My Current Makeup Look| Featuring A Few January Favourites...

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Thank God It's Friday...
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In saying that, I can imagine by the time I have posted this blog it will actually be Saturday but anyhow I'll crack on with the blog none the less! 

I haven't actually posted a make-up look of mine or monthly favourites in a while... Shocker! What a let down I am? - I am really shocked that I haven't posted them in a while as they tend to be my favourites... 

Anyhow, I will really enjoy sharing this look with you and a few beauty favourites of mine for this month! 

Recently, I have found myself obsessed with using eye-shadows... Normally, I only tend to use eye-shadow for a night out or special occasions. Although, I have found myself using a natural eye-shadow for every day wear... I think it adds a special touch to your makeup, you agree right? 

As you can probably tell I purchased this just before Christmas, so there are a few Christmassy colours in the palette! However, I think they work perfectly for a natural nudey look alongside the time of year as well... So there's a few that you can choose from! 

Having a mixture of colours always helps I find! 

Currently, I tend to go for the mix between a silvery beige eye shadow with glimmers of silver as it's a perfect natural look.

A little handy make-up tip here girls, if you run out of eye brow wax and powder or eyebrow gel... Then always have a little check in your eye palette as I'm sure you will stumble across a colour you can use to blend your eyebrows.! 

It's not that I have run out of any eyebrow powder, I fancied a change and found myself loving the changing I made. I simply apply little amounts onto my Real Techniques eyebrow brush and blend in my eyebrows. 

For me at the moment, my roots are a little darker as I need to take a little trip back to Sammi's to touch up my roots, so I think going a little darker has blended in nicely with my roots! Though, it's not a massive difference as I am naturally blonde anyway... 

Of course, a Real Techniques brush had to make a feature!! 

At the moment, I have found myself obsessing over the buffing brush. I've started to use the brush to apply my foundation as we all use brushes for different things but I feel like it sets the foundation better personally! 

When you find that one mascara for you, you just know girls don't you? 

Naturally my eyelashes are rather long but they're sadly blonde so I'm always in the search for the perfect black mascara! I discovered this mascara thinking it wouldn't be nowhere near the one but I was wrong! So wrong! So thank you for Primark for this little beauty! 

It's definitely one to buy as it creates a longer lash leaving you feeling super confident! 

I'm definitely a Mac Girl! 

I've been using a Loreal and Urban Decay foundation up to the last few weeks and I'm so glad I have gone back to my Mac foundation right now... That's not me hating on Urban Decay or Loreal as I absolutely adore there products but sometimes it's always good to go back to your oldie! 

Mac has always been my favourite foundation as it always leaves my skin feeling super refreshed and soft! Sometimes, I often forget that I am wearing the foundation as it always leaves me feeling super healthy! If you're having problems with finding the right foundation for you, I would suggest heading to a Mac store to test the right shade of foundation for your skin! Go and buy!!! Ha-ha! I honestly can't express how much I love this product other than telling you to purchase one!

Why don't you also ask for a little tester too? I've since ordered this primer as I tend to use it every day to keep my makeup in place! But the primer almost acts as a face cream I find too as it's not too thick and doesn't leave your face feeling heavy! It adds to a better finish for sure! 

Yes, as you can see! I am one hundred percent a Mac Girl and a half ha-ha! I seriously wouldn't know what to do without my bronzer from Mac! It adds a beautiful finish to a natural look too! With me being quite fair skinned, I think it's nice to add a little bronze for an extra tone! 

Here's a little close up of the makeup routine for you all to see... 

Oh and of course, a little shout out to Heid and Jeremy for my favourite cushion still with my name on it! How beautiful!! 

I forgot to say, I've currently stuck to leaving my lips natural to reinforce the natural look but I find myself tending to add a lip shade when I am on a night out or special occasion... I tend to go for the Mac Lipstick shade - Velvet Teddy or a red lipstick right now!  I'm sure they will be featured in the blog soon! 

To piece the look together... Here's a closer look! 

Let me know what you all think of the look and if you have any feedback on the products that I have used above! 

If you want a makeup look to feature then please let me know! 

With Lots Of Love, 


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