Liebster Award Nomination 2016....

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Hello again everyone, how are you all doing this evening? I hope you're all enjoying the Friday evening! A little, side note before I start writing about the topic of this blog... 

Did any of you watch EastEnders tonight? If you did, what do you think about the incident with Bobby and Jane? I personally, didn't enjoy watching it tonight, well the ending part anyway... I think they've taken it a little too far now and it doesn't really give a good image for kids nowadays does it? Poor Lucy and now poor Jane! 

This opportunity came about this morning when I checked my Instagram account, before heading out to work, and I discovered I had been tagged in a photo by the lovely Steph from Steph's World

The lovely Steph nominated me for the Liebster Award.... I absolutely adore Steph's blog, when I get the time to chill out and read other blogger's pages she is one of the first I head too! Isn't her blog so inspiring and pretty?! If you haven't already looked at her blog, then why don't you go ahead and click the link above?! 

From the look of things I can already see that, Steph and I are pretty similar as I can tell she is down with her beauty products and she clearly loves to go to the theatre. Not forgetting, the fact she likes Harry Potter too! It seems we have a lot in common!! 

By now you're probably wondering what the Liebster Award actually is!.. If you're anything like me, that's exactly what your thinking! I have never heard of the Liebster award before! So of course, I had to head to Google to find out a few facts as well as reading what Steph had to say about it! 

So here's a few little facts for you; the Liebster Award originally started in Germany and many Bloggers have received it over time... It kind of works on the same principal as chain letters or a tag on YouTube... I know sometimes, when people hear the word chain letters they panic and tend to keep away from them! 

But from my research, it genuinely seems like such a good idea as it pulls us blogger's together! I shall get onto that though! 

Anyway, a blogger gets nominated then has to answer 10 questions which has been set and then you create 10 new questions for the next people to answer. It's pretty simple right? It definitely, creates more awareness for: bloggers, their blogs and maybe you could even make a few new friends along the way. 

So Let's Crack On With The Liebster Awards... 

1) What is your favourite drink to order at a cafe? 

This is a tricky one as I think it depends on my mood or what I am fancying! I usually always tend to have a strawberry milkshake, but if that fails then I would choose either water or a cup of tea! 

2) What is your favourite song and is there a reason why? 

I frequently listen to music and that always influences what songs I listen to more often than others. Also with my boyfriend being a DJ, I guess he introduces me to new music all the time so I often change what my favourite music is! 

However, I'm a massive fan of Years and Years I absolutely love their album! It's a hard one, as I have an obsession with every song on their album! I'm going to have to say, that Eyes  Shut is one of those songs that immediately cheers me up when it comes on my playlist! It's one of those songs, which draws so much emotion and reminds me to be strong even when it's hard too! I literally love it! 

3) What do you love to do in your spare time? 

In my spare time, I usually love blogging as much as I can as it's something I love to do! Other than that, it would be: to spend time with family or friends, trying out new beauty products, shopping or heading to the gym! 

4) If you could be called another name, what would it be? 

It would one hundred percent be Daisy as I absolutely adore that name! 

5) What book would you say to be your all time favourite and why? 

Without a doubt, Girl Online by Zoella is my favourite book! I literally, fell in love with the book from the first page!! It's just so inspiring and interesting! Thanks Zoella! 

6) What would be your tip for a new blogger? 

I have so many tips for a new blogger but the first step would be too focus on building your social media depending on if you want your blog to be a little bigger than just having a few people reading your blog! So definitely grow your social media! Or my other top tip would be to just be you! That's what people enjoy reading honesty! 

7) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Ever since, I was little I have always wanted to visit America! I think there are so many spectacular places to visit and I guess I would love to experience the different vibes there! Along with, all the pretty views! 

8) You are going to a desert island, what 3 items would you take with you? 

If I had too choose three items then it would definitely be: a foundation, hairbrush and a bottle of perfume! 

9) If you could only see one theatre show (or film) for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

In all honesty, this has to be my favourite question as it's such an easy decision for me to make! It would of course be 'Dirty Dancing'! I know, Scott will be reading this and thinking typical! It's my favourite film of all time!

10) What is your best joke? 

I'm so not good at jokes!! I'm blonde, as you all know so I guess sometimes I'm the kind of person who doesn't get the joke and has to be told it several times! But there is one joke which sticks in my mind, as my little cousin Max taught me it a few years ago!! - Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? Because he had nobody to go with!! It gets me every time! 

So now it's my time to ask the questions... Now it's all over to you :)! 

1) How did your blogging journey start? 

2) If you could do anything right now, what would that be? 

3) What's your favourite social media account and why? 

4) In your quiet time what do you enjoy doing the most? 

5) When you first started your blog, where did you hope it would get you? 

6) What's your most used blogging prop? 

7) Can you list five places where you are dying to visit? 

8) What's your favourite restaurant? 

9) If you had the chance to meet a celebrity, who would it be and why? 

10) If you had the chance to help out another blogger, what would be your top tip? 

My nominations are - 

Amber Anderson from Cups Of Thoughts And A Bag Of Tea

Sophie Louise Gordron from Sophie Louise Gordon

Patise Gorman from Patsie's Thought Kitchen

Aubrie and Meg from Lovely & Luxe

Lewis Duncan Weedon from L D W Blonde At Heart

Sun Shine Day Dream  ... 

Let me know when you guys have uploaded your Liebster Award Nomination blog! I can't wait to read your answers!... 

Thank you once again, Steph! I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in this blog and I can't wait to read your other nominees blog posts! 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie xx
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