My New Wintery Inspired Hair...

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I feel like, it's been a very long week this week. Is anybody else feeling like this? Maybe, it's just me. 

Anyhow, a little side note but as it's Thursday today I thought it was kind of daunting that we only have four more Thursday's until Christmas Day... I know, kinda crazy right?

I swear that, the build up to Christmas Day feels like we're all constantly closing our eyes and then suddenly we have like two days before it's Christmas Day and everybody is panicking and last minute buying!! Am I right?

Christmas Day always comes round super quick and you seriously question where that time has gone, don't you?


Swiftly moving on, it's been quite a while since my last post and I thought as I had a little time this evening I would post a little blog. 

Around this time of year, I always tend to be rather busy due to the fact that I have; Events or a lot going on in my personal or work life... As we all are, right?

On that note, as always it wouldn't be an "Anya Marie Ball" blog without a few Tumblr quotes right?... Nah, I didn't think so... 

I'm sure that you all have gathered from the blog title that it's going to have something to do with my hair. Well, you guessed correctly! 

But first, can we just pause for a second and appreciate the quotes?

I mean, sassy right?

For anybody that knows me personally or for those of you who read my blogs, I think you will have gathered that I quite love my hair and enjoy going to the Hairdressers like all the time! I joke with my family and friends and say how, when I become a Nan one day I will always be that Nan with the very long hair... I guess we will have to see one day! 

I thought, I would share these quotes though as I feel like both of them are confidence boosters and definitely sassy enough to be shared! 

With my work life being very chaotic over the last few months, I haven't managed to fit a day to pop down to Toni & Guy in Winchester and sort out my roots so as soon as the opportunity came up... I rung and booked my appointment with Jade! Let's just say, I wasn't left disappointed.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in terms of the colouring, whether to stay my warmer blonde tones or go a little lighter... I left Jade with a fairly big and wild case on her hands and 5 1/2 hours later....

This happened.... 

Jade and I decided to lighten the tone of my hair up and blend the tones in to create a Wintery inspired look for the season. 

What better way, than to enter the Christmas period?

I mean, I was truly blown away with Jade's work as I was so overwhelmed with the colour change and am loving my new look. 

However, that said I am never failed when going to Toni & Guy in Winchester the girls always know what's best and have magnificent results. 

If you're ever in need of a trip to the Hairdresser's and happen to be in Winchester then be sure to head to Toni & Guy as you won't be disappointed! 

For any enquiries here is there number:  01962 840422

I feel ready for the Christmas season now! 

Look out over the next few days for more upcoming blogs Ladies & Gents! 

Lots of love as always, 

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