Picking Up The Pieces...

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Hey everyone, are you enjoying your lazy Sunday just like I am?...


As I have sat and explained many of times before just because I'm a blogger that doesn't mean I post everything and share my life story online... It's not actually that interesting, so you aren't really missing out on a lot ha-ha!!

Most of you who are reading this right now may most likely know. I'm not deliberately hiding anything from you all, it's just sometimes we all like to have our own privacy to deal with things, hold our heads up high and move on from things.

Life is truly a lesson that we all learn from. No matter how hurt we all feel through situations, you wouldn't come out stronger if you didn't fight or feel pain!

What's important to remember is; their are people who are always in a less fortunate situation than yourselves. Think of those.

I'm not saying to hideaway from your situations, I'm saying to let time mend.

My most favourite saying, 'Things Happen For A Reason' - no matter how lost you feel because you can't understand why things have changed... Put your focus on yourself.

Find time for yourself, don't become somebody your not as that's really not attractive.

But most importantly enjoy yourself. Have fun with your loved ones and make time for yourself.

Don't waste your time thinking what if or to even consider what may happen during your future.

Trust me, there is absolutely no point in thinking about anything like this due to the fact that nobody knows... Only time will tell.

Keep yourselves surrounded by friends... Focus on your happiness and then things will fall into place the way they should.

I know each and every single day their is someone feeling heartbroken so mainly this is for you girls or boys out there right now who need a shoulder to cry on! Trust me, you will get through this. It's not the end of the world, it may feel like it is but it's not!

Your lives are only just beginning!

Much Love Everyone,

AB x

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