I have finally managed to have time to upload my first blog. I thought that after I had finished my A level exams I would publish my first blog! So here it goes!!
I thought my first blog would be the time to give you readers a sense of who I am and what I am like. I hope you all like me and can relate to my blogs and interests.

My name is Anya Ball, I have recently just turned eighteen.
I have always wanted to be a journalist ever since I was little, which is why I am very lucky to publish my articles online with my local newspaper and website which are called: The County Press and Yoppul.
I am a natural blonde with blue eyes and I have a high interest in fashion.
I am currently still studying English Literature and Language at sixth form. However, I have just finished studying Film studies and Fashion studies as A levels.
I am definitely a lover of the colour pink, my friends and family often mention how I seem to own or wear a lot of pink items. It wasn't long ago since I have had my bedroom redecorated as it all used to be pinky colours. Though I managed to finally persuade myself to change the colour scheme and I went for a silver, gold and a little blush colour of pink. So don't worry pink lovers, I haven't completely ditched the colour pink!
I am very family orientated, I love to stay at home and have lazy days doesn't everyone though?
Though, I do like going out with my friends as their all a major part of my life just like my family too! I will make sure I post a few photos to show you all an insight into my life. Plus I will add links to my social media's, so you can take a look if you wish too as I would love for my readers to be a part of my social feed as well as my blogs!
Despite that, I know that I have previously mentioned how I write articles for the County Press and Yoppul. I am very fortunate enough to be in this position to have my work published and to be given this opportunity. I am very grateful, if you would like to take a look at my articles then here is the website: www.yoppul.co.uk - you will find my work by either searching my name at the top of the website or by finding the tags of my name. Though, I am later going to post all of the articles that I have written for the website on here!
I am a huge fan of Capital radio, I listen to mainly all the music in the pop charts. Though, I must say that one of my favourite artists at the moment is Jon Bellion. Jon Bellion, isn't as well known yet however I discovered him with my friend Jordan. I have certainly become a massive fan!! What type of music do you listen too?
I am a lover of films, clearly shown by the way that I studied an A level in Film studies. My film genre has certainly developed since I have taken Film studies as I had to watch films such as: "Scarface", "Goodfellas" and "The Departed". I must admit since the two years of studying film I have grown to adapt to the different genres of films. Though, my favourite genre will always be romance! I mean who doesn't like ''Dirty Dancing'', ''Grease', ''Cinderella'', ''Bridal Wars'' ... The list could go on and on! What genre of film is your favourite?
I must say that all of the ''Spider Man'' films are also favourite films of mine too! Everyone loves a superhero don't they?
Anyway, I think that's enough about me and what I am interested in for tonight. I will make sure I add some photos to show you an insight into my life, along with my social media links.
I would just like to say thank you for taking the time to read my first blog and I hope that you have enjoyed it! Though, my next blogs will be more interesting than this as I am either aiming to write about bad experiences in relationships or 10 top trends of the summer fashion...
Actually, why don't you let me know what you would prefer? I will leave it up to you to choose!!
Social Medias:
Twitter - Anyaaa04
Instagram - babyanyamarie94
Snapchat - Annieb97
Email - anya.babe94@gmail.com

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