Debenham's Tasty New Year Cafe Launch...

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This fits this blog perfectly, especially for me... 

It's fair to say every Blogger enjoys a first hand menu tasting launch! It was an honour when the Debenham's Cafe Manager, Winter asked me to attend the New Year Menu Launch. 

Put it this way, I was left stunned with the variety that Debenham's Cafe for the New Year had to offer. I felt like I was at 'The Ritz' with the huge variety. 

There's me thinking I was at your everyday Cafe, where it's the typical; pot of tea with a slice of cake or a limited range of sandwiches... But Debenham's rolled the red carpet out and put on a blooming display which left me utterly gobsmacked. 

Before, I list a few items from the new menu Debenham's surprised me once again with their 'Wow Factor Deals' that are for a limited time but occur frequently. 

Here's some examples of the deals;  
- A Soup and a Sandwich of your choice for only FIVE POUNDS! 
- A Muffin of your choice with a Large Hot Drink for only £3.95! 
I mean absolute bargains right?

Alongside, many more deals that are featured in the Cafe! 

Now for the part that I know you have all been waiting for... Here's a selection of different dishes and treats that have made it to the New Menu; Beef and Horseradish Sandwich now this definitely turned heads as it's very adventurous yet an original  choice, but for those of you who fancy classic options there's a BLT or Egg and Cress choice for us classics out there. 

Followed by the Wintery Warming Soups, the new addition for sure caught my eye as it is so tasty!... So you must give the new soup a try which is; Carrot and Coriander with a slight hint of spice. Though, if you're fancying an ever lasting timeless traditional soup then Debenham's have the Cream of Tomato soup to offer for you to. They've left me in a right predicament as they're both my favourite types of soup! Oh Debenham's, how you spoil me! 

Now this little new-bee to the menu has certainly blown my mind! It was spectacular and it's fair to say my absolute favourite dish from the menu and I shall be heading back for this multiple times! Debenham's have welcomed; 3 Bean Chilli that's served with; Rice, Sour Cream and Guacamole - mmm I need some right now! This truly opened my eyes as Debenham's shocked me by the diverse range of food that they provide. 

Now for the exciting part the fancy selection of cakes; if you're a coffee lover there's a Mocha cake, a mouthwatering Lemon Meringue cheesecake that's right up my street, a Household favourite Strawberry Tart, unique Fruit Loaf that's delicious a range of different flavoured scones, a scrumptious Carrot cake, an overwhelming Chocolate Orange cake, a delightful variety of Muffins alongside other assorted treats. 

I mean if you aren't thinking about heading down to Debenham's Cafe by now then I'm not sure why! 

Not forgetting to mention, how stylish and Winchester-esque the Cafe looks... 

It's stunning isn't it?

A massive thank you goes to Winter and the Team down at Winchester Debenham's Cafe for inviting me to the New Menu Launch. 

I hope you all enjoy this menu as much as I do! 

Lots of Love, 

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