Teaming up with Vista-Print and Pre-Launching...

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It's finally here.... 

The pre-launch to my new business cards and merchandise are finally here.

So I am insanely excited to be finally be sharing this with you all as it's taken a while to develop however we're finally here! 

Since beginning this project I have been so overwhelmed with the several different designs and outcomes of each individual piece and now finally we're all here.... 

The pre-launch has arrived!! 

No matter, how many times I say this it still feels surreal!!

I have had several different questions since releasing the business cards and the merchandise regarding what finalised the design ideas etc... 

For example, what made me choose the 'A' picture?

For me it was pretty simple to choose this picture, as it captured exactly what I had hoped for. With my blog being known as my name, it was highly important to recreate that factor but to also have something that reflects my name but also myself at the time. With the way the picture captures me at the side of the photo shows myself as the blogger but also expresses the day and night theme with the big 'A' in the background. 

Initially, back in June when I started piecing things together and developing the beginning of this journey with Vista-Print we went down a different road as we thought the idea of capturing different pictures together would recreate a journey through time... Don't get me wrong, I loved that idea and eventually you will see this specific idea through a completely different look... 

However, when this image was taken it was a done deal!! 

The 'A' theme was very relevant and very 'Anya'! 

I will be honest, it took me a while to choose the merchandise as there were so many different things I wanted to release to share with you all but as it's one of the very first projects that I have released on here for you all... We decided to stick with three of the most relevant things...

1) Business Cards - it was of course time, to focus on my business cards for the blog as everyone who is self-employed and developing a business needs a card right?

2) Pens - for those of you who have known since I was a little girl would know there's never been a moment without a pen in my hand or nearby to me. I have always loved writing, it's a trait from my mum with her being an English Literature and Language teacher. So thank you mum, you helped with influence of the pen being the second item.

3) Mugs - well once again, I'm not me without my cup of tea in the morning so what better way than to bring the mugs into the collection? 

With the merchandise going live in the next couple of days, it's fair to say you can buy them through my Instagram or contacting me through social media... 

I have been dying to share this with you all since beginning the project in June. It's taken a while but we're finally here!!

Thank you all, for being the influence to allowing me to develop this journey. 

Much love as always, 

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