Let's Not Say Goodbye, But Let's Not Say Hello...

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Good evening everyone, I am hoping you're all very well and enjoying your week so far. 

I saw this and thought it had some sort of impact on reflecting how I feel right now... From time to time, everyone deals with a low part of their life. Whether that's due to; loosing someone, letting somebody go or walking away to protect the one person you love... 

There are so many different reasons. It could even be a best friend, friend, family member or a partner. 

For me right now, I think it's important to remind you all that I don't always share every single part of my life with you on the blog as there's things that I like to keep private. I'm not made of metal, when I get hit it hurts - in other words, all bloggers have emotions and a life to deal with too. 

Whether, you believe me or you don't not everything is perfect... 

For those of you who know me personally may have some sort of inkling about what's happening right now... Most of you probably don't but I am sure you will relate towards this blog post.

'Let's Not Say Goodbye, But Let's Hello.' 

Dealing with any sort of rejection or pain of loosing somebody you deeply love is truly heartbreaking. But when the person is still madly in love with you and all you want to do is grab the phone and call them or grab them for a cuddle and don't let go of them but you know you can't because things aren't right..

It's important to not shut yourself away from that person completely, as feelings and love are still there but it's also not fair to contact them every single second of the day as no matter how hard it is to not see them it's also important to remember how you both feel. 

Don't push them away if they're a massive part of your life, it's really important to remember that. Just because things weren't working the way you both wanted them too doesn't mean you have to cut them out completely. 

Life is all about learning, for me I am a believer in what's meant to be is meant to be. 

That's not me saying give up and walk away. For those of you who know me, you know I am dedicated to the ones I love... 

Lessons are being learned every single day of your life, make new opportunities and don't be afraid of your feelings. You feel them for a reason, love can only grow but sometimes it grows in different ways.

Are you struggling to; eat, sleep and take things of your mind? 

Life can also be very hard and send you on a long roller coaster with many emotions flying and forming from everyone... Being told to be strong, sometimes isn't enough.

Personally I would suggest; not throwing items away that have meant something to you, not to be rash and hurtful, don't shout before you can speak, listen to your loved ones including everyone. 

Most importantly, you need to take some time for yourself. Find something you love to do, try out new things. Take yourself shopping or continue studying... Remind yourselves, you have so many people who love you and who support you. Keep yourself busy. 

Only when you're ready, try to come to terms with what's happening and how your feeling.

After, a lot of rambling on... I will explain to you what the title of the blog means... Not everything you have to say goodbye too if it's meant to happen it will. Without being forced or pushed to happen. If time is what you need then take the time, but don't make yourself say hello again if you aren't ready to do so. 

But don't be rash to push something so beautiful away. 

Only time will tell... 

Good night my lovelies.... 

AB x

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