Wow... Yes I'm wide awake and working away at this hour! There's no rest for the wicked, right?

I'm presuming the perfect solution for everyone today.... is of course coffee!
I thought that it was about time to address the topic of negative vibes.
Every single day I hear or see online negative comments towards the way; people dress, people talk, people behave or the lifestyle somebody choices.
It's time to make a stand and say no to negative vibes!
Instead of allowing bad vibes to take control why don't we take a stand to share positive comments and to share respectful thoughts towards each other?
When I initially started writing the blog, I never truly opened up about how I felt on publishing lifestyle blogs or any blog for that fact as it had a massive impact on me.
My thoughts were spiralling out of control.
The thought of what people thought of; me, the blog, the way I write, the things I post.... The list goes on and on!
I have since overcome my fear of worrying about what people think.
The only thing that matters is the fact that I'm more than blessed to be pursing the career I love.
Nowadays, it's important to understand that there will be comments that aren't necessarily fair on you to see but eventually you learn to understand you can't please everyone.
I used to sit and home anxious after posting every blog but now, I take note on the odd negative comment and learn from the fact that not everybody enjoys reading the blog or likes the designs I post etc...
Rather than, allowing the small comments to knock your confidence allow the big ones to make a difference and stand strong to focus on your happiness and career.
Encourage others to follow their dreams and let the negatives go!
Lots of love,
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