I'm back, did you miss me?...
It's certainly a warm welcome to October!! I'm finally super excited as I know Autumn is right around the corner which means its time to cuddle up on the sofa with Christmas movies and a warm cup of coco in your hands!!
It's exciting!

I find it so difficult to make up my mind whether I prefer Summer or Autumn... It's definitely one of the hardest decisions, right?...
They both have a massive impact on me!
When the autumn leaves begin to fall, that immediate feeling to grab your scarf and platform boots send sparks running in motions!! Anybody else agree with me? Mmmm-hmmm!
Not forgetting, that Halloween is right around the corner too! Oh, how exciting!
It's been a while since, I have posted online. I am sure you're all aware it's typically the busiest months upcoming! I have a lot to share with you and to explore with you all.
Meetings with incredible people are also being featured on here soon! <3
My best advice to you all is to...
'Not get lost in you, allow yourselves to find you before you find others!'
I find myself often trying to help others rather than focusing on myself. I often get caught up with other people's emotions because I'm right there rather than thinking of what I need.
It's not a bad thing to help others, in fact its admirable and it shows you're a good person but sometimes you need to be good for you and you only.
You would have noticed, I have been heading to the gym and not as frequent with posting uploads online recently...
Sometimes, it's good to hide.
Take time for you and allow yourselves to be listened to, too!
Now let's start focusing on the winter weather as it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas period already....!!
How fancy, is this little mug?...
One thing, I always find myself excited for is buying Christmas gifts for others. How exciting!...
If you saw my, Instagram story the other morning I'm sure you would have noticed that Christmas may have possibly already have started here in my house!
You can't go wrong with a hot water bottle, hot coco with marshmallows and pretending your younger than you actually are. HA! Yep, that's me still pretending I'm eighteen - maybe I just love the cup.. Thanks
Let's head into Autumn with happy and positive vibes!!
Lots of love as always,
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