Find Someone Who Makes You Happy

I know that this is a late blog but as I have promised you all whenever a thought or a feeling comes to me I will write a blog about it because someone somewhere may feel the same or have experienced something similar. 

Plus the fact, that I want the readers of my blog to know and understand me that little bit more each time. 

So as you have probably already guessed this blog is a lifestyle blog! 

Anyway, I shall get on with the blog now! For my family, friends and for that one special person who is now currently reading this and thinking I know exactly what she means I hope your proud of this blogs and I also hopes it helps other people! 

Recently, after a hurtful relationship which I won't go into too much detail as it doesn't need to be elaborated on. I have found myself feeling happier and healthier and this is purely due to the fact I have put myself first and surrounded myself by people who you really do mean something too! 

To have a balanced happy life you need to find yourself but you need to make sure you find someone who makes you feel amazing twenty four seven! 

Once you do he or she will change your world for the better. 

I hope I have helped you all tonight! 

Lots of love, 
Anya x
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  1. Hey, this post actually touched home with me, as I have recently just got out of a break up and have decided to blog about it to try and help me through, I thought it was me writing for a second haha, kind of similar style blogs, I like yours btw :)

    If you have a second to check mine out that would be cool :)

    1. Hey,

      Thank you ever so much for the comment, I like to see what you all think of my blog. I am really glad that my blog managed to touch you and I hope it was in a good way! In terms, of what you have experienced I have experienced the same with a bad break up - so I am always happy to write blogs like this as I hope it can help others. However, I have managed to find happiness through sadness and the bad experience of break ups and I have found someone who makes me really happy. So I definitely, love writing lifestyle blogs like this as I like to use and take the experiences that I have been through to help others. Well done for starting your own blog, remember that you're strong and you will always get through things! It may seem hard at the time but you'll find out later on that it wasn't as bad as you first thought! :)

      Thank you for saying you like my blog, I will have a look at yours right now. I am sure your blog will be lovely! Please follow me on my social media's and keep a regular look out for my new blogs!

      Lots of love, Anya x x x x
