It's The End To A Goodbye...

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Hello Blogging World!!

By now I'm pretty sure you're all wondering what this blog is about... As I have previously told you all, I tend to try and keep parts of my life private as it's not healthy for me to share absolutely everything with you all... Eventually, when I feel like the time is right then I will come out of my shell and explain parts...

Only, a year ago today things were totally different. But things happen for a reason!

Scott and I have parted, I have seen a lot of your messages wondering what's going on etc... Well it's time for me to explain little parts to you all.. I'm not going to sit here and disclose everything as that stays between Scott and I.

Did I see it coming? No. I didn't at all! I don't believe Scott did either however it is what it is.

I turned to you all for some sort of closure I guess. It's a very confusing situation and I guess we have all been in a place before, where we didn't understand parts of our lives to some degree.

But hey let's not dwell on the past let's set sail to the future!!

I'm happy and I wish Scott the best with his university courses too. We both deserve to be happy and personally I feel like having reached this point of wishing the best etc and not having any bad emotions towards any of us is a really good thing.

Every girl and every boy goes through an angry stage of wondering what if's or buts or almost a hate stage. Again, I don't know if he has reached that stage however I know I haven't.

Cutting contact from the person you loved and getting used to different routines is so important!

Pick up your crown and remember you're who you're and you always will be! Don't be afraid of failure, people fall sometimes and it's what makes them stronger!

I would love to say a massive thank you to my best friend Lizzie, my mum and family members for being so supportive through a difficult time. Plus a massive thank you too all my friends who have chipped in to help make me smile!

So thank you, I wouldn't be as strong as I am without you all!

For now, I am sure you can understand I am taking some time for myself.... I have lots of things to look forward too! Keeping yourselves busy is very important and looking out for your loved ones is the most important thing!

Keep yourselves happy!!


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