Reaching 40,000 views...

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Good evening ladies and gents, how are we all? Hopefully we're all still enjoying the late Sunday vibes... 

My Sunday has become amazing and ever so surprising!! I am quite aware that the blog title has probably already given away why I am surprised and feeling truly overwhelmed... 

However, I will elaborate further.... Today, I have reached over 40,000 views on the blog!

I'm literally overwhelmed, I'm so lost for words! 

I know when I read this blog post back later on tonight I will wish I have added more to it, rather than adding lots of waffle! Though, I promise you I am actually so lost for words... Where do I begin?

So I have decided, to take a little blast back to the past... A year and a half ago when I first started blogging! I never ever once believed it would reach this far! 

Let's take a stroll back to my past... I remember the first blog being based around my eighteenth birthday party! I'm trying to remind myself, how I must have felt when writing that very long blog post... At no point did I ever believe I would still be here writing and it's now a year and a half on-wards... A lot has happened, I'm so proud to say I don't regret anything or sharing anything with you all... In fact, I thank you all for continuously reading and sharing the blogs! 

I'm amazed with all of the support! 

It's about time I sat down and thanked you all, instead of individually thanking friends and family members. I thank you all! I thank every reader who takes the time to read my blogs! My American and London audience, thank you! Other world wide audiences too, thank you! It's amazing!! 

Life is all about leaning... Making a chance of something small, being able to grow as a person and making the best of every opportunity there is! I repeat and can't stress enough how important it is to take the chances, don't sit around... go for gold! 

When I started the blog a year and a half ago, I remember sitting in my lounge believing I would get so little views and I actually believed it wouldn't come too much... I believed wrong. I didn't believe in myself, I didn't believe I could do this! The difference is, you can... We can! You can do it! 

All it takes is to believe in yourself, to set standards and accomplish them! 

Be daring, be brave but be you!!

I chose this photo wisely... So many thank you's go towards my beautiful best friend Lizzie Narey for capturing it!

If you see an adventure and a future ahead, set sail towards it... Don't wait behind, thinking there will be another chance! Go, go, go! 

Before, closing this blog post... I have met so many beautiful people since starting the blog, alongside being honoured to work with some incredible people! I wouldn't have been able to do this without all of your support... 

So thank you! 

Here's to another 40,000 views to come hey? Ha-ha! 

Your, Anya Marie Ball x
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