoo! They never fail to let down and I have always found myself obsessing with the boxes too! 

Then that brings me onto my trustworthy black platform heeled boots! I wear them all the time during Autumn and Winter periods! Again, they seem to be my must have essentials for those season periods.! 

It's always the sassy little pieces that add the most detail!... 

Anyway, a little move a long from my little buys from Boohoo!... 

It's time to share the Denim Days inspired look of mine! 

Ever since, I visited Paris when I was eight or nine years old with my mum I have been a massive fan of Denim wear. 

I remembering strutting around touring Paris with my mum wearing matching denim blue jackets. If my memory is correct, I actually think my auntie Claire joined in with us too! It seemed we always used to have similar tastes. 

Then the styles changed and pairing denim with denim was just a no-no! 

Now, I am so happy to see the return recently of double denim! It's made me so happy! 

I wasn't sure at first if it looked right or if I could still work the looks... Let's just say it's all about having the confidence to pull the look of rather than doubting simply rock it! 

I think, it's all about finding the right jeans and the right jacket to style the look...

Once you have achieved that look, then all is well! 

For your information guys, I have taken a few days off from posting and publishing as I have been super busy with working and socialising with my friends etc... Everyone needs a little break! 

Though, there's so many projects which are coming in the upcoming months!

I have also received many comments from you all, regarding my new hairstyles etc... I must say a massive thank you to those of you who take the time to comment on what I think are simple details... It means the world to me! 

I remember back in November two years ago, I shared a personal blog with you all which showed my lack of confidence in wearing my hair up. It's crazy how things change, when your confidence increases and you learn to let go of the simple things right?! 

Since, focusing on my fitness and my health I have established that I enjoy wearing my hair up and being confident in many different ways! 

Instead of worrying... 

I simply... 


Lots of Love, 

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