Reaching 60,000 & A Exciting News Regarding My Move To Winchester...

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How's your Wednesday been so far? Mine has certainly been manic that's for sure! I wouldn't have it any other way though, who doesn't love being busy?? 
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I  couldn't resist sharing the 'Mean Girls' slogan 'On Wednesday's We Wear Pink' with you all as when it's Wednesday I always associate the quote with the day as it's just a natural thing to do when it hits Wednesday!... Your with me here girls, right?! 

Anyway, I feel like I am waffling on again... Nobody has time for this, Anya! 

I've been a little slack with writing blogs and sharing everything with you the last few weeks due to obviously moving from the Isle of Wight to Winchester and switching jobs from working at Peacocks to becoming a full time Blogger/Web Executive/Trainee Jeweller. I'm sure you can understand why there's been a few silences from me here and there! 

I've been slowly dropping subtle hints every so often throughout my social media's more so on Instagram as that's my go to social media like everybody else's right?

Anyhow, so I have taken my eye off the ball which is unlike me as I'm the one and only Anya Marie Ball, it seems I am trying to be funny let's leave that there shall we? Ha-Ha! 

With not looking on the blog as much as I would've normally, I forgot to mention that I have only gone and made over 60,000 views. In fact, I am currently sitting on a solid 60,500! I am super duper excited! That excited, that I have treated myself to a glass of wine! 

There's always time for a glass of wine right?! 

I thought I would share my favourite selfie to go along with the blog as it's a massive celebration and in the future when I look back I wanted to remind myself of that one selfie that I truly liked at this current period of time! 

In months to come or maybe even days, I will probably wonder why I even liked it! I swear, I take them and then dislike them so quickly afterwards! Does anyone else go through this phase too or is it just me? 

I would love to say a massive thank you to every single person who has viewed my  blog and kept up with the many blogs I have wrote since starting the blog which is nearly two years ago now! How crazy is that? Time passes by so quickly doesn't it! Almost just like 'A Thousand Miles'.! 

I am sat here listening to cheesey tunes according to Edward, my new house mate! - It appears to be a throwback session on my Spotify right now!! There's nothing wrong with that though, it's always full of laughter remembering old tunes that used to mean so much to you when you are growing up! I love looking back on memories! 

I would love to say a massive thank you to those of you out there who have sent housewarming gifts for me as I love them! I can't wait to get round to finding the time to individually respond back to you all and share a few online on my monthly favourites! Although, I am sure they will all make a feature due to the fact that I love them all! 

I thought, I would share a sneak view of my new bedroom for you all to see! I have fallen in love with the new homely look! Trust me, I thought home-ware shopping would become tiring or that it would be super easy to decide what to buy there and then on the spot! 

I certainly thought wrong on both accounts there as I bloody love shopping for my homely pieces! I know my nanny B will be reading this and complaining at me for using the word 'bloody' as it's swearing in her dictionary! Sadly, it seems to be a term I use frequently so sorry nan ha! 

However, my bank account is slowly starting to disappear so let's stop spending now Anya! 

Everyone needs homely comforts though right?! 

With recently posting online that I made the move to Winchester and changed my job I have received a few questions from you all, I say the word 'few' as lightly as possible. What I mean to say is, I have currently received a total of 700 emails, which fear not I will respond to all of your questions in due time! 

I know there will be a Questions and Answers blog posted fairly soon so make sure you keep an eye out for that or continue to share your questions with me and I will respond to them all as promised! 

The main question that I have briefly seen which has been repeatedly asked has been the following; 

'What made you decide to leave the Isle of Wight?'

I had always planned on eventually leaving the Isle of Wight ever since I was a little girl. Don't get me wrong it's an amazing place to grow up as a child, especially being so little and peaceful. But when you grow up and decide your heart is all for the world of; journalism and fashion based careers. 

That's when you know, it's time to leave the Isle of Wight and break out into the mainland! I have soon discovered, that people who live on the mainland don't necessarily enjoy you calling it the mainland!  

For me, it was all about finding a job which fit perfectly to the interests I have. I couldn't be happier. I knew I would always leave the Island as I knew there were so many more options on the mainland. It's all about finding the right time and knowing you may fail but at least you have given it your all! 

So for me, I would one hundred and ten percent say leaving the Island was purely based around my career pathway! Knowing what you want to do with your life and having that motivation to follow your dreams is what we all need to do sometimes. It's about being brave enough to believe in yourselves, trust me all your dreams are right around the corner waiting for you just go ahead and grab them!! 

I can't wait to share a few little blog posts with you all this evening as finally my internet works on my laptop! 

Much Love To You All 


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