Motivational Thoughts & Inspirations...

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Hi everyone, so after a few days of prepping blogs and creating many new ideas to share with you during the next few months, I finally decided to start with writing and sharing this one with you!! So make sure you keep your eyes on the blog for any upcoming blogs from me! .... 

Recently, I have been taking a little trip down memory lane! Pause, hold up - I actually love that saying as a child as it reminds me of being little and overhearing my elders conversations. Don't you all just remember being nosy and listening into conversations? 


Anyway, back to the point so as it's been a year since I first started writing this blog! I thought it would be fun for me to flicker back to blogs and blog ideas I came up with from that point... It was very interesting to take a little flashback if I am honest with you!! 

What I loved the most, is to see my thought process grow from different types of blogs... 

I guess, one of the main reasons for looking back is to remember where I started from this time last year and hopefully refresh that... My blog is almost like one massive journal for myself and all of you out there who are reading this right now.... (THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!)

I remember being so focused on sharing lifestyle tips etc with you all and as I haven't shared a lifestyle blog with you all for a while I thought it was certainly time for that one... 

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There have been plenty of times, during my life and during your lives where you have given up on something in your life or even someone. It's important to remember why you have made that life choice. 

Last year, I opened up a lot of personal: topics, thoughts, feelings and facts about my life for you guys to know and potentially understand how I felt or to even know the struggle of the situation I had experienced. That will never change, as I will always aim to keep you in the loop as I think it's important to have encouragement or an understanding of how we all feel from time to time! 

Everyone is human. We all have low points and we all have high points! Don't be afraid of battling through the low points and enjoying the high points of your life. After all there what makes you, you! 

My aim to share with you all during this blog, is that it's good to be you and it's more than good to feel good about yourself. Hence, the reason why I opened the blog with what I believe are motivational and happy pictures. It's important to be and feel happy about your life and who you choose to have in your life!

There have been plenty of times where I have been let down by somebody who I idolised and cared about before realising that they didn't really care about me in the first place. We have all been in that position right? The feeling, which you at first deny and can't believe that the person would ever be like that after you have been through a lot with one another! 

Life, is all about swings and roundabouts... Nothing will ever stay the same, changes are happening on a day to day basis but sometimes change kills... You remember the saying/song Kelly Clarkson is known for 'What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger' - whether it's day or night remind yourself that! 

You need to remind yourself that you're surrounded with people who care and love you so much more than that other person did. Be strong, be brave and be you! 

Every day of your life another chapter awaits you and your life. Why would you sit back and watch someone hurt you over and over again? We all deserve to be happy. 

You need to always look on the bright side of life... Yes I have one hundred percent just broken into a song. I guess I can't help but sit here and write this right now and ignore the music playing over in Cowes tonight! 

You know, my love for the Kardashian's don't you? Well let's just dedicate a massive thank you to Khloe Kardashian for sharing this quote on her Instagram page the other day... 

Friendships and relationships aren't always supposed to be... It's not fair for you to constantly be hurt because of a boyfriend or friend doesn't care for you like you do for them. You know a true relationship when you see one and that's what you should focus on.

My final point for tonight is to 'love yourself' - again I am quoting a song... Thanks to JB! 

Seriously though, you can't be happy if you don't appreciate or learn to love and feel comfortable with yourself. 

During, life you will always be faced with set backs, negativity and people who don't care about you the way you cared about them. Take a moment for yourself, should you be surrounding yourself around things like this? You should, surround yourself with people who love you just like you love them... Don't let yourself be dragged down or feel used. 

Allow yourself to be happy as honestly that's the best way to overcome feeling down or feeling rubbish about yourself. People change, people won't always be the same person you met for the first time. Life is changing all the time.! 

So why don't you, learn to be happy? Remember who cares about you and focus on the positives that surround your life.... 

A new chapter awaits you all, remember that my lovelies! 

 Much Love As Always, Love Anya Marie xz
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