My Current Obsessions & Pretty Pieces!| June's Monthly Products.

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Is it just me who spends forever googling pretty inspired pink Tumblr posts?
A girl certainly dreams, doesn't she? Well, I do.... 

I often find myself spending hours on end searching for pretty inspirational decor designs....! 

Moving swiftly on, it's been a while as I stated yesterday hasn't it? It's been nice over the last few weeks to finally get back into the swing of things and work on posts for you all. I'm guessing you've all missed me, right? Who wouldn't have missed some Anya Marie Ball loving? Ha-ha! 

Well I'm back so you don't need to worry now he-he!!

As you can see, I have gone a little lighter. I feel like, turning lighter is the way it should go for summer!! Don't you agree?! 

Side note, well-done to England for heading into the World Cup winning their first game against Tunisia! 


Anyway back to the blog before I find yet another reason to distract myself from the topic... 

Rather than, dedicating a separate blog for my top Fashion and Beauty products I thought I would head back into the old blogs I used to post for you all... 

Any guesses on what they could be?...

You know it...!! My monthly favourites.... I used to select every month a range of different products to share with you all! So let's roll back into that and head back down to memory lane. 

I spotted this newbie bag in Primark a couple of weeks before my birthday and couldn't resist purchasing it. 

It's ideal for using it for a quick trip away. 

Wow-eee how beautiful are these babies?! 

Head over to Lavish Luxe!  to find absolutely stunning trend worthy shoes that believe me you won't be able to take your eyes off! 

How perfect are they for summer?... 

Simple chokers are so on trend recently and they definitely make an outfit more dressy! 

I would for sure recommend searching for this beauty bag in Primark as it has two sections which now contains my make-up brushes and my make-up! 

With summer here, what better way than to purchase pretty 'n' pink aviators?

A girl can never have more than one highlighters in her make-up bag right? I mean if you're anything like me you would definitely have more than one possibly four! 

Again, Primark seems to be my go to right now. In all honesty, they have a lot of star buys right now. 

I stumbled across these two gorgeous beauty cosmetics! 

The Mink Pink and Peachin' Highlighters are absolutely stunning... 

The shades definitely provide the wow factor.

The gorgeous Peachin' has a pinky goldy tone which definitely makes a statement for summer. While, the Minx Pink sets a subtle sun-kissed glow with mixed tones of; a nude pink, silvery and subtle hints of gold. 

A monochrome jumpsuit, this is a must have essential for your wardrobe as it's suited for all seasons! 

My oh my, thank you to Amber Turner for sharing this outfit post I then stumbled across JYY London which provided me with this gorgeous two piece! 

Well that was a blast from the past as I shared my monthly favourite products with you all!!. I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane though! I've always loved monthly blog posts for you all.

Do you think I should continue my monthly posts?

Let me know what you think! 

Lots of love,


A Few Beauty Obsessions Of Mine...

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Welcome back everyone!! I mean, I should probably rephrase that and say I'm back ha-ha! 

How are you all doing? Well, I hope. 

What with being a way for a few weeks, it's  fair to say I'm back and for sure I have a lot to share with you all... 

I wonder if you have any suggestions on future blogs? Let me know, as I'll do what I can! 

What better way than to come back and share a Beauty based blog...

I mean come on glitter and pink how could you possibly go wrong? Not forgetting, the accessible 'A' style cute little statement bag. Love it! 

These are definitely, a must have for me! 

You can purchase these from... 

It's been a little bit different for me as I have stuck with Real Techniques for as long as I can remember but with recently turning twenty one, I fancied a change. 

So let's welcome.... ECO TOOLS to my make-up bag! 

For years, as I said above I have used Real Techniques brushes especially the angled eyebrow brush however it was time for a change and it was definitely a good change. I'm currently obsessing over Eco Tools, the eyebrow brush kit comes with a brow brush to neaten your brows and create more of a shape. Alongside, an angled eyebrow brush which creates a defined shape. 


Can we just appreciate how gorgeous the packaging is? How stunning the marbled packaging against the gold and pink cover! Wow! Not forgetting, the fact the brush is truly beautiful with the white on gold! Love it! 

Again, replacing my foundations brush has always been Real Techniques but again this has become another obsession too!

It's fair to say there's a collection here! 

An interesting collection, as we start from the; Buffing brush, Powder brush, Fan brush and Contour brush! 

They all have amazing features and are absolutely stunning!! 

I definitely recommend the Masod brushes for sure! 

For all of the above brushes that I have shared you can buy from.... BOOTS!

Keep your eyes peeled as there will be many more blogs heading your way for sure! 

I hope you've enjoyed the back! 

See You Soon.... 


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