Good evening everyone.!
So with not posting in a while I thought I would do a brief 'Catch up with Anya'.
First of all, has everyone had a lovely Monday?
Or has it been one of those Monday's again?
Anyway, with it recently been such a packed few months for me I haven't had the time to blog though that doesn't mean I haven't been planning or busy editing... as I can assure you that I have!
Recently, I have been focusing on building my new life in Winchester alongside being rushed off my feet with work. Adapting from a teenager to an adult isn't easy, though it definitely has left me with a rewarding feeling as even I can recognise how much I've grown as a person.
Which leads me onto something, I have briefly touched upon in a previous blog... Allow yourselves to be proud of yourselves as when you do that's when you achieve!
I thought I would do a flashback to a year a go as it's always important to reflect upon yourself.
I genuinely can't believe how lucky I am to know my blog has taken off and I truly feel honoured. I am overwhelmed!
I want you all to know that I am grateful and I honestly can't wait to keep sharing my life with you all.
Since moving to Winchester I have branched out in terms of finding activities to do! Living in a city when compared to an Island is completely different there's so much more happening which has allowed me to have the confidence to share so much more with you.
Of course, I have been focused on developing my relationship with my father and family and I know how keen you all are to hear about that too. I have received so many emails regarding this topic and I honestly can't express how grateful I am that you share your stories with me and I will always help you all as much as I can.
I have however, recently taken a slight break from posting any fashion or beauty blogs as I have been so hectic with planning styles and outfit organisations too!
So please don't stress, as I honestly am working away for you all!
I am most likely aware that you have seen a few posts on my Instagram regarding my birthday posts etc... There are so many things I am dying to share with you all!!
I wonder if any of you know what's to come.... If you don'y see if you can guess, as I look forward to seeing your comments!
If you have any suggestions on a blog post then please do leave your suggestions below as I am eager to see what you wish to read!...
Anyhow, I wish you all a lovely and positive week!
But you must remember to make your dreams come true you need to believe!
Follow your heart and make things happen!
Much Love As Always,
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