Mummy B's 40th Birthday Celebrations & A Trip-away To Ledbury...

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Good Afternoon everyone, well it's been a few days... But I'm back! It's a typical day in England as it's gloomy and of course it's been spitting with rain here this morning.

Image result for rainy tumblr mornings

I mean, I typically go through Tumblr pictures on Instagram and head off into my World of daydreams... I mean, does anybody else do that?

To me, I can successfully say that my checklist has been ticked off for today!

- Wear baggy clothes until I finally have to get changed for work.....

- Messy hair all day!

- Stay in bed, until I really have to get up!

What a successful day, hey?

So anyway, I am sure from my social media you will have all seen by now that around Valentine's Day my family and I were away... That's because, it's my Mum's birthday the day beforehand! It's officially fair to say, she is now a sassy forty year old.! What better way than to share this post on Mothering Sunday too! 

As it's my mum's birthday post, I couldn't resist sharing this stunning photograph of her. Not a lot has changed other than her hair length.! 

I think it's fair to say, everybody was excited for the early road trip to Ledbury. My mini-me was of course very eager to spend her time with me!! I was super excited to spend a long few days with the family!! 

I mean, she's basically me!

It took a while for my Grandad to actually discover this was a Snapchat filter and not his own glasses. HA!

While, Nanny loved her bear ears! 

100%, she's me!... 

It comes to something, when your younger cousin is now a lot taller than you!

Special moments, create so many memories that you'll forever hold tightly by the side of you... You just need to keep a hold of them! 

Wow, I mean it's difficult planning things for my Mum due to the fact she is normally really good at discovering secrets....

However, we all managed to successfully surprise her!!

Heading away and staying in the beautiful Countryside was truly beautiful... Without Wifi and Signal, at first I was worried... However, being able to detox and spend time with my family for the few days we went away was lovely!

I hope you had an amazing birthday Mum, as you truly deserved it! 

Remember, your little girl loves you. 

P.S - New Project Alerts..... Coming Soon!! 

Much Love As Always, 

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