Halloween 2017 & My Housewarming Party...

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Please don't say the Halloween period is over already?.... ~ inserts a smiley face! ~ Ha!

As your most probably aware by now, I am a massive fan of Halloween just not the spooky side ha especially when Sarah ends up making me jump!! I prefer the fancy dress and celebrating with your loved ones. As my Grandad would say, "any excuse for a booze up!"

Day 1 - Pre Halloween & My Housewarming... 

I wonder who managed to guess who I dressed as for the party?....

Of course, it was Dead Sandy... 

With moving into the flat for just over a month now, it was about time to  celebrate and what better way to do so than the day before Halloween? As I call it, 'Halloween Eve...!' 

Since, moving to Winchester I have found myself very determined and focused on my career pathway but also I have become very confident within the people surrounding me... I'm very lucky to have each and every single one of you all!! 

My mum once told me when I was a little girl to - 'Focus on the moment and within that moment you'll discover you and your surroundings.' - That advise truly reinforced my feelings for the moments right now! 

My Grandad's response to this would be.... 'Annie, you don't need a mask to look scary!' - Typically funny as always Gramps!!

Prepping for the party with Sarah was let's say eventful with her constantly creeping up on me!! 

I guess for any event such as; Halloween and Christmas I become super childlike once again! Then again, that said when isn't there a day that I'm not like a child! Ha! 

Let's just say, it seemed we have something going on with our hands HA!! 

DAY  2 - Halloween...!

With the party spirit not being far behind us all, it was time to hit the town once again with our spooky-esc inspired looks.... 

Angels and Fairies seemed to be the way forward for the four of us!! 

~Once again, Sarah had to out beat us all with the enormous wings of hers HA! Though, she kept knocking us out when she spread those wings! HA! 

Of course, the second outfit had to be  a dark Angel!! 

Though, I've got to say at the end of the night I was really wishing for Halloween to be in the Summer rather than the Autumn weather as I was freezing.... Sadly, I couldn't take my wings off haha! 

I have got to say, it's been the best Halloween spent with my loved ones and spent here in Winchester and of course in my home! 

To end this Halloween hype of mine this year, I thought I would end it on a question... Have you all guessed what that could be yet?

Yes, you're correct... With my blog being Fashion based, what outfit is your favourite?... Look number 1 or look number 2?

What will it be, Sandy from Grease or the Dark Angel?

Anyway, it's been an amazing month and an incredible Halloween... Let's head straight into the Wintery periods now! YAY!......

Much Love As Always 

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1 comment

  1. What a fantastic party! I can’t get enough of it. You guys look amazing here. Our college is hosting a Halloween party in one of the San Francisco venues and I am so excited for that. It is also a prom night and everybody is going to look horrifyingly beautiful. It’s going to be so much.
