When The Storm Crashes...

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When The Storm Crashes... 

Did you hear that they said it was coming?
The silence should have told me everything. 
But I guess, I just couldn't see it. 

The rain was always there but it often was found creeping against the window cills, waiting to hit... 

Did she really know that it was there?
They certainly knew. 

The beautiful light glimmered over her face. 
Would it take long before the light begun to fade?

Her character was once so fierce but now it's so small.

They questioned why but she didn't know.

The lights dimmed and the storm grew stronger. Everything was heightened; every emotion, every pain and every cry.

Will she be able to fight the Storm?

Her mind knew she could but her body was weak. 

The Sky grew darker, then came the flashes of Lightening followed by the big shatters of Thunder...

The sounds made her jump. 

She hid, in the darkness praying she would find a way. 

Faces past her as she continued to hide in the shadows. 

Could they see her?

Would she find a way to battle her way through?

She was crumbling, her heart broken and her loved ones were far away. 

She held her heart, praying the thoughts of the ones she loved would make her clutch onto the good times. 

Would the good appear once again?

Would she ride the Storm? 

Or would the Storm make her runaway until she lost everything she ever was? 

Would she see the light again? 

They laughed. 

She cried.

Everything began to shatter in front of her. 

She fell to the ground, tears streaming down her face. 

The thought of not knowing who she was seemed to break her. She cried. 

She wished she was with her mum. 

She looked up to the sky and there she was. 

Her mum, held her hands out and whispered in her ear: 

"Annie, you're brave and strong you can do this. I believe in you." 

She looked up the Sky and she believed. 

She listened for the laughter but it never came, she grew stronger day by day until the Storm blew away. 

She believed in herself and she found her way back home.

When the Storm attempted to crash she stopped the crash and she believed. 

She began to sparkle again. She could look over her shoulder and she smiled. 

The Storm wanted her to fear, instead she believed. 

When The Storm Crashes... 

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