The World Is Your Oyster....

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Monday... Monday... Monday... Oh Monday, what shall we do with you today?...

From reading your comments and seeing how much you liked previous motivational blogs I couldn't resist sharing another with you all.... 

Especially, as I have been pretty slack with uploading my blogs with you all recently. Moving to Winchester from the Isle of Wight has been somewhat more chaotic than most days I would spend my time blogging at home on the Isle of Wight... There's just so much more I have to share with you all! 

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It's taken a long time for myself to believe the quote above... 'The World Is Your Oyster' and that's because I believe you have to believe in yourself first!

From reading your comments to your emails, it often reminds me of how important it is to remind you that new opportunities are within the grasp of your fingertips. 

There are many opportunities that are turned down because we fear what others think of us. 

We should all turn our focus on fearing the opportunities that we may loose.

Be who you want to be. 

There's always the fear and pressures of what others think in the back of our minds but why should we allow that to determine our life choices? We shouldn't! 

If there's anything that I wish the most to receive from posting this blog then that's to be able to break the mould that surrounds our thinking when it comes to making our own choices and allowing our pathways to only be determined by ourselves.  

It's of such importance to know and to remember that the world is our oyster and you can go wherever you want to go and do whatever you want to do. 

I'm not saying it's not going to be a rocky road but eventually it will all become clear along the way, with determination and confidence we can all reach our potential. 

If you love something, do it! No looking back, no regrets just determination... 

When I initially begun blogging back in 2014, I had no idea that I would still be sat here right now writing away sharing as much as I share with you all. My blog has become so much to me, so much more than what I originally thought it would seem to be. At no point, did I ever believe that I would reach over 10,000 views let alone reach 80,000 views! It's crazy, but I am so passionate about it and I simply love sharing everything that I love with you all. 

Needless to say, there were people and still are people who try to discourage me along the way. I have now discovered to focus on only what you truly love as that will bring you such joy. 
Allow negative comments, to make you work harder and to motivate your determination...

Follow your heart and believe! 

Lots of Love, 


Monday Motivational Vibes...

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It's Monday right around the corner... How could I resit posting a few motivational quotes for you all to enter the new week with?... 

Let's enter Monday knowing we can rather than allowing our minds and others to tell us that we can't... 

Because we can!!.... 

If you believe that you can then there will always be a way... Opportunities and hope, remind yourselves that you can!! 

The day you start believing is the day you start living... 

Don't be afraid of living your lives!... 

Lots of  love, 


Primarni Spree 2017...

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There's always time for a lazy Sunday, right?... 

Well, though I enjoy doing absolutely nothing there's days where I absolutely love having so much to do that I can't even spare a moment to think of the little things I haven't completed in my day... Does anyone else feel exactly the same way as I do?

With it being a Sunday, I thought it would be the ideal time to share some recent bargains of mine with you all... Especially, as Primarni has begun stocking for Autumn fashion wear! How exciting!! 

I know for a fact that Primark is a little in-between as it's hit and miss sometimes... But when the stock is good, it's good!! 

With, recent blogs I have posted I thought it would be perfect to share a few little newbie buys I have purchased as your all aware fashion is a huge interest of mine... 

Plus, it's another little sneak peak into my wardrobe! Though, I have a few beauty products as a little surprise to share with you too as a little extra surprise!!

As I have previously stated in a blog I have posted recently, I am very inspired by Megan Mckenna's style and she certainly has brought back sliders this year! 

I love the edgy look that's portrayed through sliders though the fun and casual beach look is definitely trendy too! 

Loafers are of course my favourite shoes by far for Autumn weather. When I initially see loafers they scream out Autumn fashion to me as they're so fashionable!  

Monochrome and off the shoulder tops have been incredibly sassy during this years fashion seasons and I simply couldn't resist! 

Shirt dresses are perfect paired with a snug pair of heeled boots and a fur coat for Autumn!

Those of you who know me well enough by now, of course I have bodysuits surrounding my wardrobe aren't they just the most comfortable but also chic item of clothing?

I've been asked so many questions since beginning blogging but there's always one question that remains in my mind... I wonder if you have all guessed by now. 

'What item of clothing do I find reoccurring in my wardrobe?' 

Without a shadow of a doubt, my leather jacket is most certainly the item that always finds itself reoccurring in my wardrobe. It's just one of those items, that I can't seem to misplace!

Now it's time for the beauty products.... Isn't that always the reliable part of Primark?

I've been in search for a new night cream recently as I like changing up my beauty routine. It's definitely worth purchasing but fear not I will review the product for you all in more detail!

Face masks are the perfect beauty treatments for snuggling up on a Sunday afternoon as the rain pours down against your windows, while in the distance the TV is on with your catch up programmes on repeat and of course your hot cup of tea is on the table-side... 

My key to Autumn fashion is without a doubt boots... But heeled black boots are of course my favourite, I simply adore them!! 

Until next time my lovelies!... 

With Love, 


You Define You....


It's been a long time coming...

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I thought over long and hard about how I could write this blog for you all. Many months on end of preparations towards writing this blog.

You may question why, though most of you who are fellow Bloggers yourselves or for those of you who think you know my story or part of it may have a slight idea of why this blog is so important to me and hopefully it leads you all to that light at the end of a dark tunnel too! 

We can all wish for lucky stars right? Though, can we make the lucky stars come true?

Well that's up to you...

Sometimes, we live in a world which appears blind to us. It certainly, was very blind to myself up until around about this time last year. I knew so little about myself and the life I was beginning to lead... 

I was pretty clueless. 

Have you ever been in a place, where you feel you have no reasoning for? No light at the end of a tunnel? No idea what your purpose is? I have and I am pretty sure we all have at some point in our lives. 

Denial, is an attempt of strength. It's actually a strength to know and believe what your being faced with and when you reach that point, it becomes the point where you see a light and know your reasoning's.

I found myself in a rut and now I see it. I constantly, found myself turning down opportunities which at the time I didn't even know I was turning down because I turned a blind eye to them each and every time. I found myself  focusing on my ex partners life rather than focusing on my own. Day in day out, I lead a life of which I wasn't happy. I was not! 

I have since, found my family. I found it in myself to accept that I needed to know both my parents and my family along the way. To find a weakness, is to build a strength and that's certainly what I found myself doing... 

Memories and moments will always last forever but you need to grasp the fact that they will always stay with you because that's you... A part of you! 

'You Define You'... 

Along my journey, I built an inner strength in knowing my story was only just beginning... I found myself, motivated in what I loved and of course that was writing. I needed that split moment to make me realise and understand what truly was in my heart! 

I have always dreamed of becoming a writer. Little did I know, my blog was moments away from falling into the place I never once dreamed of it reaching... It did more than what I had ever imagined. 

Slowly, but surely my jig-saw pieces were falling into place and that's because I took the moment to believe in myself. 

I thought, I had lost the world when I believed my heart had broken. I published blogs which at the time meant the world to me, now they have become the reasoning as to why I am here.

My mother once told me:  
'When you believe your broken it's the moment you know your alive.'

Since, publishing 'The End To A Goodbye' -  I've become me. Myself. 

However, I have been so honoured to have been able to experience others journeys along the way. Simply, because I was brave enough to share mine with the world. 

I'm asked on occasion, what the purpose of my blog was for and my response would have been so different a year ago... Now my response, is to share my life with others who need the motivation to know it's okay to not be okay. 

I have attended many events, to help inspire young adults and children like myself to know there's a life out there if your willing to live it as it will always be okay... 

Though, my blog is a fashion and beauty blog too and I have found myself lucky enough to become an influence on Instagram, I will always still be the one to encourage to believe. 

As what's my blog without hope and motivation? Every single one of you who read my blog or who still does, believed in me and that's why I will always wish to share my life and my experiences with you all. 

I once believed in playing the safe options and then I realised I wasn't living.

I could have stayed in a relationship believeing I was happy though knowing I wasn't and it wasn't right... 

I saw the light! 

I allowed myself to follow my own journey and through doing that I established myself. 

The parts of me that were missing...

You may have to overcome fears or troubled timings, but it all adds up to an experience.

My outlook towards life is that I would rather have ten failed attempts of a new opportunity rather than one easy route of unhappiness... Why should we fear opportunities? Shouldn't we be chasing them?

Being confident, isn't a failure its a strength. 

Time after time, I hear and read stories which sadden me as somebody has been bullied for being confident or their believed to be a snob... Why do we find joy in mocking those who aren't afraid to make a life for themselves? 

I took a chance when nobody else believed in me and I moved to Winchester... With no family, nobody other than my best friend Charlie to support myself. I made that decision because it was a pathway which led me to stability in my life... 

But most importantly, it led me to a journey of experiences!... 

My point, I hope you've all recognised today is that you shouldn't be scared to make your own choices. It's your lives and you should live it. 

Follow your dreams, even if they change along the way... You won't know until you try. 

For those of you who feel troubled in anyway or who even need a little guidance then please do drop me an email or a message on my Instagram... I will be sure to get back to you all! 

Be You! 

With Love, 



Beauty & The Beast PJS....

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It's Friday, how could I only post one blog for you all? I simply couldn't... So I have treated you with two instead!!! 

It's a typical Friday evening here in the United Kingdom, as it's pouring down with rain and it seems its one of those evening where you climb into your pj's, put the TV on and make yourselves a cup of tea! Am I correct? I wouldn't say I am far wrong... 

Though, with that being said in my case it doesn't seem to be just any sort of pj's... It's of course the beautiful Beauty & The Beast pyjama set which ladies and gents you can find at your local Primark stores!! Hurry down there though as they are selling quickly!!

It must be all those Princesses out there, that are in need of the perfect pj's!!

How beautiful are the range? I love the fact the hoodie is so beautifully thought through as a design! I won't lie, I would wear it out of my house as a normal hoodie! Why shouldn't it come to the gym with me if I wish it to do so? It's potentially become my favourite hoodie! 

The pj bottoms are just as beautiful as they capture the characters and of course there pink how could anyone go wrong with a little dash of pink? You simply can't!! 

Last but not least, the mesmerising delicate peplum baby blue Chip and Mrs Potts 'I only wake for tea' slogan pj top! It's needless to say how beautiful the top is, don't you agree? 

Thank you to my nan and grandad for purchasing me the most beautiful pj set! 

Isn't funny how, wearing something makes you feel special and Princess alike.... Ha!! Imagination, is a beautiful thing! 

I wish you all a lovely weekend and let's hope your dreams come true....! 

Mine would be to stop this horrible weather!! 

Much Love As Always,


A Sneaky Look Into My Wardrobe...

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I'm back again with another fashion based blog. It seems, from the last few blogs I have posted previously that you have all missed my fashion based blogs... 

I must say, it's taken a while for me to reflect on how much I have missed posting them too!

Fear not, I am back with a Friday Fashion blog for you all! 

As you can see I am into the pretty delicate blouses currently. I love the pretty peplum sleeves and of course the beautiful embroidered flowers it's so stunning.

Followed by, the waist straight leg tie black trousers which are perfect for work or an evening attire. 

I'm presuming by now you have an idea of how Megan Mckenna has become a style icon of mine... If you haven't then I openly admit that I am inspired by Megan's taste towards her fashion!! 

Two of which fashion items I have shared with you on the blog today are from her clothing range at MissPap - so be sure to check her range out!! 

However, with Megan's style becoming such an inspiration to my wardrobe I couldn't resist purchasing a pair of sliders from Primark which I must say are intensely massive in the fashion industry right now. Though, my mum beat me to purchasing them as she had already bought them for my twentieth birthday back in June.... so thank you mum, it seems your always up to date with my new fashion tastes etc.! 

My last and final fashion piece I am sharing with you today, is my beautiful new dolly shoes!! 

We all have far too much room for new shoes in our lives, right? As I have said before, I think I pick shoes much better than I do men! Ha! 

It's a ladies motto, right?!

Anyhow, to add a little sass to your look I think it always goes down to the fact of what you pair with your look and finding the right shoes for your look is a massive essential!! 

It's all about the detail! 

That brings me to the end of a sneaky peak in my wardrobe, I hope you all enjoyed it!!... Until next time! 

Much Love As Always 


Mouthy By Megan Mckenna....

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Well what can I say, I have never been one for being quiet? Therefore, I think I fit in perfectly with the 'Mouthy' range by Megan Mckenna. 

Without a doubt, I have been more than excited to drop this blog for precisely a month and fifteen days! Indeed, I have even counted the days!

The amount of times I have spent re-writing, editing and starting the blog all over again is beyond me.! 

Without fail, you all should know that I am a massive fan of Megan! Which means, I have a liking towards her beauty range and not to forget her clothing range on MissPap. If you haven't seen Megan's range online then be sure to click on the link (MissPap) as it's to die for! 

Megan's beauty range has clearly taken a liking to as it's been appearing left right and centre on Instagram. How could I resist? No chance! 

Though, I must admit I had my doubts at first as I am a very much a Mac girl. I find it hard to breakaway from my trusty Mac essentials. Is anyone else the same?

Anyhow, my twentieth birthday came and guess what else arrived before my eyes!!??...

My first ever 'Mouthy By Megan Mckenna Matte Liquid lipstick and lip liner' in the shade Spa Day and Sand... Absolute bliss!

Again, a big thank you to my step-mum for surprising me on my birthday with my favourite lip-kit! 

Spa Day and Sand lip-kit is honestly my most frequently used lipstick and lip liner to date! 

Initially, my first impressions were of course based around the Mouthy box that comes with the two beauty cosmetics. It might just be me but I always find myself assessing what the packaging looks like as it adds that sense of a first impression, you know like an extra touch. It works wonders believe me as it shows how Megan and her team went the extra mile! 

The box stands out a mile to me, it provides that 'street to chic' bad-ass style alongside capturing a sophisticated and elegant but bold statement beauty piece. 

With the designs hitting the spot is there anyway the products could be less perfect? No, not a chance! 

The matte lipstick has a twisty end that you twist gently as you won't need too much as I find the amount that comes out is more than enough anyway. Simply, apply to your lips along with the lip liner. 

You probably know by now that I haven't really used a lip liner before as I keep it pretty simple.

Empower changes as it develops your beauty! 

Mouthy seems to have been my very first trial, attempt and love lip liner... (that's for sure!)

The colours are so stunningly beautiful even that seems to be an understatement. 

The shades truly compliment each other, as you can see from the above photos as I am wearing both the lipstick and the lip liner.

Much love as always, 

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