Monday Motivation & Introducing My New Project...

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Morning To The Blogging World, 

Wow, another week begins!... So let's make every moment last within the 7 days we have!! 

It's been a while since, I have regularly posted online for you all and that's because I have been busy planning away with new things on the blog!! 

Adventure, is what I am seeking as it's time to live and not hideaway! Start embracing being you and take risks... 

Opportunities are always right around the corner, it's about being brave enough to say YES and grab them with both hands!

As your all probably aware on  my home page to the blog, there are a few new additions which loop you all over to the new pages that have become my new projects... 

Can you tell me what they are?!


Of course, one of the new additions to my blog is; Herbalife!!

Working with Herbalife, has been something I become very reliant on without a doubt of the first few moments of joining... It's something, you give your all or nothing too! 

I've been dying to share the excitement of joining Herbalife with you all as it's very close to home for me.! 

What with, holidays coming up left right and centre and of course the Summer gradually getting nearer and nearer as we enter into Great British Summer Time! It's definitely time to tone down the tricky treats and start eating more healthily! Hence, why my fridge contains; cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and lots of milk for my new shakes! 

Sometimes, it's good to start new journeys for the experiences and to say you've tried. Replacing shakes work well for me rather than prepping three meals a day and it ensures that I will at least have something three times a day rather than snacking on all the wrong things!!

In other words, preparing my shakes in the mornings after I've come home from working the night shifts is easy to do but also enabling me to feel confident with doing them as I no longer need to worry about if I am eating etc...

I would often skip meals anyway, which of course is a very bad thing to do to your body. 

So saying goodbye to snacking, has become an easy thing to do as I've turned to my shakes! They make me feel very full up too which is always a good thing as I can't run to the shop anymore to grab snacks as I feel way too full! 

So thank you Herbalife.!.

Throughout, the next few months I am going to be focusing on sharing Herbalife with you and working on myself... So join me on my little journey to becoming a healthier me! 

Becoming, an adviser and part of the Herbalife team has truly overwhelmed and motivated me!...

Nonetheless, Herbalife aren't just the World of shakes they provide a great catalogue of items... From; Health Traits to Personal Care items... We truly are spoilt! 

My Blender is pretty snazzy, don't you think?

Its fair to say that there's a grand selection of exciting products! 

With my Mum and Nan being one of my most difficult critics as they both want me to strive for the best and succeed, I purchased the; Shampoo and Conditioners for them both for Mothering Sunday and to my greatest pleasure they both stated how they will no longer use any other Shampoo or Conditioners as it left their hair in perfect condition... Woohoo! I finally did something right!! 

Go Herbalife!

With revealing a few hints every now and then, it's fair to say I am #TEAM Herbalife and can't wait to share my journey but I would love it if you all could join me along the way! 

Keep on striving to be the you, that you want to be!

Much Love, 


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